Frustrating and scary dream

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Frustrating and scary dream

Post by Confusedreamer » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:28 pm

I dreamed I was driving a really small car on the highway trying to follow my dad in front of me. We were headed back home. In the dream we had moved like 4 or 5 hours away and had decided to come back because the place were living in was hunted with evil spirits.

Anyway I am driving a car with my husband and we are behind my parents. When we go to enter the highway I must switch lanes four times to get all the way over but every time I turn to look out my window it is covered in dry rain/water stains and its really hard to see if another car is in the lane next to me. Plus with it being night time its so dark.

When I finally get into the lane I want I realize I can't see out of my windshield. Its just reflecting my dash readers. The whole windshield looks like a giant blue screen with white writing of my speed and gas ect.

The whole dream was frustrating. I couldn't see when I wanted too and to realize I couldn't follow my father home scared me a lot.

Any interpretations.

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Post by Rook » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:14 pm

Hi Confused

I generally see driving a car as relating to your journey through life.

This dream theme seems to match your dream.  The way I see it you are in a small car, perhaps this is how you view yourself, small, perhaps you do not see your full potential.

That you are following your Dad - to me this indicates that perhaps you rely heavily on parental guidance in where your life is going, or alternatively you are trying to model your life on theirs (your parents), follow in their footsteps so to speak.  The presence of your husband suggests to me perhaps the latter, you are trying to follow their lead in your marriage.  The fact that you can't see out the window indicates some level of danger in this, as well that you can't see where you're going - the dry rain / water stains indicates to me past sorrow / depression / sadness that is over but perhaps the impression from this emotion remains (dry water stain).

The fact that is night indicates unconscious - perhaps you are not consciously aware of this issue, or it may be in reference to some event that occured at night.

Getting in the lane you want - you find where you want to be going right now, but you can't see what is ahead / perhaps where the marriage is going (can't see out the windshield).

I would say this situation is causing you some frustration - look to a sensation of frustration in relation to your husband for a clue on what this issue is addressing.  Also the fear, this could be a fear of the future - this may be what is preventing you from looking forward to where your marriage is going.

Come to think of it the small car could be in relation to your family (you + husband = small young family).

That is pretty much all I got right now.  What are your thoughts on this?  Together we might be able to get to the bottom of this.  You will know when you get it right, you will get a tingly "aaahhaaaa" feeling.

Sweet dreams,

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Post by Confusedreamer » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:50 am

Wow. I am in a new marriage that has a lot of past baggie on it. I also try to immulate my parents marriage. They have been married 28 years. I am just barely at 2 years and having such a hard time. I really don't know if the marriage can with stand what we are going through. We are going through so really rough patches.

I want what my parents have. I don't want to lose my marriage but the issues facing us seem so big. I know where I want to go but getting there seems impossible.

I wish I could seem dreams like you.

Thank you so much!

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