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Post by Jo1951 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:34 am

RishiRahul , your English is so bad that I did not understand your words, or a translator in the translation is so bad, that translates your words with such a lack of understanding for me? But when I talk to the translator with an Englishman, I am always well understand it and translate translator gives me great Googl. While I think the English are not too high on the scale of Truth. Maybe you need to change their statements, but I can not understand that you as a moderator on my demand?
I always knew that an Indian English language foreign to the nature of the species and its mind is not designed to take it exactly, the translator proves it. I do not really love this language. He simplified and cut as convolutions in the brain of an Englishman or an American, but their narrow mind is alien to us, because we think metaphorically, because we are above you stand behind them in the spiritual hierarchy of this world?? Means and your Sanskrit is not so lost in the eyes of first aria, gave it to you, as human language, not English as the animal, which in the process of degeneration of the form itself has changed the fabric to its present state .. And as the world everywhere have come in full decay, and it came uzkosoznatelnye views of the development, God decided to give everything in this world as a recognized language for communicating the lower levels, that all was not hurt and everyone could understand each other. But they do not take into account the state of mind "fools" of the Aryans, who in this world have left the unit. After all, the mind and intellect are the two opposite polarity to understand. And the truth is never breaks through the barrier centerline of energy "idiot" (mind), because the mind can never round to accept the truth until it degenerates completely from the mind and not go to the level of human development.
Here I have for understanding the state of our species in the matter'm doing in terms of adjustments to bring them closer to the truth.

"Fool" - the mind of the lower demon, confusing three-dimensional creative mind without understanding the true state of the world, who came into this world after the flood, and

"A fool" - this is the one who lost his mind, or so - about to lose it and go on the energy of perception of the truth, which gives the human form of development, but instead we get the Soul is the Spirit of the Living, as a transitional form of man to demigod, and not from a monkey "intelligent Hanuman," like a wild warrior worlds, from the very bottom of hell, or Rakshasa, meat eaters and assimilated by Rakshas??

I beg you to tell me again your desire, rewriting it, you try to change a figure of speech, so may be better and more understandable to the translator to convey to my understanding of your idea??

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:04 am

Hello Jo1951,

If your translators are nikodim or parasara 47, they would find some difficulty in understanding Indian english.

However, in simpler words.                  .'Since I assume you are one of those who have a very strong belief, I withstand to continue our discussion until the blindfold can be lifted.....I respect your Belief....But I disagree strongly in it!................ should be followed and respected.

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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:31 am


Topic is getting side lined pls discuss on question



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Post by Jo1951 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:26 am

