Reading please

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Reading please

Post by kaye_freehling » Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:04 pm


I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me a reading? I have quite a few things that I would be interested in knowing, and as I know not all psychics specalize in everything, I would not mind a couple people taking a crack at it. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds!

1. Who is my spirit guide? I know you are supposed to have many many, but what is the name of the main one that comes around?

2. Do I have any family members that come around me? If so who, and for what purpose?

3. My husband and I have been trying for a child for over a year and have had no sucess, if and when do any of you see me having a child?

4. (This kind of ties #3 and #2 together.)Am I a reincarnated family member from the past? Will any of my family members that have passed choose to reincarnate as children of mine?

5. Ever since I was little I have felt I had a connection with Anne Boleyn. Can anyone tell me what that is all about? I think I have some idea as to some of the things that connect me to her, but I would like to hear it either confirmed or denied, without me giving out too many details.

6. Can anyone tell me what is this affinity I feel with my husbands mother? I feel like I have known, knew her before....? She passed before my husband and I got married so I never got to meet her.

Oh my DOB is 4/28/1988. I have blonde hair and green eyes. I am of medium height, skinny and I have small hands and feet.

Any insight to these questions, some or all would be great! Thanks so much again for all the hard work that you guys do it is greatly appreciated! (Update: I JUST noticed this forum and was wondering if I should have put my origional post here? Someone has already been kind enough to give me a reading already, but I figured that it was the same with doctors and it would not hurt to get a second opinion? Really hope I am not stepping on anyones toes here.)


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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:20 pm

Any insight to these questions, some or all would be great! Thanks so much again for all the hard work that you guys do it is greatly appreciated! (Update: I JUST noticed this forum and was wondering if I should have put my origional post here? Someone has already been kind enough to give me a reading already, but I figured that it was the same with doctors and it would not hurt to get a second opinion? Really hope I am not stepping on anyones toes here.)

Hi Kaye and welcome to the forum. :)

As you have already been given a reading in the Psychic forum you will not be eligible for another, for one month. The Readers here on Mystic Board are volunteers and so give of our time freely, we are not like doctors lol, second opinions are not needed and only serve to confuse things.

Feel free to make a new request next month after the 12th August.

Many blessings


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Post by becky01834 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:05 pm

The questions that you asked were so indepth and unfortunately even the best psychics can't answer every question head on.. there are somethings we just aren't showed.  So I'm sorry if you were unsatisfied with the information I sent you to, but that it was I received for you.

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