Disturbing Dreams

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Disturbing Dreams

Post by ryuken » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:23 pm

I am getting some disturbing dream and that too with colors and without colors within same sleeping session. I don't know how colors vary within the same dream and this particular dream I have managed to remember even after 8 hours after the sleep. I do have some emotional and financial issues going on as of now and this is the dream that I would like to know about.....

"I'm inside a apartment (ground floor flat) with a lot of friends. I don't remember a single face in lot and most of them seems to be my minds creation, they're laughing, playing snooker or cards on table and i'm enjoying whatever they're doing. Suddenly I'm walking out of that building in a lane where there are lots of apartments and small row houses. I choose to walk in dark lane out of nowhere and I see "burned bees" are falling out from the sky. In the same lane there is honey flowing in both sides. There are some pigs feeding on that honey and they didn't noticed me. These pigs are much different than what we see in real life. I mean they've much different physical structure. These look more violent like bees. I'm walking past one group of those pigs without them noticing me. I look back and see that they're talking to each other and slowly following me. I take right turn from this lane and suddenly i'm near a house (much bigger than any other house in that lane but it wasn't there before while i walked in that lane. I saw one horse eating grass and i move further towards backyard of that house. I don't see any dogs over there but there is big chain attached to that animal...I reach the backyard of that house and see that there is another dog, not looking at me but is also attached to this big chain...I get past that house by crossing the fence and there seems to be one lane towards a garden. I see one middle-ages women walking towards the road....I can't see her face" and something in mind made me uneasy and I wake up from dream...."

Last few weeks I am seeing these types of weird dreams and I don't know how to interpret them. I have been on emotional ride for few weeks and one part of my mind holds me off from being depressed and another comes up with yet another point of being depressed. I choose to go with not being depressed but still I can't separate the thoughts in dream, it just plays like unstoppable record...

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Post by dharmankarma » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:59 pm

Something similar happened. But I chose not to think much about it. Hope you will be ok. Take care

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:08 pm

It would appear that when your friends were having fun, you were happy.  But you must have recognized there was something missing in you because you left to have an adventure of your own.  

The rest of the scene seems to be the fears of your own mind in recognizing you are a strong, independant person.  You allowed someone else to define your feelings even as you woke.  

Its time to take back your own power and find your own adventures.  This is inner strength rearing up.

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