Request for a reading from Cascade of light

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Request for a reading from Cascade of light

Post by decentgal » Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:58 pm

Hello Cascade of light

I hope you aredoing fine .

I am a working female single and looking forward to settling down .I had some useful advice earlier  from this website and i feel its always good  to have another view of the situation for personal improvement .

I shall be grateful ifyou could assist me with my issues in this regard .It seems the wait isnot over yet.

Thank you for your time



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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:12 pm


I am doing ok, thanks for asking. How are you? Your post is quite cryptic, before I read for you, do you want to make your question a bit clearer as at the moment it seems to be contradicting?



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Post by decentgal » Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:55 am

Thanks Cassie for the reply .

I am doing fine thank you .

I actually am waiting to meet my life partner and i am also trying to prepare myself and getting ready for a new relationship.
I would appreciate if i may get insights as of what do you see for me in terms of a new relationship and any advice you may offer to me at this point in time .


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:27 pm


Cascade of Light (Cassie) is no longer giving readings on this forum.

As you are not specifically asking either for an Akashic or Past Life reading, may I be of any assistance to you with this request in her place?

Kindest regards,

EoT  :smt006

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Post by decentgal » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:02 am

Dear EoT
Thank you so much for your kindness.I will definitely want to get some guidance from you at your convenience.

Best Regards


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:05 pm

I hope that you will not mind me calling you by your real name Hina in the future, which I learned from one of your threads posted in the Tarot Reading forum, at the very end of 2010. For purposes of convenience I have included a direct link to the request to which I am referring with this message. ... 145#285145

Just as was also clearly the case with Cedars of whose readings I am still in awe for their sheer depth and honesty, your immense inner strength in the face of adversity is an inspiration to all of us.
I  have had a tough life in terms of relationships and finances but i am content with what i am as i have learnt my lessons very well .Everything that has happened has helped me in my spiritual and personal growth.
This statement of your faith provides an excellent example of the principle that it is not so much what happens in our lives which defines who we are as a person, but more it is about how we respond to and what we make of a positive nature from whatever obstacles/challenges life places in our path which tells other people whom we truly are.

And from what you have written and I have quoted I feel that the worst of the hand which fate has dealt you is not completely at an end, but it is at the very least finally slowing down once more to a more relaxed and "normal" speed for you that you have not experienced for some considerable period of time.

Therefore it is perfectly natural and understandable that you would want to now be looking towards settling down and finding someone that special man who loves and respects you for being the wonderful and kind woman whom I sense that you already are.

Because you have previously been given Tarot readings in preference to other methods of divination, I wanted to try something different with you for this month's intuitive reading.
Any insights or information which might flow through me on your behalf during this next reading are only to be used in combination with insights and information previously gained from your Tarot reading or readings.
I cannot overemphasize the utmost importance of the above sentence placed between quotes. The contents of this reading are not and were never intended to be a complete substitute for what my respected reader colleague has already given you through your tarot reading. Instead it should be regarded as complementary to anything which has been said before. Each reading method usually only provides a small part of the whole picture puzzle of your life.

You will need a certain amount or number of pieces in just the right positions, to eventually recognize or arrive at the bigger picture.

While you are so intensely focused on settling down and hopefully meeting that special man over the next few months, it is felt that the next six months are more a time for a tying up of loose ends and a valuable opportunity for you to more carefully and deeply recognize just how far you have traveled as a spiritual being from where you were when Cedars gave you your Tarot reading.

Indeed from the viewpoint of your Higher Self whatever trials and tribulations have happened to you during that period between December 2010 and November 2011 you have outdone even yourself in overcoming the challenges which were presented to you specifically to measure what progress you have made towards becoming stronger and more self confident in spite of all that has occurred.

Actually your Higher Self is making a joke of this along with you, and is not instead making fun of you. I get a definite impression that you are being jokingly accused of showing off, and by so doing making the rest of us fallible human beings feel even more inadequate in comparison to your relatively high standards of excellence. You have significantly raised the bar of what was previously thought to be possible in the way of overcoming your life's challenges, so to speak. You have moved the goal posts by several meters further than they ever were before?

