Your very first reading for all students

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Your very first reading for all students

Post by samantha234 » Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:28 pm

Hi, :smt006
One of your classmates and I consulted and thought it would be more interesting if I posted your first reading!
This is a general question and I am the client!! :)  I would like to know what changes are coming up for me in the next six months?
Take your time, read seperatly at first and then combine all three cards into a story. You can do it, i know you can! I will be very interested in knowing what you come up with for me. Please post it in this topic, feel free to discuss each others reading,  and have fun!
This is required for everyone taking this course, it is your homework! Good luck!
ok, i tried to add the pictures of the cards to this post and couldn't do it, sorry! copy and paste wouldn't work!So i'll give you the 3 cards and either check out the software or use your own cards. I will try to correct this problem soon! :smt017

eight of wands
4 of cups
10 of swords
all upright!
good luck! I'll be watching for your posts along with the rest of the class :)
And thank you all! :smt006
                                                                    love and light,

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Post by swetha » Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:38 am

wow! this is like a real test.. i already feel the butterflies in my stomach!
but i am sure going to give it  a try!

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Post by nicnic » Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:00 am

Hi Samantha,

Well this is my first attempt and I read the cards as past, present and future. I also did it without reffering to any books. I just read them as I saw them. Anyway here goes :-

Ok well this is what I’m feeling at the moment. I feel that in the past you have had many projects and opportunities either being offered to you or maybe you have been trying to tackle too many things at once.

This has led you to your present position of feeling discontented and fed up with life at the moment. You have been refusing help that has been offered to you. If you take a look around you, you will find a solution to as to how to solve your dilemma. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.

This situation will come to pass and to be honest it really can’t get any worse. In other words the worst
is over, and now is the time to get back on your feet and meet your challenges head on.

PS I had a few problems with reading the eight of wands in the past position.

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Post by samantha234 » Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:28 am

great job, you've read each one seperatly, now put it all together in one  or two sentences! :smt006  because in a normal reading you lay out 3 cards at a time until the reading ends and sometimes end up with 21 cards!
Begin with the middle card and add the other two.
by the way, i'm very impressed! :)

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Post by nicnic » Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:21 am

You have been feeling very discontented with what life has been throwing at you lately.

Rest assured the worst is now over and its time to pick yourself up and meet your challenges head on.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:44 am

Well first of all I will confirm that I would have done it just like nicnic, just interpreted 1 card by one. Now I have learned a new way to see it:)
I will still start to interpret the cards and then try to give a conclusion.

You said start with the middle card "4 of Cups"
This card have several "short notes" like:
Apathy, Unawareness, Passivity, Staleness, Self-absorption, Introspection, Withdrawal, Ignoring blessings
Since we shall read for you, and I have been so lucky to "see" some of your quality's, none, of the above can be used.
An alternative opinion of this card is:
A gift or opportunity is being offered to you, but you are not recognizing it. Snap out of your funk and become aware of the blessings around you.
I think I go for this one:)
Now you have two cards back and I believe they tell what happen if you recognizing it and what if not.

If you don't recognizing your opportunity and you rather choose the negative in 4 cups, then you get
10 Sword
which has following "short notes"
Ruin, Destruction, Misery, Martyrdom, Self-sacrifice, Persecution, Self-pity, Powerlessness, Being a victim
which will give you a:
Feelings of sacrifice, persecution, suffering and self-pity. Hardship can be desperately real, blown out of proportion, or imagined.

On the other hand if you grab your opportunity  you will receive:

8 of Wand.
Which have following "short notes"
Swiftness, Quick action, Uprooting, Successful conclusion, Tying up loose ends, News, Inspiration, Conversations

You will receive an uplift in your life, all will move forward, you will get inspiration, conclude old business and maybe start new ones, make new friends and maybe hear from old ones, all in all a very positive card.

So my conclusion must be:
A gift or opportunity is being offered to you, but you are not recognizing it. Snap out of your funk and become aware of the blessings around you.

if you take it, you will feel:

an uplift in your life, all will move forward, you will get inspiration, conclude old business and maybe start new ones, make new friends and maybe hear from old ones, all in all a very positive card.

If not you will have:

Feelings of sacrifice, persecution, suffering and self-pity. Hardship can be desperately real, blown out of proportion, or imagined.

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Post by samantha234 » Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:57 am

You are both very good, and have read the cards in 2 very different ways! You have proved my point that no two readers read exactly alike!
You both are definitly brightening my day!
thank you
p.s. and i will definitly take your advice !!!

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3 card reading

Post by cheeria » Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:48 am

What changes are coming up in the next six months.

These cards are saying that when six months roll around you will sit and ask yourself why all this time you have been feeling as a hurt victim.

break down of card explanation
eight of wands - when six months rolls around speaks of taking some kind of action
four of cups -  sitting and thinking
ten of swords - feeling as a victim

Cheeria    this was fun

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Post by AlaskanRain » Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:31 am

I have never, ever posted my thoughts outloud before since I'm new to it, but here goes...

When certain things come to an end, we need to look around to see what else is being offered to us since things may not be as bad as what they look like and eventually, something better will come along….

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:54 am

Congrat to you both:)
I am only your class mate and I will only point out the importance to post ones thought :)

When you see them on print, you are able to evaluate them better, but at the same time you get impulses from other that make you see things different.

I remember back on my first forum (a couple of years ago)..I sat back the screen reading all those post...but never dared to post any myself.
1 day I was asked a question, I gave an answer...and from that day on, no one have been able to stop me you see :)

god job to you both :)

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Post by nicnic » Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:21 am

I second that!

I was also afraid of posting my thoughts, but how else are we to learn. I have just posted my first ever reading of my own celtic cross.....some of you may interpert it different to me however I am not afraid to say what I get. Samantha says that no two people read the same.

Keep up the good work everyone I know Samantha will appreciate all our efforts!


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