Akashic Reading Request/MangoMom/Cascade of Light

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Akashic Reading Request/MangoMom/Cascade of Light

Post by evangeline » Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:25 pm

I do not know if Mangomom is still around.  I have been very busy and haven't been back here for a while. If anyone would like to give me a reading it would be helpful, and if MangoMom is still here I would appreciate her input as well.

MangoMom gave me a reading quite some time ago, and meant to follow up three months later but we never did.

She said I would have a decision to make in three months. Three months later, I became pregnant, and a few weeks afterwards found out about it. It happened when my partner was cheating on me and I left home.
I ended up coming back, eventually, as I had nowhere else to go, and we believed the baby was his. He cheated on me throughout the entire pregnancy until the week before the baby was born, when my midwife found out and scolded him. A month and a half after the baby was born we did a dna test, but I have lived with him since, though things have been very difficult emotionally and financially. The biological father was in another country at the time, but has moved back here, his family lives an hour and a half from me, and he lives an hour further than that. He has more support there. He was farming, working to save money to move back to my town. It didn't go so well this year, and now he is considering taking a job 3 hours away. He would be making a good amount of money, and would send me some, as well as visit on the weekends. I am grateful for this should it happen, but would like him to be closer. He asked me at one point to move with him where he is at now until we move back to my town, but I declined because I think to have success we must be committed to it and to each other. I love my partner very much and would stay with him, and I also love the baby's father. I want my baby to have a good example, and also I would give a relationship with his biological father a fair try. In fact I don't really ever "try" things, I DO them. I am not certain of what either of these men really want. However, I know that *I* intend to have a marriage, loved, cared for, have a stable home and relationship, a loyal partner. My partner has a lot of behavior I don't understand. My baby's biological father has a lot on his mind that he "doesn't know how to express"..
I am not sure how to word this so I will just ask some questions..

Can you give me some insight to my relationship with each person?

If there are blockages to creating a marriage with either of these people, what are the best steps to overcome any blockages?

What are the best steps to take to allow this marriage partnership to manifest in my life?

What would my life look like if I chose to partner with either of these men? Can you give insight as to which situation would be best for my son?

My partner gives me a very hard time about money. Also, I want to be able to support myself so I can be sure of my needs being taken care of.

Is there a way to ask what would be the best career for me?

I live in a place saturated with massage therapists. What are the best steps to take right now to allow my massage therapy business (or other career recommended) to thrive and be financially successful and fulfilled, in a way that is best fitting of my needs for flexibility and supervising/raising my children, and also care for my grandmother and family?

What are the best steps to take right now to allow a fulfilling career which I love, that fits my needs for flexibility and raising my children to manifest and become successful?

Thank you for all insight you pass on. I would love to learn to do this myself, but have not felt that I found the connection. I hope the information passed along to me about these situations will be most useful as I can tell that this is a very important time in my life.

I will PM my info .. name, age, place of birth, right?  Please let me know if anything else is needed.

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MangoMom does not read here any more

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:53 pm


MangoMom has not posted to these boards since August 15th, 2009, and therefore Cascade of Light (Cassie) is the most likely person here to take your Akashic reading requests, now and in the future.

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Post by evangeline » Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:13 am

Thanks, EoT!  I wonder what happened to MangoMom, I hope she is alright, and just busy with life!!

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:03 pm

Mango Mum is still giving readings but now sadly she does not have time to offer them for free. Most readers are very busy this weekend with Halloween, so I hope you don't mind waiting, as I have a few others to do first.


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Post by evangeline » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:59 pm

Cascade of Light, Thank you for your response, of course I will be glad to wait to hear your insights! Thank you for taking the time to look into this and share information for me!  


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Go back to sleep EoT

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:07 am


http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=77860

But then I have already told you this before now.

Posting frequent requests only causes more problems for my failing memory and eyesight.

Go back to sleep EoT  :smt015

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Post by evangeline » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:39 pm


When you say, "Posting frequent requests only causes more problems for my failing memory and eyesight.",  

I am not sure what you mean - I posted a request, which Cassie responded to asking me if I would mind waiting, and I responded to it.

(I thought I also asked what *happened* to mangomom and cascade of light, and where they could be reached. Maybe that was what you are referring to? Although I don't see that post, or maybe it was another thread.)

Thanks, EoT

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Post by evangeline » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:47 pm

PS: Blessings to your Memory and Eyesight!!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:06 am

Evangeline, :smt002

Do not concern yourself any further about what was simply a misunderstanding by me, due to the changes on this forum happening so relatively quickly, but also possibly related to the time which I viewed this thread on my computer monitor (3.00 am in the morning).

I was laughing at myself for doing something as silly as this clearly was: and NOT at you.

There was no need by me to tell you a second time that Cassie had left.

I had already done this!


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Post by MangoMom » Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:46 pm

Evangeline, your request has become a little split between this thread, another thread where you asked about me and Cascade of Light and your specifics in your private message.  I decided to place the reading in the original request to help others and you understand the answers that are about to be shared.

In your Private message to me this was the question you posted:

I am open to any insight you are given, as I am a bit overwhelmed and confused currently, a bit bewildered.. and really hoping for some assistance

Hon, you have gone through a lot in the past couple of years, but I think it has made you much wiser.  You have more than likely make your path choice and are looking for confirmation on your decision.  As many of us read your story, the immediate thought is "of course, leave the current partner and go to the biological father" .  The current partner, from your view point is not an honorable man, nor is he a proper example of a father nor proper development for your child.  You say the biological father is willing to assist and help, but obviously there is no love between you two to share with the baby.  You cannot go it alone without some assistance from someone, so you have taken the easy way out, live with someone whom you have little respect for, but you still desire for him to suddenly change and love and honor you.  Hon, that is not going to happen in the near future, he has gotten away with the infidelity and it will continue, only because he can.  But,  his choices do not have to be your choices.  You have a choice to make and a path to choose, but at the moment, you only see two options.

There will be a 3rd option coming about within the next 2 to 3 months that will be the answer to your prayers on the surface.  But it will be up to you if this is the long lasting choice.  The Record Keepers can give you information on different paths, but because we are blessed to be humans, we have the gift of making choices!  You have become so confused by all the events happening in your life you cannot think clearly or mature.  You do have some blocks that are hindering your ability to analyse and make a clear choice, I am offering this simple prayer to help your remove the blocks.


If what I am experiencing is not mine, may God have  his shield around me and I release whatever it may be to Him.  This I ask for the highest good of oth
ers and myself.

You are to say this prayer for 19 days, during this time, about the 10th day there will be additional information coming to you that will help you make this long awaited decision.  BUT do not make the decision yet, there will be more information and more things falling into place, but a lighter feeling will be on your heart and clarity will be coming to your mind.  A reminder, this child depends on you for everything, food, clothing but most of all love, the decision and choices you make will affect you and the baby, then it will affect the father, the partner, family members and friends.  Many lives will be touched, some will be happy, some sad, some joyful.  

Just know that when you have your God in your heart and you make the choices and decisions, it is the right choice at that time.  You may have to alter it in the future, but at the present time it will be right and okay.

That is the end of the reading, I wish you the best, and I feel confident you just need a little bit of confirmation that you are going in the right direction.  

Many Blessings of Love, light and laughter

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