This is one crazy dream please someone tell me what it means?

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This is one crazy dream please someone tell me what it means?

Post by Violetbliss8 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:51 pm

I always have like five dreams at a time seem like but i usually remeber the last one. All my dreams or either vived or lucid. This dream started off with the world overcome by darkness I could see the atmosphere change dramactilly but it didnt seem like a surprise. Me and a few other people in a car and and this evil being maybe a demon came to the car and told me to give him 550 but I knew what he was talking about (but when i woke I had no idea). I didnt look him in the eyes. I told him we dont have it but we did. I wasnt afraid just felt I had to react this way. He then took the car and threw it around and was demanding us to give him 550. I said ok I have no idea what I gave him but he accepted it. He demanded one of us stay and watch his children (I think or something). One of them stepped up (dont know if it was a woman or man at this point) and said they would. I took this person to the side bar and was very defensive about the decision cause i insisted they wasnt ready but they told me that they had already been doing this and I said not in the Dark though. So they went anyways. Now me and the others sat around a table watched everything through this person and it was like survival of the fetus. After a while we didnt hear anything when suddenly I saw her (now Its clear its a woman) appear in like cookies and cream ice cream gallons and she wasnt alone she had some others with her that wasnt with us. She was acting as though nothing was wrong like she didnt know she was in the dark and very happy about her position. I didnt pay attention to her words more on her behavior and felt we needed to go after Them(?) when she disappeared.Because even though one went in I felt we were concerned about 2 people. After she disappeared it was a small leaf branch left that we took with us to go to the demon's(?) home. When I used the branched to get through the front doors a picture of an eagle appeared in my mind assuring me that he had left it for me. I dont remember the journey through the house but when we got to a room and opened the door there was this woman gliding across a high ceiling that was a clear map of the stars and planets repeating that she already got 7 of them. I assumed she was talking about planets because some of them had red X's on them, but that wasnt verified. It was was also pictures of people hanging up and some had red X's on them. She quickly looked over at us and I remember thinking she had gone mad and then she started to crawl against the ceiling like in that season of the witch movie and then I woke.

OK any ideas what this mean. Am I in way over my head or what? Taking any opinions, ideas, or even just random thoughts that come to mind on this.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Evard » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:56 pm

I have the sense of a random thought according to my own interpratation of your technical dream .

A 550 would be the electrical cable higher thn found at surface Earth .
Most electric forms volt-Amp at 440 [maximum] , 220 [appliance] , or
110 being home electric . [actually voltage though seen as Watts] {Amps}

A Red "X" can be found in the MS Windows cancel of a window [such as when your OS]
won't cancel a browser window and the overrun on a computer
allows the "End Now" or "Cancel" setting on ["maintain box"]
a 'control box' allotted to MS Windows after Windows 98 .

"Dying and then unliving like a fetus" .,. is disgusting to me ... I won't say .

When a computer overrun and electrical maintenance known as "make-ready"
would be overheard by 'Dream Program' [the possibility of programmed dream]
Evil Thought or "aligned badly" could have a new effect on sleep R.E.M. disorder
known as dream~ing demonic as the interpreted thought about evil man or maintain
noted as your way to give a cipher thought to set up of appliance electrical and Windows
function such as "a form of summer restaurant" ..

This is my technical interpretation of your dream .

When a computer overrun would affect a dream .,. there are a few possibilities .
The XBOX "clone" sold as DreamX had the ability to work with personal computer.s
and some use of AM frequency radio without "audio reception" can affect dream.s .,
if you have [the] XBOX set to 'on' when you go to bed .,. turn it off and turn off your
radio when you [get to] sleep .  This combination of technical devices can make you
dream up to five energetic dreams in a row and may be noted by alarm going off en
you noticing several dreams in a row while you were too tired to turn the alarm off .

I also wonder if you practice any alchemy .,. as home alchemy can give you very bad waking 'breath odor' .

This concludes my way to "feng shui" the home a lil and help with very energetic {technical} dreaming . :-D

Thanks .,. and don't mention technical dreaming seen as repetitive as "incessant" . It's not good home life feng shui .
Hooray !!. I hope you enjoy help from my "random thought" about your dream~ing.     OK . Evard . {free thought} :)

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Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:23 pm

Post by Violetbliss8 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:31 pm

Thank you Evard
It was an intresting interpretation & I liked but I dont have an xbox and dont know what alchemy is.

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Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am

Post by Evard » Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:56 pm

XBOX had a PC-compatible product known as DreamX
which when used improperly "like a secrets with code"
can make the 5 dreams appear energetic and in order .

Alchemy : the way we form opinion on incense and candle wax
beginning the four elements to try , in Renaissance Alchemy .,.
try to form gold out of elements as simple as shop incense :-D :)
and candle with slight metal amount heated with a tea light candle
.,. in a 'candle arcology' .  ["trivial alchemy" is base and odorous]

My thought appeared random and had to do with my own strange
dreams and what modern materials I attribute them to .  OWell :)

Thanks . You are quite polite .,. as some seem to feign ignorance .     Evard .,. it was a strange week with strange dreams .

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