Reincarnation Question (Any help is appreciated)

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Reincarnation Question (Any help is appreciated)

Post by Twenty-Two » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:19 pm

Is it possible to reincarnate as someone with an unfinished mission, and spontaneously recall it at a predetermined age? I say this because I believe myself to be the reincarnation of Malcolm X.  If you know of this man, (Google Him) you know he had a complete realization in his final days that led him to have a more humanistic view of racial relations. After this realization, during a time where he was becoming very influential here and abroad; he was assassinated.

When I was a child, I would have visions, or daydreams of myself (not my current adult face) being on a talk show with a goatee, talking to people about random things. I can't fully remember what the topics were. The only thing I recall was that I was on a panel of some sort. I never really told anyone about it but looking back at it, I do find it rather strange that a 5 year old would have daydreams about being on a talk show.

Just recently, around the age of 22... I had this terrible experience of insomnia where I could not sleep for 3 days, starting from June 23rd to 25th of 2009.  At first, I attributed it to some physic experience of me foreseeing the death of Michael Jackson, having being a good friend of one his oldest good friends. But after further research, I found out that Betty X, the wife of Malcolm X died on Jun 23rd 1997. Also after further research, I learned that Malcolm X had been with an organization which he helped build for 12 years. The time from betty X's death to June 23rd 2009 would mark a 12 year anniversary of Malcolm X's days with this organization.

In the coming months, I would notice strange things. I would notice how certain African Americans, typically those in the age brackets of 40+ would look at me, and nod almost instantly, as if they knew me or something. Even the younger ones, would pay respect.. or glance over, almost as if I was an alien. First this scared me because I wasn't used to it. I know of politeness but this was different.

Malcolm X was also shot with a shotgun in the chest. For some reason, during the three day insomnia episode (Let me add that I never had any history of it, or any other case of it after), I had a dull chest pain. Until this day, it has come and gone.. but I'm a pretty healthy person, very athletic.

I have included pictures of the eyes and one angled pic. I let a few secular people look at the pictures and they said how similar the eyes were. Scary similar.

Anyway, here it is. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Side Pic

Angled Picture

Sets of eyes (My eyes on the left, his on the right)

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:31 pm

Is it possible to reincarnate as someone with an unfinished mission, and spontaneously recall it at a predetermined age
I would say, yes, if the theory of reincarnation is believed in and sound that is.

But I will go no further into the in's and out's of the man you have chosen, that is a can of worms ready to pop!

Be aware that it is easy very  to get obsessed  by the idea that we are someone else in a previous life, it is far too easy to identify with another, and to me you have got to a state that I would consider discussing your thoughts with someone in real life that is experienced in reincarnation and psychotherapy. Spending too much time on another life is something that can be very damaging to this life, this reality, this one spirit.

It's good that you ask questions but I do feel that would be better off grounding more and take more interest in this life. There are far too many copycats that cause problems when they are under delusions of being another.

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Post by Twenty-Two » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:50 pm

Cascade of Light wrote:
Is it possible to reincarnate as someone with an unfinished mission, and spontaneously recall it at a predetermined age
I would say, yes, if the theory of reincarnation is believed in and sound that is.

But I will go no further into the in's and out's of the man you have chosen, that is a can of worms ready to pop!

Be aware that it is easy very  to get obsessed  by the idea that we are someone else in a previous life, it is far too easy to identify with another, and to me you have got to a state that I would consider discussing your thoughts with someone in real life that is experienced in reincarnation and psychotherapy. Spending too much time on another life is something that can be very damaging to this life, this reality, this one spirit.

It's good that you ask questions but I do feel that would be better off grounding more and take more interest in this life. There are far too many copycats that cause problems when they are under delusions of being another.
I do understand your points, that is why I approach this with healthy skepticism. Even though I am posting these strange episodes, I still hold no definite position in the matter.

Some days, there are numerous signs confirming it, and some days I just dismiss it as being ridiculous. This mindset is completely different from someone who would want to be that person. They would accept it, and want to hear no criticism against their position.

But I welcome criticism from  the avenues that can provide sound criticism.

But again, time will tell. Thanks.

P.S. And yes, Malcolm X is probably the last person you thought I would mention LOL. One of the most hated by the government.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:33 am

I've always had an interest in Malcolm X and that era (which I feel I lived during from 1946-1964) and always wondered where his current incarnation might be. I have a lot of experience with these topics so here are a few general comments.

I have experienced similar to you in regards to certain dates. I've been consistently sick on certain days or had bad experiences on dates I later learned were significant to past selves, in many cases being the death date. I have had recurrent health & emotional problems at around the same chronological ages of my past selves, some almost to the day! I continue to suffer these health problems at present.

I've also experienced unusual reactions from people that make sense in light of past life experiences. I recall numerous lives as high ranking military or political figures who had body guards. In this life many people have had protective attitudes towards me. People have told me right after meeting me they've felt I'd be famous someday despite knowing nothing about me. People also tend to trust me with secrets and tell me things out of the blue that are deeply personal. I recall numerous lives as priests or holy men that people would confess to etc. I could list many more examples but those are just a few.

Much like you I also look similar to my previous selves (ones I have pictures of anyway). This tends to be common among most people who have identified their previous selves and holds true even where race and sex have changed (especially the eyes and face).

Other things you might want to consider when comparing a possible past life to the present are whether you share other similarities such as:
Physical resemblances
Similar expressions, Mannerisms, Habits,etc.
Similar Styles of Dress
Similar handwriting and styles of creative work
Similar events, activities, preferences, concerns and issues;
Personality similarities/repeating patterns in behavior and relationships;
Similarities in names, pertinent dates, locations or life paths;
Events, themes, images etc. in artwork which resemble those of a past life.

Just as some food for thought. You should also write down any memories or dreams you have that could be past life related. You might also want to consider past life regression to learn more.

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