Tarot Reading Request from Cedars

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Tarot Reading Request from Cedars

Post by horus1123 » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:05 pm

Hello Cedars,

Hello again! Hope all has been well with you...

I am requesting a general tarot reading from you. I don't have any questions in particular...just want to know what you see through the cards

Your reading is most appreciated!


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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:14 pm

Hi Horus

Hope you are well and thanks for asking about me. I have been well too.
I will give you a general reading which draws upon what’s going on around you in terms of influences and which of these you can use to work with and which one you should be aware or wary of.

What does Horus need to know about the energies around him and messages of advice he can use?

Using Rider Waite deck.

Where you are at now?
Four of Cups:
I feel with this card you are currently in a state of flux, boredom and possibly loss of direction or disinterest towards any form of purpose or target to aim for. It is as though you are saying “what’s the point?” “Been there and not seen much come out of it.” To a certain degree the current situation could be one of disenchantment of life around you or a particular aspect of life. Being the suit of Cups, it could (but not necessarily) matters relating to associations whether romantic or otherwise with another person or persons; or disenchantment in the work area. This shows me the picture whilst you may be wishing or thinking ‘what if things were different?’ but at the same time even given an opportunity, you have lost the heart to have a go at it. Either you are bored with a situation and another offer may or may not be so enticing and lost in a world of day dreams, you simply are in a state of neither moving forward nor going backwards.#

Positive Influences or energies around the corner or those which you can work with to your highest good:
Wheel of Fortune and Judgement:
 Wow, two Major Arcana cards which herald imminent changes, opportunities on one hand – Wheel of Fortune – and a rebirth and a fresh outlook – Judgement – on the other. The wheel is finally going to turn towards you and in your favour with opportunities and good tidings that you would need to grasp lest it moved away again. Needless to say, the choice is yours, but as this is showing under the positive influences and as  it is a Major card, I suspect you will have no choice in the matter and things will be ‘delivered’ to you like a turn in your fortunes.
With the Judgement, however, or whether it is going to be the ensuing result of the Wheel of Fortune, I feel there is an opportunity to put all the unpleasant past behind you, with its disappointments, errors and tribulations, and start afresh within yourself a new You. This is a rebirth more of the spiritual and personal level and one which gets rid of the debris of the past, forgive and forget and face the future with a clean slate.

Blockages and possible stumbling points for you to be aware of:
Six of Pentacles and the Empress.
I feel a business or a personal situation has not been serving you well or has the potential of causing you certain obstacles in the form of the Six of Pentacles. I see this card as a two-edged sword  in that one could either be overdoing in his act of giving or one has been withholding from giving (even though he is able to). There is an imbalance in a situation or could present an imbalance in which one of the parties (it could even be you) is not delivering his part of the deal. The scales are not balanced where giving and receiving is concerned. It does not have to be about money; it could be in the way one gives his energies or behaviour or interactions with those around them.
With the Empress (such a positive card) I feel too much reliance on material (and physical) comfort or necessities could be leading to some form of reliance and futile outcome. The Empress herself is the embodiment of all that is abundant, physical pleasure, nurturing nature, Mother Earth through whom life comes into existence. Al l these positive elements when put to the wrong use or purpose, could have an adverse effect in our current purpose in life. Don’t get me wrong, she has some wonderful characteristics; plenty of physical pleasure (yes, even sex), abundance of material and/or physical pleasures.... are these all being over-stretched or overdone? A word of caution that these do not mar the positive influences already mentioned.

Message from the Tarot:
Page of Pentacles
. Another Earth element with the Page of Pentacles which could indicate the beginnings of new ideas on business/financial matters; ideas for investment; a message or an involvement with someone who has bright ideas but probably not the funds to make them happen. Being an Earth element, this could also herald to the pleasures of the flesh and possible improvement on future finances. ~This message could be presented to you either in the form of a person coming into your life or a surge of new inspiration and ideas coming from your inner self.  Listen to it.

The World:
a wonderful conclusion to the reading and in the form of the World – the culmination and the attainment of all desires coming to fruition. The World indicates fulfilment of wishes and dreams, having it all per your heart’s desire and bringing a certain struggle to a happy and satisfactory conclusion. Enjoy the outcome.

Out of seven cards, you had four Major Arcana cards and all three indicate and signify positive developments in your life – for the foreseeable future. Turn of events coming your way for which you would be wise to take advantage of whilst clearing your own soul and inner self from the debris of the past and starting afresh. The Empress is in her position is a word of warning not to get too
carried away.

I hope this resonated with you, Horus, and I am happy to say this is a  positive and inspirational reading that the cards have brought forth for you.
With much blessings.

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Hello again...

Post by horus1123 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:26 pm

Hello again Cedars,

Thank you for the wonderful reading...

I must say that I agree with the reading wholeheartedly and I look forward to a positive outcome, though I have issue with the first and last cards: Four of Cups and the World. While I do agree with your assessment that I am stuck, I must say that I am indeed focused and very much knowing where I want to go. With that said, my question is "how can I get unstuck"? That is the question!

