stealing another's breath/energy

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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stealing another's breath/energy

Post by SRD » Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:17 pm

I am writing to see if you can shed some light on something that confounds my rational mind.

It is to do with taking energy from other people. It happens to me several times a week. It involves a feeling of an energy vacuum or hole appearing in my chest, and a corresponding gain of energy from the nearest person. This usually results in them taking a sudden intake of breath, or suddenly coughing. It starts as an unconscious process (I can never initiate it myself), where the energy vacuum appears in my chest, but continues as a conscious process, where I choose to continue with this 'grab' of energy.

So, in effect, I can cause people to lose their breath, and breath in suddenly, or suddenly cough, all because of this channel that occurs.

I have tried searching Google for any clues to see what this, and have only found a website about energy vampires. That website wasn't accurately describing what happens for me.

This phenomenon can't be interpreted through physics or science, which is why I am writing to you, to see if you can explain what is happening, why it is happening, and to point me in the right direction to learn more about things which can't be described by the rational mind and science.

I appreciate any help you can provide.

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Post by Evard » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:19 am

Bretha Vamper[en] Acriate ..

When the New Danaan realized the heart was a morif protected layer
to stave off infection so the chest center will be blessed ,. the "bolwit"
herbal alchemic spell was cast .. it was a spell to relieve the abjurant
protective layer of (smoke) around the heart and allow preinemint ~
infection to enter the body as it was kept on the skin and not inceden
(this means not incedent [<in-see-dent>],) and the bogie or ghast :)
spell did begin a vaporous reguard allowing inhaled former acriate to
affect the local "shue,i" <shw-ey> o the vapor you did inhale. Like a
acrylic or terpentine vaporous fumous caustic .. strong in your bodily
system and accompanied by a spell . &nbsp;I recommend hot cherry tea.., &nbsp; &nbsp; Evard. &nbsp; &nbsp; Grammar Apology. &nbsp; &nbsp; Amen .

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Re: stealing another's breath/energy

Post by gloriagypsy » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:45 am

As a certified Reiki master/teacher it sounds to me like this is happening to you subconsciously, since you have not stated that you are intentionally pulling energy from others.
I believe you are un-intentionally (subconsciously) drawing this energy from others. Your physical body and energy body are both connected one to the other.

So there is some kind of dis-ease meaning there is a disturbance in your bodies (physical/energy) that may be being ignored or that you are not aware of which would be the cause of this.
What I suggest that you do is to read up on the Chakras (as your chest area is your heart Chakra) and also look into Reiki and/or other energy healing methods.
Anyone, is able to access the Universal Healing Energy, it is everywhere, once you become aware of the basics of this you can work on healing yourself, and utilizing this
universal healing energy instead of pulling energy from others. Also, if you find it happening to you again, make a conscious effort to stop the intake of energy from the other person.
It is possible if you are focused.

Below &nbsp;is a very simplified primer on basic Reiki. It's intended as a basic lesson to help someone get started channeling the energy and in no way should be considered a Reiki Course in itself.
But this exercise can help you in your situation. Practice this exercise once a day, maybe at the start of your day before you are out and about and see if there are not any changes when you
encounter other people. This quick exercise can also be done at any time when you feel the need for healing.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese phrase which means "Universal Healing Energy". &nbsp;Reiki is simply the process of channeling Universal HealingEnergy through oneself and into some one (or something) else. The vast range of uses for Reiki range from healing oneself to opening and balancing the Chakras and even charging objects and food with the energy.

Getting Started

Reiki is safe and simple to use. To get started simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Put on the music of your choice and relax. Place your hands over your face with your palms over your eyes. Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue just behind your front teeth.

As you inhale just open up and feel the energy flow down through the top of your head and down to your heart chakra (chest area) , then feel it flow out along your arms and out through your hands and into your face. At the simplest level that ALL you have to do. The energy will go wherever it's needed and do whatever is required of it. You don't have to send it anywhere in particular or try to control it.

