Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Post by samantha234 » Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:55 am

Hi :smt006
This is not the next lesson but a study aid as we go along. Something to refer back to and help you with the readings. Its hard to remember them all at once, so there will probably be a few posts! lol Please feel free to add your own discoveries!
:) Ok, here goes nothing!
   ( some of these are already posted in the guide for tarots but i thoiught i would add them again in the combination section.)
 There are many interpretations for the rider-tarot, but what builds the story is the combinations. Each card adds to and confirms the other cards in the reading.
 There are obvious ones, such as:
4 queens is a party, abridal or baby shower.An event for women.
2 Queens is always gossip.
2 or more kings is a legal matter, the police, , lawyers, court.
Two knights usually means rivals.
A page  next to the empress is pregnancy. pages always represent children.
2 pages together represent twins,etc, etc.
The Lovers next to the three of cups is a marriage proposal or wedding,
next to the devil is an illicit affair.
The tower next to the chariot is a car accident,next to the 6 of swords an accident on water or by boat, next to death could mean death, or a lifechanging situation that will bring a rebirth.
Death next to the Judgement card is also death, but we do not say this to anyone. The power of suggestion is very strong. Reword it as a warning to help the client avoid the situation.
 The moon next to the devil card is black magic, or the abuse of powers to cause evil. Usually there will be a court card showing who this person is to be aware of and stay away from.
 The hermit next to the hierophant is a spiritual leader or guide who will lead the querant out of the darkness and into the light.
 Do not worry about the warnings : the death card, tower or devil, they don't always come up in the readings, it is very rare to get them.But i have to make you aware of them just in case.
 The ten of pentacles next to the wheel of fortune is winning money through gambling.
Three of cups next to the Empress is a baby shower, next to the lovers is a wedding .
 Ace of wands next to the empress is the birth of a child.
  I will post more as i think of them, use them freely, and add your own!
                                                                             Til next time,

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:49 am

one question... how did it come into being that a particular card signifies a particular thing??

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Post by Abhishek » Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:29 am

good question...

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welcome home!

Post by samantha234 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:44 pm

Hi, you two! :smt006
Good question! As you know the tarot has many meanings to each card,this is where intuition and combinations come into play.
say, if you see the chariot: victory, conquest, etc but also automobile, the chariot has wheels like a car, so if you see  the tower next to the car, its probably a car accident, likewise the six of wands represents a trip over water, so if you see say the knight of swords, it means a speedy trip by boat, or an unplanned trip!
 Is this helpful? I'm sure the other readers in the class will help with this question also! :)
                                                              Love you all, Samantha

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Post by nicnic » Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:19 am

I found that very interesting Samantha,

What you said about the death card and the devil. Now I come to think about it they don't appear that often. I have very rarley had the devil, and the death card only comes up for me if there has been a lot of stress and tension in my life, so the death card would show the end of a cycle.

The combinations that you mentioned were facinating. It's starting to make a lot more sense now. I have not really put cards together because I didn't know how too. But you have made it a bit clearer for me.

Thanks for that!

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Post by samantha234 » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:55 pm

i'm glad i could help, Carol and it gets better from here! Read rhutobellos topic "to all my classmates! and the answer will become clearer! Then read my answer, lol!!

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Post by xiyang » Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:20 am

Samantha, the combination you said "next', regardless the positions of the cards? as long as they are in the same spread?

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Post by samantha234 » Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:55 pm

hi xiyang! :smt006
good question, when i say next i mean the card on either side, like the three card readings, say its the empress and it is in the middle, say the 10 of cups is on the right, and the 10 of pentacles is on the left, these cards are right next to each other! the reading would be growth emotionally and financially! See, what i mean?

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Post by xiyang » Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:43 am

got you, Thanks.

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Death and The Devil...

Post by cathArk » Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:52 pm

I did a reading for myself - after reading this forum I've become a little concerned that I may have underestimated the meaning of the spread...

Five card spread:

10 of Pentacles, Death, King of Swords, The Devil, 9 of Cups

Should I be worried about Death and The Devil being so close to each other  :smt017


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Post by jallious » Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:24 pm

Lol, that sucks, cath. I would watch out.


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