Reading request for Cedars

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Reading request for Cedars

Post by bilo78 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:09 pm

Dear Cedars

I hope you are well. I was wondering if you could carry out a reading regarding my love life if that is ok? Don't worry if you are too busy.

Thank you

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Post by cedars » Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:05 am

Dear Bilo

As I said to a previous request, I have kept away from giving readings for a while for various reasons and I apologise for the delay in getting back to you.
You asked for a reading regarding your love life. Well, that does not tell me if you are already in a relationship or seeing someone.  However, we can still have a reading and I will ask the following simple question.

What does Bilo  need to know about her love life? What are her challenges?

I am using the Rider Waite deck.

Where you are now: The Star.
You are currently in a state of nurturing a situation or someone and are hopeful about within yourself about the future prospects. Or, you may have an ideal that you want to achieve or reach for and are taking your time assessing the situation and giving its due attention with your heart and soul, almost like a mother looking after her off springs, feeding them, looking after them and looking ahead t the future with hope.

Positive energies around you: VII of Wands and IV of Pentacles.
You have a struggle in your hands and sometimes it may feel that you are faced against the odds and cant cope on your own. But, rest assured, with a little bit of courage and perseverance, you do have the upper hand in this struggle if you stay focused. Whether this is competition in the work place or in your personal life, and despite what may seem to be a difficult task, the odds are with rather than agains.
You have also chosen not to take any action in a certain area of your life, possibly with your finances and are holding off from making any decisions for the time being. Whether you want to make a purchase and are considering the pro’s and con’s, or whether you are not letting someone or people know about what is going on within you. There is a phase of: I know what’s going on and what should be done and I am sticking to my guns.

Blockages/challenges: X of Pentacles. V of Cups.
The Ten of Pentacles is a very positive card which stands for attainment in the financial area of your life and the family and material contentment. However, as positive as this card may be, it could be standing in your way with possible thoughts and energies of false ideas or even sometimes there can be a possibility that one may get carried away with all the good that is happening around their life. Sometimes success begets complacency and disregard to others’ needs. This card’s best message coming to me would: don’t forget where you came from and cherish the situation you find yourself in with humility.

Five of Cups is that famous situation where one thinks all is lost and there is no point in continuing, without realising that it is not all lost yet, and there are elements out there in your favour, whether this is a romantic issue or the a disappointment in life that is lingering around you. It is telling you , once the pain is over, you will see that all is not lost and you can pick up the pieces and move on.

Message from the Tarot.
Queen of Swords.

This is a court card and they usually stand for people coming or already in our life. It can also stand that we may look at their personality traits and adopt or discard some the qualities.
The queen of Swords is a woman in her fifties or so who runs her affairs with her mind rather than the heart. She is honest, truthful and does not suffer fools gladly. She may come across as the bitch sometimes who speaks her mind up without much consideration to peoples’ feelings, but may be at times people like that around us are what we need. The message from Tarot coming to you from such a person could be either in the form of a person whose presence in your life may be beneficial or that you, yourself could do with some of her qualities.

Three of Cups.

I am always careful when I use the word ‘outcome’. Outcomes are all dependent all things being equal; all the advice being followed and, of course free will.
The Three of cups is simply partying, celebrations, having a good time with friends, going to parties, showers (in American English) and letting your hair down. It is also a time for appreciating your blessings and giving thanks for the cheerfulness around you. A good outcome, I would say :)

I hope this made some sense to you and I look forward to hearing from you.

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