Getting Deeper

Reiki flows through you simply by your 'intent'. You just have to intend to open up to it and you'll find it readily available. You may feel many different things while giving yourself a Reiki treatment. Your hands or the part of your body covered by your hands may get hot, cold or tingly. Some people feel it very easily and others take awhile to open up to it. The simplest explanation that I've found is to think of what the emotion 'Love' feels like, and then just relax and let it flow.

Sometimes visualization will help when first accessing this energy. You can visualize The Reiki energy as a warm, white light for example. You may find that you automatically visualize the energy in your own way as well.

If you do try the energy exercise please post your results. I'd love to hear back from you on your changes

Be well!


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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:50 am


In order for one to him himsefl Reiki, one has to be attuned to Reiki, dont you think?
There are many other forms of energy healing techniques, but they are not all Reiki....

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Post by gloriagypsy » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:27 pm

Anyone can access the Universal Healing Energy.

Reiki is just one way of doing it. There are many names for it.
It is just the techniques on accessing and channeling it that differ.
Mikao Usui accessed and attuned himself did he not?


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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:33 pm

Yes, then why dont we all attune ourseleves? Why did you attune your son to Reiki and did not let him find out on his own at the top of a mountain? :)

Perhaps because we are not all Mikao Usui :)

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Post by gloriagypsy » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:24 pm

Most certainly we are not all Mikao Usui.

Reiki is based on Universal Life Force Energy. This energy surrounds and permeates all of creation, and is available to use for healing.
The Reiki Practitioner acts as a channel for accessing the universal life energy. While everyone has access to this energy, over the course of time
the ability to access it has become blocked in many (but not all). Therefore, Reiki practitioners undergo a series of initiations (called attunements)
that enables them to tap into the "Universal Life Energy."

Attunements as also the Reiki symbols are tools to help people learn and access Reiki.

When a child falls and scrapes their knee, more times than not they hold on to the knee where it hurts, when we have say, a stomach ache, more times than not we will place our hands
there, where the pain is. That is our natural instinct to heal ourselves.

We heal ourselves with the universal healing energy that IS everywhere and IS a part of all, including ourselves.

Therefore it IS my belief that anyone can access this energy.

The attunments of Reiki and the symbols of Reiki are there to help guide people in accessing and channeling this energy.

I am not saying that we do not need teachers or attunements or anything else. Having a guide to help you (in anything) is of course always beneficial.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:28 pm

Now we are in par with our concept and belief of Reiki as I am a Reiki Master/Teacher too.

The immediate and instinctive touching with our hands where it hurts or where there is injury is an instinctive and innate (if not universal) auto-reaction to the pain with an attempt to alleviate the pain. &nbsp;I should stop here as I am sure we will be repeating ourselves :)

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Post by gloriagypsy » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:42 pm

Perhaps, I should have explained myself better in the beginning...

Wonderful to meet (informally) another Reiki Master/Teacher!

I've enjoyed the discussion and am looking forward to more here on the forum!

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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:44 pm

You are welcome gloria and great meeting you too. We dont get a lot of dicussions in the Reiki forum and am glad you started a thread.

There is so, so so so much to Reiki which I am finding out whilst writing my Reiki training manuals.. that I have learnt more than my teachers have ever taught me..
But, truly, this should be each individual's personal journey too. Not everything can be passed on by the Master/Teacher :)

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Post by gloriagypsy » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:55 pm

I am attuned and certified in the Usui Reiki tradition and in Seichim (SKHM) Reiki.

I have written only one manual in the Usui tradition and I have written a more
informal manual for my children and reiki workshops.

I believe that we never stop learning and discovering, if we are open to it.

We are all teachers and students in life :)

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Post by just4spar » Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:17 pm

since this is an automatic process u wont be bothered about gaining others energy since it makes u feel better. Now when u feel vaccum /drained out of energy , i think when ur aura touches other persons aura who is in need of energy (he might be just an ordinary guy who doesnt even know about universal energy system) he just drains out ur energy for his needs like u gain others energy automatically . So the better option would be u always connect with universal energy when u are with people (by visualizing golden beam of light from sky always touching ur head or your entire body inside a golden ball &nbsp;or any other techniques your style of reiki preaches)

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