And what is my faith to your assumptions?
Involves only the mind that can know nothing. but the accumulation of unnecessary knowledge that it involves, but not displayed in essence can not know anything. And my faith is strong and because I do not suppose, as has long been allowed by God to have. But God has chosen individually gives this quality and it is not transmitted by teachers and it does not transmit your favorites. These are the rules of God, every man must rise to the top of chosenness, but as it is described in the Vedas and other religions of the world. Religion is more soulful plan in astrology it refers to "earth and Manush 'Nakshatras it is assigned, and the spiritual plane, the deva worlds and demonic all other 62 worlds, and each receives its share of truth and falsehood.
And what do you want me to do more RishiRahul, so I had called you a demon, as it requires your state of mind, or a hypocrite and say that you are the fairest moderator? But there is no good moderators. They are either petty tyrant and a scoundrel, or pompous fools who love power and flattery? If you went to the moderators, or you are invited and you bought into the temptation of low power, the bait of Satan, then Satan knew your fault in advance, because on the fate and gave this power, and with it, and set it out on other children and to show their importance for resentment caused by peers in childhood, and you get a fate or a policeman or a moderator, or get my husband a tyrant or a tyrant father.
Here and think you do not want everything in this world is already counted in advance and has its cause. Why should I explain to you that may be, I'm not in a neutral forum where you lead a discussion on an equal footing, and "fools round" best ignored, and the one who is wiser to be respected, but you do not mind. no respect, and where there should be equity you have a patient with childhood body. What else can you say useful, for the good things of this forum? You should go to the moderators, then you will become better. And knowledge can come to you, and having, such as now you have the ego lies, you will never be an astrologer and have no knowledge of the esoteric. Only you will learn the ancient knowledge, and never know where the false texts of the mind, but where else have a grain of truth and not fully changed your mind like. Although you probably should already have seen that your astrology does not work, it lacks the most important and because you're always asking, but this astrologer to be sure. but do not ask, because there's just mind asks, A has the mind knows for sure. But to the mind away, it needs to become a real person and not appointed by this title of his mind, which never recognize the truth. While he does not prove.
And one more thing about the knowledge society and limit their capacity as a species. Your advanced "holy" you elected to this position, do not go to the body and converted into light and do not disappear, because the level of the nation, you have a soul, and all sophisticated you suicidal, they end up living in samadhi, and their head is not weak maintains a deep dive, they will have blood on their lips from the nose and ears. This is an indicator of a weak form, where the head is still weak and has a fear, they are stuck in a higher astral plane and were selected for lice and cherubim with a flaming sword, "with their heads cut off" not letting go of razor blades in the kingdom of the Lord. This is mysticism and Tantric, but not the spiritual level. And your neighbors the Vietnamese. are generally weak in the head during their war with America, the Russian pilots were flying instead of the Vietnamese, their head and body could not tolerate overloads, so it's a simple flyer which is not given more immersed in Samadhi, but it says about the state of mind of the nation and its invincibility, and the body is ready to dive on your level of samadhi and he will be nothing, but it is not allowed there by God.
Astral is the fate of all creation at the end who mind do not worry, you and put God in a seismic zone of your mind, from about 15 ° -45 ° degrees north latitude. There's your fickle mind frightened, because there is no ground for the present, the land of the seven shells mind and soul, or spirit of the shell with a hole in the prophets and saints. It's all your mind and disease of insanity, for the high spiritual flights need to be born outside the 45 ° N, where no seismic zone restless mind. Here are your saints burn and leave behind a trail of suicides karmic astral plane. This higher level of the astral and the spiritual has nothing to do, this is the material plane. And knowledge is beyond the astral because the astral level it is the moon and the mind. so I'm sorry you and India, and considering that the world collapses and all the lower levels come in his development. Then you have the saints and prophets, not very long ago. After all, the Rakshasas receive from their earthly rulers knowledge of magic and divination in our time, then they come out of heaven, hell, and this is the very thing that the prophets of the worlds above, kotoroye were in our world as a teacher. Our world is a world of respite for the soul, here again only those enlightened enlightened, who have come here to teach and re-pass a course of consolidation of knowledge. They assimilate species of them odayutsya more vysokiene levels of development, just depends on who is the mother of a future generation, for it is inherited polchaetsYa kind soul, so that if the mother Eve, and no demon Lilith. Then the material podvizhenie higher spirituality. The father gives the seed, it is certainly the most important thing, but it gives 50% positive effect when connecting to the matter, because it is nurtured in the matter.
So where are living saints, they do not know why they say, "that there is no prophet in his own country." This is an allegory that the prophet as a calm spirit is alive in the place where his soul had when he came into this world at birth, he will be there until his death and lost chance and no one will. It disappears lbraz and see only the surrounding enlightened during his ascent, the other eye is not a force to see .. And his neighbors from his childhood never a prophet would not accept it, because their level of distrust is high and they know who he was until he received enlightenment, and even they will not even think that God can make a prophet and murderer, who in the matter before it performs a mission from God, the judge, and judge the material for some reason a woman who also has no mind, and lives at the level of emotion. Such is the paradox of this world. Everything in it is the opposite. Enlightened not advertised and are living in carrying out their business quietly and modestly, they are in religion only to the moment of enlightenment, and then they were out of religion, because they have a spiritual background, and do not mind. Demonic plan is atheism scientists, doctors, academicians, professors, government officials, hucksters, doctors and women's education, they are directly dependent on the material of the society. Their gods ruled after the Flood in turn in the direction of leniency kind and moral level of consciousness. If the soul, too, are already outside the state, because religion is outside the state in almost all countries, so at ease they are in society and demons, and scientists came to this world, as the lowest form of spiritual development and they just assume their mind, but do not possess. They then as Copernicus and szhgla the Holy Inquisition, which was not a saint, a spiritual and fought to the elimination of inferior demonic. And now you are trying and want their children to curse, through higher education. For who it is, the spiritual freak of society, he has no knowledge, but only collects litter material, and his fate but do not rule yourself creatively develop as expected person. I have a 7.5 class of general education on a scale of 10 grades in school and five years at a university, then exactly half of higher education received during the 15 years of study. I do not think graduate school and more and more high schools to higher elected demons of breed "Most mothers of a fool," and you can see, from folly and do not suffer any academic can drop through the floor in the knowledge that I do at scientific conferences in Russia. So it's not in degree. and in the formation of a species which is the image of peace and the strength to do it as a god? But I think there are still coated in this world? But when the present world filled with crazy schizophrenic material from which the mind of matriarchy consider other schizophrenics who do not like them because their body can not know the truth of the other people living permanently in the truth, then sadly for you, you have no future in this world, this world for a fool, and created, then you can and hang himself, but would not be like the "fool round", saying to God that I was better than the old "fool soul" and degenerate state of disbelief in God and have ready to get real knowledge, not perpetrated by God illusion. For "round derakov"

Sorry, that many times use the word fool, this educational prize, when a demon pig call many times, he finally realizes it himself and begins to grunt and act like a pig. This is reflected in the bath and the ban to go to the forum. Do not mind criticism and stand there on your face such results. But it leaves a trace in the soul and makes you strive to be the best.

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Post by geniusmonster2k » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:53 pm

plz jo ...don't hijack my thread...i want to know abt the ghode ka naal and it seems everything has got diverted to a different thing altogether.

plz open another thread for all of u....everyone participating in this argument plz continue ur argument in that thread...bettre still end the thing and move on.


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