Do YOU believe in angels and demons ? *

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Do YOU believe in angels and demons ? *

Post by Zaros » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:20 pm

They say that there is the spirit world and there is the natural.  There are
supernatural beings who exist outside the world today.  But where do
they come from ?  And why are they here ?  Some of you have seen these
beings before.  Some of you have had personal experiences with them too.
Was it good or bad ?  What did you learn from this and did it change your life.  These two side represent good and evil.  But I guess it depends on
how you look at things.  Do you believe in angels and demons.   :)

Posts: 924
Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am

Post by Evard » Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:13 pm

Seraphim are the product of the Command of Angels offered to
believe in the veil of Blessing of Mankind by Overseer known as
God by the name Western Deity to begin Heaven Reign JaOmen


Demons known by the unliked name balroed are the evil ways
a product of the High Devil on Promise Hellion Mastre begins a
command of the nephilim in case of devil lesser and nephelim:
in the case those who are fallen before the Devil who was Arch
Angel begin spirit demon as the product uh Salve Asmodeim @
the way the demon appear to desecrated land and dark places
and common with advanced evil will not see them unless magic
begins tolerant peering into the world of magic and dis~sacred.     I haven't met demon tho I cast away Kepler ghouls . Evard

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Re: Do YOU believe in angels and demons ? *

Post by Celestial » Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:51 pm

Zaros wrote:They say that there is the spirit world and there is the natural.  

Greetings, Zaros! That is correct. I am an Intuitive/Psychic reader from the Psychic forum.

There aresupernatural beings who exist outside the world today.  But where do they come from ?  And why are they here ?  

Ever since Lucifer, once one of God's brightest angels, decided to betray God by trying to be like Him, God cast him out and those angels who followed him who then became demons in service to Satan. There are literally millions of former angels, now demons, who decided to join Lucifer, who is now known as Satan, and that are here for the ruination of souls. That is is their prime and only mission!

Some of you have seen these
beings before.  Some of you have had personal experiences with them too.
Was it good or bad ?  

Yes, there are quite a number of reports from people around the world who have seen or felt these demonic monstrosities. Their experiences are never good ones, however,  and that is to be expected under the circumstances. There is a prime example of some people who actually saw the devil appear as a human, in Texas, some years back but that would elicit another long story.

What did you learn from this and did it change your life.  These two side represent good and evil.  But I guess it depends on
how you look at things.  Do you believe in angels and demons.   :)

Of course being in the presence of a demon has got to be a life-changing experience that most people do not want to undergo! The closest most people have come to that is through witnessing an exorcism of someone who is truly possessed. What one obviously learns IMMEDIATELY is the difference between good and evil! That should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.

So, yes, given my strong Christian background, there can be no doubt about the existence of both angels and demons. However, the devil's biggest lie and his main objective is to try to make people feel that he does not exist and that there are no demons. The devil, however, is a liar! And there are demons, once again, who come for the ruination of souls because only God can create a soul, thus, a human being, and demons are the antithesis of all that is good!

Angels, on the other hand, are very benevolent, loving entities that were created by God to serve Him. Each and every person in the world today has an angel who looks after him or her and who guides them, especially in dire times when needed to avoid a tragedy. We are very blessed by this and the Holy Bible gives us much proof of the existence of angels starting with this Scripture:

"For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." -- PSALM 91:11 (KJV)

Those were excellent questions!

Before I conclude, I will send out ♥ and great wishes for a beautiful day to you!

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