Happiness is but a dream

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Happiness is but a dream

Post by Luckymadon » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:16 am

I was asked in a former employment class to decribe just one day in my dream life. Here is what I wrote

Happiness Is But A Dream

I awaken to the first rays of sunlight shining brightly through the slits of the quaint venetian blinds that adorn the picture window of my bedroom. Or maybe it was the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, masking all other distinctive homey aromas. Ahh...the wonders of an automatic coffee brewer, set to begin brewing at the same time every morning. Much more pleasant than an alarm clock's startling alert. I don my robe and slippers, pour a cup o' java and step onto the deck to enjoy it.
My house is located at the edge of a forest, within a grove of maple, birch, oak and various evergreen trees, overlooking the ocean. It is elevated twenty feet off of the ground and supported by the surrounding trees. A modern day 'treehouse'. I designed it myself and a contractor friend of mine built it. It is powered by solar panels and wind turbines, solely of the natural elements. The deck of which I now sit offers a grand view of the ocean and a pictuesque view of the Rockie mountains. A low ceiling of cloud over the mountains give them a 'Mount Olympus' affect.
A gentle breeze whispers it's "Good morning'. I smile knowingly as the trees nod in agreement.
The waves of the ocean roll gently toward the shore, welcoming me to join them for a refreshing dip. "I can't this morning", I muse silently as I think of the busy day ahead. They seem to understand as they bow and then recede.
I am a staff writer for "inspiration" magazine. I am working on an article about the challenges of parenting physically challenged children and the love and support given and received by the community as well as the family. The challenges are great, but the rewards are greater. I feel privilledged to have met this family. The deadline is tomorrow at 5:00pm.

I am startled out of my reverie by the chittering laughter of squirrels, chipmunks and other small forest animals as they race each other to retrieve the niblets of food I put out for them. They only come when they know they have an audience. I'd love to stay and watch but the day is calling.
I shower, dress and eat a few grapes, opting to eat breakfast in town. I gather my materials, hop on my mountain bike and make the five kilometer trip across the trail into town. There is nothing like a 45 minute bike ride through nature in the crisp morning air to perk up the adrenaline, clear the mind, get the creative juices flowing and prepare myself for the work I need to do today.
I get to the office just before 9am and purchase a bagel and coffee at the cafeteria in my building. I opt to consume it in my office. My office is small but it is all mine. "A gift of merit", as my editor says. I agree as I acknowledge my daughter's graduation picture. I scheduled all of my appointments for the morning and use the company vehicle to get to them. At noon, I accept my editor's invitation to have lunch in our favorite seafood restaurant. "Haddock and fries for me!" How could I decline? She's paying.
I spewnd the afternoon writing and editing the information gathered from the morning interviews. The article is almost finished. Tomorrow I will polish it up and pass it in to my editor. She will be pleased.
After work I hop on my bike and make the five km trip home. I prepare a supper of skinless, boneless chicken breast, and fresh garden salad. Three hours of daylight left. I get on my bike and take a relaxing trip through the various trails that run through my property. The sounds and smells of nature in the evening put me in a meditative mood. I arrive back home just as the sun is making it's way down between the peaks of the mountains. I decide to take the ocean up on it's earlier invitation. The water is refreshing on my exhilerated skin.
As the night sky intensifies, revealing the message of the constellations, I head toward my small 'observatory' where I view the universe with a telescope through my skylight ceiling. I am an amateur astronomer and am following a discovery made recently by the professionals. They claim that it is another planet, but cannot be too sure as it is partially hidden by the sun. It is quite the spectacle to watch.
I set the timer on the coffee brewer, put some veggies, nuts and other goodies out for my morning entertainers and head to the bedroom. Another busy day tomorrow. I fall asleep under a canopy of stars winking slyly as the moon's crescent smiles in motherly fashion. The last thought of the day.....Happiness is but a dream....come true.

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