requesting Akashic Readings for Myself

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Brahma Mihira
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requesting Akashic Readings for Myself

Post by Brahma Mihira » Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:53 am

I’m highly interest about akashic records, so can someone do read my akashic records related to my past life? What type of details need for it? Is distance making problem?

First Name : Brian, Male, 1980-July-26, Vedic Sign – Tula (Libra)


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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:09 pm

Hi Brahma Mihira, and welcome :)

Distance is no problem to most readers, its like any form of reading really, a good reader can work with the energies of the seeker and lock in that way. The Akashic Records hold a feast of information but not all of it is available to use when we want it. Do you have a particular past life in mind? Why do you want to find out about them?

Usually there would have to be a good reason and also a possible good result and benefit to make past lives accessible. Often we may be curious but the record will be locked for some reason as it is may not help what we really need  or help us to learn about more information from the past instead of concentrating on  the present or even our future.

Just a birth date is needed and a name, that is all, but before I look I wanted to hear from you again about your question :)


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Post by Brahma Mihira » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:08 pm

Thank for your reply Cascade of Light, in 2000 suddenly my and my parent's life covered with severe struggles, now little bit have relief. Sometime i saw dreams & voices when I'm near to sleep.  I'm practicing reading akashic records in basic level via self hypnotism. I got some past life details related to my problems. But i don't know those are true or just facts in my lower mind.

Esp. i need to verify details i got from my readings are true or not? For practice more advance level, i need verify this doubt. That why i need this verification from experienced reader.

Thanks again!

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Open for any Reader

Post by Brahma Mihira » Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:19 pm

Because now “Cascade of Light” is not in the forum, any reader who like to give me reading on akashic records, on past life details & via talking with sprits; my requesting is opening again for any reader?

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The value of a reading cannot be measured only by the method which was used

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:26 am

Hello Brahma (Brian means strong),

Nobody else on this forum gives Akashic or Past life readings. ... hp?t=77860

Also mediumship readings involving us talking with and passing onto you messages from spirits are not allowed on Mystic Boards.

Remember that the value of the insights gained through a reading are measured more by how they help us to enjoy happier and more successful lives (in our own terms of what being happy and successful means), and less by the particular method which was used to obtain this information.

It appears with respect to your beliefs that you have stamped some special sense of authority on messages or insights which have been obtained through accessing the Akashic Records or exploring past life memories or even communicating with disembodied spirits, which you will not equally give to a physically present reader who does not work in these more abstract areas.

While Akashic Records and past life memories and lengthy dissertations from highly advanced spiritual beings do have their place in helping us to better understand ourselves and more exactly pinpoint where we are on our spiritual journey back towards God, some methods which may not seem as exciting or dramatic in comparison tell us more of lasting value about what happens in this life and in this world and this spiritual plane, than these more impressive ones can ever claim to do.

Troublesome and malicious spirits on the lower astral planes, knowing that some of us give greater authority and respect to messages from them instead of from a living person, can use this fact against us to deceive and conceal their true intentions.

All I am saying is that not all spirits simply because they no longer occupy a physical vehicle or corporeal body tell us the truth, and what they tell us may or may not be of any value to us in our world and our life. And their counsel may be neither wise, harmless nor healthy.

Always remember to test the spirits and their advice very carefully in the laboratory of your own experiences and knowledge and system of beliefs.

Although I am not a medium, and I neither give Akashic Readings nor delve into unsubstantiated past life experiences, can I still be of any service or assistance to you through an intuitive reading?

Over to you now for your decision. Whatever you decide is best for you is OK with me. If you decline my invitation, I will certainly not be offended or think any lesser of you because of it.


EoT :smt006

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Post by Brahma Mihira » Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:42 am

In my case I'm practicing reading akashic records, so i knew large sum of details about my past life and some other facts. But i need to go forward, so i need verification about details i got. That why i asked about my past life from experienced reader. I want to master in reading akashic records. I understand what EoT saying. I'm respecting rules of this forum.

I'm more practice in vedic astrology. I never say other sort of readings are worthless. If i need to ask specific question about one area of my life, I will ask it via another topic from EoT. Thanks EoT for your kindly helping.

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It would be both my pleasure and privilege

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:49 pm

I'm more practice in vedic astrology. I never say other sort of readings are worthless.
In other words because you have had more personal experience with and have actively studied Vedic Astrology, you naturally feel more comfortable with it for exploring the broader issues of your life, including the accessing of past life information.

But when you are instead asking a specific question about one particular more defined and narrow area of your life, you are equally open to accepting alternate and more Western methods of divination.

A nice balance or blend between the best of the East and the West. IMO

I can both understand and respect what you are saying here.

I am genuinely pleased and grateful that you cleared up my misunderstanding about your attitudes to the use of non Vedic methods to give readings, as well as you did.
If i need to ask specific question about one area of my life, I will ask it via another topic from EoT.
It would be both my pleasure and privilege to be given an opportunity to help you with this, if or when you may feel the need to seek this reader's insights.

Peace, Love and Light,

EoT Image (The Peace Dove)

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Post by Brahma Mihira » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:06 am

Brahma Mihira wrote:In my case I'm practicing reading akashic records, so i knew large sum of details about my past life and some other facts. But i need to go forward, so i need verification about details i got. That why i asked about my past life from experienced reader. I want to master in reading akashic records. I understand what EoT saying. I'm respecting rules of this forum.

I'm more practice in vedic astrology. I never say other sort of readings are worthless. If i need to ask specific question about one area of my life, I will ask it via another topic from EoT. Thanks EoT for your kindly helping.
So, if in this forum have reader who does akashic records, my requesting in this thread is open for all of them.


:)  :smt020  :)

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Akashic Reading request for MangoMom

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:14 pm

Hi Brahma,

MangoMom is the only reader on this forum who currently offers Akashic readings.

I have sent my respected colleague and close friend MM a private message, letting her know that you have requested her services, in case she overlooks it with it having been posted at the end of your existing thread (which is no longer being monitored).

I do not need to be particularly psychic to predict that she will in turn ask you to send your relevant personal details to her by way of a private message, in preparation for your Akashic reading to be given on this message board when it is convenient and it is felt to be the right time for her to do so.

I now confidently place you in MangoMom's more than capable and loving psychic hands, knowing full well that her precious gift of reading the contents of your soul's Akashic records could potentially transform your life for the better.

Your brother in spirit,

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:44 pm

Hello Brahman,

My Dear Friend EOT alerted me that you had posted a request, I have sent you a private message requesting information and suggest that you post a new request in the forum so that it is up to date, as sometimes we tend not to read older dated messages.  Blessings to you, I would be honored to access your records.


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Post by Brahma Mihira » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:12 am

Dear MangoMom and Eot

Thanks for both of your helping in this case, i will post new thread...

Best Wishes...

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