Opening fast my third eye

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Opening fast my third eye

Post by peacefullwarrior » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:32 pm

I read that if you concentrate and meditate on your area between your eyebrows you can open your thied eye faster, also staying in the presnt moment as long as you can can help. Many blessings.

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:18 pm

And what will you gain from this?

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What you read is quite correct, but my advice is not to use brute force on yourself

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:27 pm

I could not agree more than I already do with our wise Professor.

Yes it can be forced and hurried, but what is the hidden reason for you feeling that you need to hurry, and what is the point of forcing it if it makes you ill and in some cases mentally distressed?

I would not go as far as some meditation teachers who claim that opening your third eye too fast can kill you, but throughout the literature we repeatedly come up against advice such as that which follows....
Do this for short stretches of time only, as you do not want to open your third eye too fast or too soon. It should be a gradual process...........Wisdom, awareness, objectivity, and the ability to learn from your experiences are all qualities of an individual with a healthy third eye chakra.

However, if you allow this chakra to go out of balance, you will end up being rigid and unimaginative, with an over-reliance on rational and logical thinking. People with an imbalance here may also come across flighty and preoccupied, living too much in the mind, or at the worst, delusional with an inability to differentiate fantasy from reality. ... ging+Bowls

And one of the most effective ways I know of to create such a serious state of imbalance in your third eye psychic energy center is to force things along too fast and by so doing lose any gains to your development which you may have possibly made up until then.

And the severe energy imbalance and constant strain on your eye muscles of holding your eyeballs in such an unusual upward, inward looking position for too long at a time is also likely to lead to pain in your sinuses and eye sockets, and may even bring on migraine headaches in more susceptible individuals.

Don't do it for too long or at all, if you are especially prone to experiencing epileptic like seizures. This method is almost I have read as effective as subjecting the sufferer to low frequency stroking or flashing lights. You often only find out that you are particularly vulnerable to this lightning storm in the brain, when it happens.

Take it easy and carefully. Slowly but surely and taking the middle road approach is undoubtedly the best and safest way to make any significant and lasting progress in this direction. Not more than 15 - 20 consecutive minutes of this exercise in each 24 hour period. It is a worthwhile thing to do as a development enhancing experiment when it is not taken to the extreme, but like most things in life practice moderation and patience with this as well.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:44 am

Losang Rampa strikes again, if you have been reading this travesty of a meditation book - throw it away.

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