Do you believe in Aliens or Extraterrestrials ? <--------------------

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Do you believe in Aliens or Extraterrestrials ? <--------------------

Post by Zaros » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:05 pm

:smt002 &nbsp;Here on Earth. I do. &nbsp; I have had some experience with them myself.
But I cannot say what happened here. &nbsp;What I can say is that they are
all around us. &nbsp;And they are as human as they can be. &nbsp;They are the ones
who are controlling the system. &nbsp;Anyway. &nbsp;What do you think ?
What do you know about aliens or ETS ? &nbsp;Have you ever seen one.
Tell us your story. &nbsp; :)

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Post by Evard » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:23 pm

Hi . &nbsp;Alien like Neptuan [Area 51] and Marsian advanced humanoid
fluorine basis 4000 year {gala a} large eyed curve mouth bluish ~
skin tone with {[flying saucers]} and double field anti-grav theory:
Flight to Begin Advanced FluoroMagneon~@PanaTransit .|. or did u
[you] mean this 100 system star and planet cosmis gala regional :

Human raciat , known to be : homo sapiens equivalent homo sipae
and similar human races brought here on Planet.ry Republic grant.

native Earth Human are Homo sapien s and it seems like not every
human here is natural Earth human race .,. so , being Sly ., maybe
I believe in extra{terrestrial} human life . My unwanted comment :
will be : I'm not so good at summarizing my thoughts in American*
proper grammar {common} "English" at all times and I'm kind uh: &nbsp;eccentric . so maybe . you can guess . otherwise . Ev

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Post by Evard » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:06 pm

also . , . I don't believe they are controlling our planet nor our "system"
I guess referring to almost Star Wars kind~a Republic offering counter-
feit money to those who use foreign comm system and earpiece to then
affect the Republic run for President in 2011OK and 2012 planned FEMA
grant setting false money Corporate Republic (counterfeit) known as uh
International Monetary Funding on premise [and false promise] Disaster
Funding "Reform" to enact trial problem with monies
to enact <sigh> earthquakes , tornadoes , flooding .,. and then : lava~
with volcanoes , hurricanes , possible regional oceanic sinking [falsely]
after river flooding at the US A and China [the week this is written] and
any other Disaster and Climate Potential Payment , Republic will want :
To Say They Are Worthy on Premise US Caucus Would Be Controlled ,.
anyway , I don't believe in any uh this ... I won't want 5 wars this year
and I don't agree with insulting Obama Admin for {{[Money]}} <sigh> &nbsp; &nbsp; OWell , my guess .,. it's what you meant .|. Ev

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Post by GeminiStar » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:14 pm

I do believe there are other life forms on other planets. It doens't make sense that in this vast universe we are the only ones.

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:21 pm

What a complete load of tosh.
But I'd quite like a gallon of what you're drinking.

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Post by dhav » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:04 am

If we can exist then why can't other life forms can't exist on other solar systems?

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:25 pm

OK, for about the 100th time.
We are a carbon based life form living on a Goldilocks planet (not too hot,not too cold, not too big, not too small, has liquid water); there are other possibilities for a basis for life, silicon for one but unless a life form was:-
a) carbon based
b) from a similar goldilocks planet
c) had a sun roughly the same size/age as ours
then it is doubtful we would recognise it as a life form, even if it did fulfil those 2 criteria it would not necessarily have followed the same evolutionary path, if it looked radically different how would we realize it was sentient (I assume we're discussing sentience not much fun interacting with a microbe).
If it was silicon based then it could equally loo like a rock - a troll say; if the life experience of said alien is vastly outside our own i.e. has a slower metabolism or a faster metabolism then it would be like trying to talk to an Ent (see Tolkien) or a mayfly.
Let's assume said alien is carbon based, has a body shape we recognise - 2 arms, legs etc. has evolved roughly in line with us, not too far advanced, not too primitive and has a life cycle approximate to us - doesn't live too long or short then maybe we could establish some form of interaction, however...........
The nearest star to us Alpha Centauri is 4.2 light years away but this is a binary system - 2 stars so no match to us there.
The nearest possible match is a planet orbiting Gliese 581 a red dwarf 20 light years away, the year is only 37 days long(some say 37. some 17) but the planet is in the Goldilocks zone, so although it might well have liquid water the colour/radiation of the sun is different and the years don't compute. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Now comes the tricky bit.
If we send a message there it takes 20 years to get there and 20 years to get back, a scientist of 30 might just be alive when the message returned, so we're hardly going to be penpals .
Now come the even trickier bit.
Ah ha you say what about space travel.
You cannot ravel faster than the speed of light, perhaps tachyons would be able to do so but let's keep it simple.
I'm not going to put the equations in but the nearer you get to the speed of light the more your mass increases, to travel at the speed of light then your would be infinite!
If you are really interested in this bit and the time dilation look it up, I can't be arsed going through again.

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just a little bit of calculating

Post by lillith » Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:46 pm

We have discovered that in local group of Solar systems ( in ~50 light years radius) there are several systems that have terrestrial (like Earth) type of planets...Earlier we believed that our system is very rare(almost unique), but now we know that there is many systems like ours. Astronomers discover such a systems almost every, calculate-what is possibility that there is NO LIFE IN SPACE beside us???? i think it is nt metter of beliefe anymore, it became matter of logic and common sense...

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Post by Evard » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:39 pm

Hi . The planet mass geometry value also says :
the computation on premise all planet mass is a
determiner of gravity and weight , is now seen :
as the planet density with regard to local 'panet'
setting and Jupiter is noted as the most dense ,
gravitic planet at our system . . though Sedna :
is much larger almost 3 times the size Saturn ,.

This theory says the gravity is not based on the
rule of planet mass and object or human who ::
known to approach a standard planet will find a
God's Design is the order of "most planets" are
with common weight ratio and gravity doesn't :
vary unless planet dense core is higher value .,

One theory about this comment is all planets uh
form as standard ratio of surface weight and all
planets with few exceptions , the nearest will be
Jupiter and some iso-bar pressure on Saturn .,.
will be all planets with formed atmosphere are :
standard [known as "standrd"] and will keep on
promis [promise~n] common oceans and aero*
spatial gravitic rather thn gravimetric , Life . . .

If proper for this board , the term for geometry
proper for a standrd gravitic GeoPhysical Ideal
will be known as Geom and means the MN 1A :
value with physics terms : Mass and Newton @:
with geometric actual ratio begin Area at value
1A will refer to atmospheric arc-mass volume ,
known to be the standard surface atmosphere.

With later star product combining natural free
oxygen the &nbsp;C N O &nbsp;Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen :
product of natural star element combinance is
proper to offer all mature planet formation the
ideal for almost all planets in natural form will
be proper to be visited by postrocket program
known as the NaSa 2 Virtue Model Geom and:
Planet Review Physics Redux Flight Program .

Sorry to bother any who read this . , . I won't
agree with the geocentria thought about being
the only air and water organic natural planet .

Thanks if this theory will be allowed . Evard :)

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:30 am

Evard, I understood every word, that was a good summation, thank you.

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Post by Evard » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:37 pm

OK Prof. Akers

You seem to have cheered up about my statements
as either too technical or advanced with way I try a
kind of expression which offers newer : geocentriac
respectin as the NASA rocket program did not want
to debate Life Out There as we are not ready to be
a Department of Science to meet other humanity .

Thank You also Prof. Akers for the polite comment
and I hope you cheer up about Life in General . . .

Evard , reminding you I am eccentric about report

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Post by symulhaque » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:35 pm

I have a strong god feeling that the alie exist, not in the world but outside the world.

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