I have felt stuck my whole life (as I have complained to you before), despite my disciplined and prodigious efforts to move forward on many fronts in my life, and while cards like "The World" and "The Sun" have shown up as the final outcome in my past readings with you (like in this one), somehow "The Sun" doesn't seem to shine and "The World" is never enough. In other words, these wonderful outcomes don't come to pass despite me taking advantage of opportunites (or "seeming opportunities") presented to me. I am not one to sit back and wish on a falling star...I am definitely a man of action for I believe that right action couple with opportunity and optimism should lead to a desirable manifestation...but that isn't the case.

All of this makes me think, "how much 'free will' do I actually have"?...for whether I try or not, THE RESULTS ARE USUALLY THE SAME! How much of my life is fate vs. free will? How much of my life MUST be lived according to fate? I never felt like I had much free will, and that many outcomes were already determined regardless of my efforts.

So, in conclusion, my questions are 1) how much "free will" do I actually have vs fate? and 2) How can I become unstuck?...which is somewhat tied into the first question. Maybe I am to experience being stuck, for God knows that I've been trying to move forward for the longest time.

You may or may not be able to answer any of these questions...just looking for a little extra guidance, and just needing to vent...;0)

Your feedback, as always is most appreciated!



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Post by cedars » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:16 pm

Whatever comments I make below are only my opinions and these do not constitute a reading.
I must say that I agree with the reading wholeheartedly and I look forward to a positive outcome, though I have issue with the first and last cards: Four of Cups and the World. While I do agree with your assessment that I am stuck, I must say that I am indeed focused and very much knowing where I want to go. With that said, my question is "how can I get unstuck"? That is the question!
Horus, being focused and doing all you can and knowing where you ‘want’ to go, does not change the fact that you may still be stuck.  These are two different things. You may be focused and KNOW where you WANT to go, but these are all incomplete states or status of mind. It does not mean that you have attained your wants or your goals. The fact that you asked ‘’how can I get unstuck?’’ suggests to me that you do feel stuck despite the efforts to the contrary. Do you perhaps think you are over trying or overdoing in your efforts to be unstuck and doing all the right things that society and the world around you expects of you?  I do feel you are stuck with my connection to you and the very fact that you are trying to get unstuck, you are making the ‘being stuck’ situation even worse.

Horus, I have known you for some time now...... and may I say or suggest that you stop trying for a while? If you have a roof over your head; food in the fridge; good health; a job to go to....just give thanks to what you have and let go.... let go! Give thanks and let go. If you have friends around you, albeit not someone special, be grateful, enjoy their presence in your life and let go!
I have felt stuck my whole life (as I have complained to you before), despite my disciplined and prodigious efforts to move forward on many fronts in my life,
Here you nailed it again. Why does it have to be a disciplined and prodigious effort? Why shouldn’t it be instinctual? Why do you treat life like a textbook or a cooking recipe that if you deviated from one ingredient, it would turn out to be a failure? It may even add a completely different flavour to the end result.  Why don’t you become less disciplined and try not to follow the ‘right path’ that is being preached to you by your very own society or peers or colleagues or neighbours or even the State of the country?
You cannot force things to happen my good friend.  Wish for them and get on with your life and leave the rest...... let go!
I cant see why you don’t understand the World at the end as an Outcome. Are you now even doubting that? If you do, then you are simply pushing it away from even happening.
All of this makes me think, "how much 'free will' do I actually have"?...for whether I try or not, THE RESULTS ARE USUALLY THE SAME! How much of my life is fate vs. free will? How much of my life MUST be lived according to fate? I never felt like I had much free will, and that many outcomes were already determined regardless of my efforts.
So, in conclusion, my questions are 1) how much "free will" do I actually have vs fate? and 2) How can I become unstuck?...which is somewhat tied into the first question. Maybe I am to experience being stuck, for God knows that I've been trying to move forward for the longest time.
We all feel this way at certain stages in our life. Yours is no different to mine or the person next to you. I do not know the bit about free will or fate although life can be a bit of both. But all the time I have known you , I have sensed you are trying too much to get where you want and what you want. This is something that should be born within you – Judgement – to get rid of a pattern of behaviour that has been plaguing you for so many years now and when it is not manifested, you are being brought down and down until you find yourself in a state of total despair
Give yourself a reading of your own, in your psyche and soul and see that enough is enough and that a new Horus needs to come out of this that has been plaguing you. If all the readings are saying the same and not materialising, perhaps you should look at the way you deal with things in your life.
When you meet someone, forget the wedding ring. Just enjoy getting to know each other.
When you get a new business potential, work on that one and don’t panic about the next deal.
When you make a new acquaintance, enjoy their company and what you both can give to each other – two say street.
When you lose an order, be grateful for the experience and on to the next one.
When someone rejects you (God knows we all get that) put it behind you and learn from the experience.
You may or may not be able to answer any of these questions...just looking for a little extra guidance, and just needing to vent...;0)
My good man, I know I cannot answer all the questions and I am doing my best based on my life experience to pass a little bit of it to you – it may work for you or it may not. Forgive me if this sounded like a sermon but it hurts me to see you in this state for I have known you now for over two years.
Love Horus and love Horus for who he is. If someone else is not worthy of your love, walk away kindly and love Horus again.

Believe that you deserve the World, the Sun, the Wheel of Fortune. If you don’t, then they will not be manifested.

I am sorry if this is all mumbo-jumbo, but it is the best I can offer to you.

Warm friendly hugs. :smt006

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