Help please! I have no idea how to interpret this!

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Help please! I have no idea how to interpret this!

Post by YourMirror » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:10 am

Hi guys,

usually dreams are something I have no problems interpreting,but in this case,well,it's a little tricky.

I am aware that whatever dream is to some extend a projection of our state of mind and a mirror of the feelings and impressions we're going true at a given period. But I also believe that in every dream there's a very meaningful symbolism and it's important to be taken in account and interpreted correctly,in order to get more accurate message from the dream itself.

Can't say that I'm not dreaming most of the time,but rarely when am remembering a dream.

Few nights ago I had a dream in which my ex's ex girlfriend appeared,and I had positive feelings for her in the dream,she was something like a friend to me. I only remember that I was staying at her place,and the whole building was empty and a little creepy. Can't really say what,but I was like expecting/searching for something. The dream in general felt like a nightmare .... Could you please tell me what does it means to dream about your ex's ex?

Short after that,I was dreaming about my ex himself. I've seen him clearly ringing on the door bell at the house where I've grow up. Then he got inside and we were sitting on the table and it felt like we were friends,which we aren't for we've split in a very bad way. I don't remember the conversation,if any,for it looked like we're talking but perhaps we weren't. I know only that I wanted to hug him very strongly,but I wasn't showing it to him. And then he left. The whole thing felt like it was just a normal visit,something that is just normal,not new,not a surprise.......

Please give me some insight,I'm confused. It'd be greatly appreciated :)

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Post by Luckymadon » Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:17 pm

I'm not a professional dream interpreter or a psychologist, but I will give it shot as I am pretty accurate when interpreting my own dreams.

In the first dream (about your ex's ex), you obviously have something in common with this person, (being both of you have the same ex). Was this other person the reason for the break up between you and your ex, or vice versa? Did your ex treat this person as good or bad as he treated you? You may subconsciously feel a bond with this person and are ready to forgive either him/her, the situation or both.

The same could be said for the second dream. You may be ready to let go of the past, forgive your ex and move on with your life.

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