Dream About Other Races/Ethnic Groups Often: Please Interpret

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Dream About Other Races/Ethnic Groups Often: Please Interpret

Post by WinterRain » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:53 pm

I often have dreams about black people (I am not black). I am walking through a black community, and people are living their everyday lives. I have seen a black woman in one dream who was a shaman and she used candle divination with me. I have dreamed of being in a woman's house that I was not supposed to be in, but was led there by a friend. I have dreamed last night of a teenage girl who got involved in a life of crime but got a lucky break from the judicial system, and she was just telling me her life story and how she was thankful to have gotten a second chance. I find the dreams odd because I have them often, and I am the only non-black person in the dreams. I am not prejudice. I do not feel this is a bad omen, personally. I feel a spiritual connection but am unsure as to the nature of which. Please advise.

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Shaman Dream

Post by WinterRain » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:34 pm

In the dream with the shaman woman. I was in a dark cave, and in the center was hot coals. The woman was seated across from me. Two young men or boys were next to her. I was in a long line of people awaiting a divination. I had a sneaker in my hand. The back of the sneaker had the number 5 on it. I was told to place it on top of the coals. I was given a clear glass jar with candle wax. The candle wax burned and the residue left the number 2 at the bottom. I looked at the number through the glass. The woman was old. She asked everyone in line if they saw a number in the jar. I spoke out and said I did. She looked surprised. Not necessarily pleasantly surprised, just surprised. She asked what number I saw. I said the number 2. She said nothing in response. I pleaded with her: "What does that mean??" And she replied: The Truth. I looked confused and unsatisfied with her explanation. She said "Be thankful. You are the truth". I know that, in numerology, the number 5 is my life path number. I am guessing that is what the five is.

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Post by Evard » Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:01 pm

Hello WinterRain .  I am Evard .

I see the number setting first as the time order of your thoughts [in dream are seen as]
related to the problem with a "shop you went to or advise as the
hodo we see as the blessing your life path number will be ideal":
proper accord to show you are a person who did not accord race
peace with a problem caster who was your interpret to show you
a dream setting with the number of "colander option" as the num ~ber shown [2] will be
the option to show peace and prosper to the {ecological ~OM~!!}
future at Nature and ecology as my interpret of your sense aum*
to begin the option of Earth Peace as the symbol hodo shop as @
locale to black people will be accord~ing the option to prevail in:  [ trying times .,. ] :-D
and avail to the peace with races as seen foreign and Magic OK+ "as the role of the focus to casting 2 and 5" :)
Sorry fer technical interpret. I see it as magical effect to thought  about realizing co-operation as we are human  Amen.Yi

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Post by WinterRain » Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:38 pm

Thank you for your interpretation. I am having trouble understanding your interpretation. Can you clarify without the "technicalities"? I am also interested in hearing from others.

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Post by Evard » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:35 am

OK .  I see it as a dream setting where a spell was cast on you so you would be respect with way :
black people are a group who can offer peace and racial solace and the "shaman and heat brazier"
are symbol s showing magic may be your way to finish what I interpret as the neighborhood with a
shop where you went or went near to it ., and magic was cast to show you dark skin tone and cast
~ing to begin racial relations  .,. are friendly to you .  "Realizing co-operation as we are human" :)

Maybe that makes more sense . I have problem being cryptic and am often "ciphered" . Thanks .

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Post by Rook » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:21 am

Hi Winter Rain

Firstly, am impressed with your dream interpretations from what I have seen :)

As for this dream, it seems that it is quite a primitive setting, as in the cave and shaman.  I think that may be a clue.

Also the repeated dark symbology - the cave, the people, to me this points to something that you are not consciously aware of, but perhaps something that you are seeking - the truth.  The truth about who you are?

The hot coals in the centre could be something burning inside you possibly?  At your centre (centre of the cave)?

You have a shoe with a number 5 on it.  The shoe you are walking in / life path makes sense here.  To me the glass jar with the burning candle could be representative of the passing of time.  The number 2 residue... I am not so sure the significance of the number 2 here really, looking into the glass jar could be looking into your soul, perhaps this is what you are doing in a spiritual sense?  Looking into yourself to find answers about who you are?  Perhaps you have been given an answer (the number 2) but you don't fully understand it yet.  Perhaps the burning candle - passage of time - will reveal this.

Not really an answer but hopefully it helps.

Sweet dreams,

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