You probably do not want to hear this in your enthusiasm to settle down and find a lover as soon as possibler, but the next six months are to be mainly devoted to a well deserved but long overdue period of self administered TLC (Tender Loving Care). This upcoming period is the optimum time for you to recharge your spiritual batteries, and for you to get your just reward for all the many sacrifices which you have made, to allow you to eventually get you to this point in your life as a whole journey.

This of course does not mean that you should not even think about having a social or love life over the next six months, or that you should not keep looking for a place to live, but it is simply saying that if this gives you pleasure and makes you feel better about yourself go for it, but do not make it the only reason to keep going. Spend some time and energy looking for these things, but do a lot of R&R more self loving in between.

It is also time for you to once more learn to enjoy the simple and often less expensive pleasures which life can provide us with, if we only look hard and long enough to recognize them. These have always been there buried under all the stresses of your life, but it is now time for you to unearth them again, and then restore them to their former high order of priority. Time to recenter and reground your energies. Meditation both private and in a regular meeting group situation could be just what your inner doctor has prescribed as the optimum and most likely to be helpful treatment for your spiritual exhaustion.

Your reading ends with the note that if you can find more time to use for yourself for a change and relearn to love and respect yourself during the next six months or more, then this will greatly increase the chances that the special man will come into your life, and that he will do the same (love and respect you, just as you already are). People who value and respect themselves tend to be more attractive to partners who agree with their positive self assessment of themselves. The new place for you to settle down in may well turn out to be his house.

Take good care of yourself Hina,

EoT :smt020

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Post by decentgal » Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:02 am

Dear EoT
Firstly thank you so much for such an indepth reading and for a good  advice.
I am so pleasantly surprised that you remember me and the reading i got from dear Cedars.Few things came to pass and others are awaited.

Now to your reading ,i would just say WOW.I would be honest with you ,this is not what i wanted to hear .I felt quite low .I thought i would see some light in the end of the tunnel now .I am feeling  tired working on so many fronts alone.I have started spending time on myself as you have higly suggested and it surely makes a difference ,i can feel it .

Now when i am going through the reading again i feel i can not do anything but to embrace it with open heart and mind .Its so amazing  that last nighti was thinking of contacting my Higher self to get some answers and here you are with the reading where my Higher Self sent me messages.So i will pay more attention to my spiritual work and give time to meditation as you suggest.

Your work is highly impressive and i can only respect you more and send blessings on your way .



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:10 pm

I am so pleasantly surprised that you remember me and the reading i got from dear Cedars.

You are very welcome for both the reading and the advice.

I did not actually claim to remember either you or the reading which you received on New Year's Eve 2010 from Cedars. The fact of the matter is that I cheated or took a short cut with this by looking back at your full posting history using the relevant link in your forum profile. But I humbly take your compliment to my rapidly failing memory in the same heartfelt spirit with which it was given.

Readers are at a distinct disadvantage if they also wish to be honest with their clients. We are restricted to only telling you what messages or insights come through us on your behalf.  I find that a reading often tells us what we most need to hear at that particular moment in our life, rather than what we think we want to hear. Most people have a fairly good idea of what they think they want, but very little if any idea of what they need or how to get it.

An honest reading can be very confronting and threatening to our desire to remain indefinitely in our personal comfort zone. Some people are not ready or prepared for such honesty and openness at the time of their reading, but come around to this later. Some others will never be ready or prepared.

It is often a matter of personal judgement by the reader him or herself as well as through their inner guidance as to just how much honesty a particular individual can cope with at any given moment, but I assessed your ability to do so as being above the average, mainly due to your high level of maturity and well developed emotional intelligence. Which is why you were given both barrels simultaneously, or the full story about the contents of your reading, hot off the press so to speak. :smt005

Find my typing error possibler (???) in your reading, and replace it with possible.  :smt009
Your reading ends with the note that if you can find more time to use for yourself for a change and relearn to love and respect yourself during the next six months or more, then this will greatly increase the chances that the special man will come into your life, and that he will do the same (love and respect you, just as you already are).
The above quoted final part of your reading is your main reason to remain positive and hopeful that if you are both able and willing to follow at least some of the advice offered to you in this reading and apply it effectively in your daily life during the next six months, that from then on your life and your lover will both prove to be well worth waiting the extra time for.

Blessed be from EoT (hey that rhymes rather well in my opinion) :smt020

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