random dream thoughts/questions

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random dream thoughts/questions

Post by j_marie_89 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:53 pm

Last week I dreamed about my pet fish. I was in my bathroom, and suddenly saw my fish had jumped out of his tank (I suppose the lid was not on) and was floating/flying around in the air above it. I panicked and then grabbed the lid and managed to trap him back into the tank. A couple of days later, I noticed my fish's water was very cloudy, and when I opened the tank it stunk. I cleaned it all out and he's doing fine. Now I wonder if he was trying to get my attention? Or if the dream has some deeper meaning.

also why am I always dreaming about babies? I dreamed my friend Eliza gave birth to twins in a car awhile ago. I dreamed about babies in cribs with alarms going off in a hospital recently as well. I have been having baby dreams as long as I can remember. I wonder if I'm working out karma, I have Jupiter, Ceres and Chiron in Cancer in my natal chart.

and does anyone else have trouble remembering their dreams when they smoke weed? It's summertime and I love smoking weed on my days off but it seems the next morning when I wake up my dream memory is totally blank..

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Timely Matters

Post by WinterRain » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:42 pm

I think you knew subconsciously or otherwise that your fish's water needed to be changed. Most fish need a certain amount of oxygen in the water to survive, and when the water is polluted the amount of oxygen in the water decreases, making it more difficult for the fish to "breathe". The fish's water was so dirty, he came up for air - but this was out of place to you and alarming. Fish breech the water in the hopes of landing in cleaner water so they can breathe. That's what your fish was doing. Something was wrong, and you fixed it in time by cleaning his tank. I don't think your fish was telepathically communicating with you.

Babies being born in moving cars and alarms all signal time and a clock - yours. Your biological clock is ticking - perhaps you are now more aware of this? Your dream represents a desire to have children and awareness that the clock is ticking.

Weed affects a person's memory.

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Post by j_marie_89 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:31 pm

thank you =) you're right, weed affects memory, I'm just having wishful thinking it's something else.
I'm only 21 however so I hope my biological clock isn't ticking yet. The car was actually parked in the dream. I certainly do desire children though and I have been single for a very long time so it's disheartening.
Really cool about the fish, that he came up for air in the dream world.

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Post by Rook » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:27 am

The dream may be using the symbol of a baby to represent something that needs nurturing to grow within yourself / your psyche.  The twins in the car say to me of something dual, whether it be a dualistic subject, or possibly two similar subjects.  The car may be referencing in the movement of your life, how you move along the 'road' of life.  That the car is parked suggests that this subject's journey isn't moving possibly.  That could be over analysis.  The friend may also be a clue to what the subject is.  It may be something in reference to that friend and your friendship, or the nature of the subject may be inherently strong within that friend's character.

The alarms going off in the hospital could be alerting you to an 'emergency situation' within your psyche in regards to this (or possibly a completely different) subject that requires nurturing.

Sorry, its awful vague, but hopefully may give some direction.

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Post by Rook » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:29 am

The dream may be using the symbol of a baby to represent something that needs nurturing to grow within yourself / your psyche.  The twins in the car say to me of something dual, whether it be a dualistic subject, or possibly two similar subjects.  The car may be referencing in the movement of your life, how you move along the 'road' of life.  That the car is parked suggests that this subject's journey isn't moving possibly.  That could be over analysis.  The friend may also be a clue to what the subject is.  It may be something in reference to that friend and your friendship, or the nature of the subject may be inherently strong within that friend's character.

The alarms going off in the hospital could be alerting you to an 'emergency situation' within your psyche in regards to this (or possibly a completely different) subject that requires nurturing.

Sorry, its awful vague, but hopefully may give some direction.

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having sex in dreams

Post by bneizer » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:57 pm

I dream that i was in my villege and i went behend the house and meet this woman who had a child for  my father urinating, she than call me and hold my pains put it into her vagina and we had sex.

I regulaly have  sex in dreams but with diffirent person all the time.

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having sex in dreams

Post by bneizer » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:06 pm

I dream that i was in my villege and i went behend the house and meet this woman who had a child for  my father urinating, she than call me and hold my pains put it into her vagina and we had sex.

I regulaly have  sex in dreams but with diffirent person all the time.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:13 am

Sexual activity in dreams is about our own vulnerability.  There seems to be pain involved with your vulnerability and you are afraid of this pain.  There are also fears of pregnancy in the activity.

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