Three months reading on whatever comes up for cedar thank you

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Three months reading on whatever comes up for cedar thank you

Post by nvncbl » Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:58 am

:smt020  Would like a reading whatever comes up will be fine

Thank you

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:17 pm

Hello nvncbl

Sorry for my late response.

I am just going to ask a simple question per your request.

What is the outlook for  nvncbl for the next three months?

Three cards from the Rider Waite deck.

Two of Wands. Five of Cups. Three of Cups.

We have one Fire element and two Water element cards here.
I feel there are three different events coming up in the next three months.
One of making some a choice on a project, idea or looking at life from a different perspective. Ideas that have been within you may finally urge you to make a choice and in that look forward to actualising them. It is like a new surge of energy that will make you feel on top of the world – if not on top – but with a willingness to go and conquer it all. This could be by way of new ideas, new projects, or even perhaps a personal choice.
With the Five of Cups, as most fives of the tarot deck herald, a disappointment either in your personal life or something not turning out the way you had wanted or expected. The disappointment or the grief itself may be taking over your emotions and state of mind until such time when the pain goes and you come to realise that all is not lost yet and that life does not end by one unfortunate event. That there is so much more to celebrate about. This, sadly, does not become evident to us until we have been though the heartache or the feeling of loss. Whilst at the time of the event, the fact would be that you have not lost it all, but it would be difficult for you to see or realise that fact.
With the Three of Cups, there are celebrations and good times ahead. Coming together with friends and loved ones and partying and, in a word, having a good old letting your hair down and enjoying a nice social life surrounded with friends and loved ones.

I hope you sail through these events without whilst appreciating the different levels of elevation in life.

With many blessings to you.

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Post by nvncbl » Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:36 am

Thank you so much for your kind words and gentle warmth towards my reading and reading dose have some substance as this is going on now wih something not turning out the way I thought it would and in process in being grateful for it as it has opened new doors for me and networking with right minded people and I am looking at a new direction for things so pretty spot on thank you very much for that and merry Christmas to you and your loved ones and happy new year  blessing to everyone

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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:08 am

Glad to hear the reading has resonted with you my friend.
And a very merry Christmas to you too.
May the New year bring happiness and contentment to you.

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