Reading request :)

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Reading request :)

Post by ThePilgrim » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:29 pm

Any generous soul having some spare time, if could help me with a reading on career. :)
Quick details: Doing business, facing some tough times.
Please let me know if any more information is required.

An insight into current and few upcoming months (potential/gains/challenges) would be a great great help. :)


Amanda Wise
Posts: 18
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Post by Amanda Wise » Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:58 pm

Hi!  I'll give this a go for you.  :)  I hope you'll come back and let me know how it turns out.  

I used the Gilded tarot deck and did a Past/Present/Future reading for you:

Moon - Wheel of Fortune - Queen of Wands

The first card representing the past is the Moon.  This is a card of illusion and fantasy; the mysterious.  Basically what this is showing me, is how you've gotten "in over your head" so to speak, and you may have been feeling as if you are going mad looking for the answers you need.  Take some relief in knowing that you simply do not have them.  Perhaps you are accustomed to being a person who can handle anything, or figure anything out, or simply, you've trusted yourself enough in the past to be able to do or handle anything- but the Moon here suggests that you have been looking for answers where they are not going to be found.  You alone, don't have the answers.  There is more yet to this story, that is to be discovered.

The Wheel of Fortune in the present position indicates that you have little control over affecting any changes right now... because you are not supposed to be expanding right now.  The difficulties you face are coming at you because it is time for you to down-size and sort things out and to cultivate efficiency in the way you are doing business.  This is supported by the Moon's reflective qualities... it is time for you to reflect on what has gone before you, get rid of the waste, make the old reliable, better, and new again.  Revamping what you've got going on, is the order of the present.  This could take a little time for you, to sort your business out, but the story does not end here.

The Queen of Wands in the future position of this spread suggests a woman is coming to help you.  The Queen of Wands is a business alliance.  This could be a partner to you, a consultant, a professional sounding-board.  This woman knows what she is doing when it comes to business.  After you've cleared out the "dead wood" to your business, this woman will come at just the right time to offer up solutions, alternatives, and choices from which then you can move forward toward expansion.

Overall, the Moon says that yes, you've got yourself into a mess, but now is not the time to make expansive changes, you must cultivate and polish what life has thrown your way at the present time, and then a woman will present herself to you to help you further with the direction you want to take your business in.  Don't get too far ahead of yourself, or you will remain stuck in the confusion you now find yourself in.  The advice is: one step at a time, dealing with one problem at a time, sorting things out, getting rid of waste, revitalizing and revamping your framework.

I hope you find this helpful! :)

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Post by ThePilgrim » Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:23 pm

Hi Amanda
I am really sorry for not being able to reply to your post, though I read it once you posted. Past few weeks have been 20-hrs-on-work-everyday kind of days. I am extremely grateful for your guidance above. Part intentionally and part unintentionally, I have managed to carry through your advise above and I find myself in a relatively better but more uncertain situation right now. Though more uncertain, but its a bit more relaxed and better situation than last month. I am really thankful for your precious time.

If it falls within forum rules, and you find it not rude of me to to ask further questions when I was not able to say a thankyou for your previous reading on time .. can you try to look into - Uncertainties that are up here right now in business, somewhat expansionist plans that am thinking right now after last month of consolidation and future (probably next 3-4 months) finances/business growth.

Thanks again for your valuable time and insightful reading. :)

Posts: 26
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Post by ThePilgrim » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:22 am

Hi Amanda
It will be ok if you do not have enough time these days :)
Also, I wouldn't mind any other user giving me a reading as per previous post as well, in case you are busy, and the forum rules allow.


Amanda Wise
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Post by Amanda Wise » Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:08 pm

Hi Pilgrim,
I'm just seeing this, and am sorry for the delay in response, as I've been ill all week.  I'd be happy to look further into your questions now that I'm feeling better.  :)  I'll get back to you soon.


Amanda Wise
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:29 am

Post by Amanda Wise » Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:53 pm

I'm using the Bright Idea deck, which was created by a professional business consultant.

Queen of Pentacles - 6 of Swords - Page of Pentacles

The uncertainties in your business seem to be surrounding decisions with finances and where best to put your resources.  The Queen here is called "Comfort" in this deck, and it suggests that you've gotten into a routine or preferred method of operations that dictate where your finances/resources are going to go.  While I believe you trimmed back the hedge so-to-speak this card suggests that there is still a problem in place that is going to keep things growing wildly, no matter how much trimming you do.  It's "fixed" in your routine, your mindset, somewhere to keep you going downhill fast.  The 6 of Swords is called "Science" in this deck, and it gives me the impression of fluxuation between doing what you know and reacting inappropriately to what you don't know.  There is a conflict of doing what you think is best and doing what you feel is best, and you need to bring those two things within you together to form a compromise to move forward... you must also consider that there are aspects you can directly control, and aspects that you may not like but have to allow yourself to work with and go with the flow.  The Page is called "Preparation" in this deck and it's basically telling me that you cannot possibly anticipate every bump in the road, and you shouldn't try because it is a waste of your resources.  There are times that are going to present themselves to you that you are not prepared for, and the best way to be prepared is to toss out the rule book and look at present contingencies a "bump" might affect, and that may mean for you, to do something you've never done before.  You can unlock these certainties, by being prepared to do something that may not be comfortable to you, or that doesn't follow the rule book of your business.  Try not to look at the trees too much, but rather, the entire forest.

Strength - Ace of Cups - 8 of Swords

Strength right away suggests that you need to take a much harder look at your weaknesses in regards to these plans you have for expansion.  In the vision that you have for these goals, are you setting it up to do what you really want to do?  Or is this to avoid the present "whippings" you may face with what is currently going on with your business?  The Ace of Cups says that you must look more closely at your motivations.  What is the real reason you are envisioning these goals now?  If it is to save yourself, it's not going to work... because these new plans may still fall into the comfortable routine of what is presently holding you back.  The 8 of Swords suggests this, and advises that you really, truly, try coloring outside the lines here and do something a little more unexpected with these plans.  You cannot put these into the same framework you've already got going, because that framework is damaged and holding you back.

Hermit - 10 of Cups - 2 of Wands

I don't see much improvement for the next few months unfortunately.  The Hermit here suggests again, that you may know too well what you are doing here- suggesting again, paralysis through analysis and believing you have nothing to left to learn or change or do in all this.  It's that "comfort" that was addressed earlier on.  This is what you need to address, with yourself, if you expect anything to change in your business.  The 10 of Cups in this deck is called "Overwhelmed" and you are going to continue feeling snowed under with this for a while yet.  Don't ignore those danger signs because you think you can or should be the only one to handle all this.  Feeling overwhelmed is a danger sign.  The 2 of Wands in this deck is called "Conflict" and suggests that you are going to have trouble making and sticking to decisions that stem from this feeling of being overwhelmed.  You are going to have to do something that you think you may not be keen on, and shift some of this load to someone with a more objective view, someone you can trust (which may be difficult for you to do, I can clearly see how invested you are in this), or a professional.  The important thing is, you are going to need a clear view from someone outside of the situation.  I don't think you really want the help of someone else, but you surely do need it, and I hope you will open yourself to the idea to get yourself unstuck.

I'm sorry if that's difficult to hear, but I do hope you find it helpful and use it to your advantage.

Posts: 26
Joined: Thu May 27, 2010 3:08 pm

Post by ThePilgrim » Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:21 pm

Just wanted to say a thank you for detailed reading. With every passing day, I am able to more understand the reading that you gave.  Thanks once again :)

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