Did a reading regarding a co-worker of mine, I need help seeing the bigger picture

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Did a reading regarding a co-worker of mine, I need help seeing the bigger picture

Post by druggedoncolor » Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:17 am

I have this co-worker who is in a temporary position and we bonded really well these past four months (Dec, Nov, Oct and Sept) and they will be here until next may/summer. I did a spread about where our (currently) platonic relationship will head in these next four months (jan, feb, march, april).

We have a connection unlike anything I have experienced. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I don't connect to people too easily.

My co-worker is female.

I have a lot of past baggage that affects my relationships. At this point in time, I see myself in a healing period.

I have individual interpretations for the cards below, but I don't know how to view it in the way of the question that was asked, "Where are K and I headed?"

Any insight would be extremely helpful!

1. The querent's present situation or state of mind.
 - Page of Cups rv

"page of cups r
awkward expressing feelings
someone who has feelings for someone but just can't bring themselves to
express them out of shyness, fear of rejection, self-consciousness,
denial or whatever and therefore ties themselves up in knots as a result
emotional angst leading to outburst of feelings in inappropriate ways elsewhere - temper tantrums
also in general bottling up of feelings
reminds me of a sensitive caring child who is bullied at school and
doesnt tell anyone and the parents dont know what is going on and why
they have moods and are unhappy"

So me... and my past

2. Influences or events in the very near future.
  - The Hermit

the only thing this could be referring to is me going home for winter break for a month and studying for my CLEP french exam

3. The best course of action and the results of ignoring it.
  - Six of coins

"6 of Pentacles relates to the Lovers VI card
6's mean CHOICES... Lovers card: is the need to make a CHOICE regarding
tempations that are being offered to the person.
6 of Pentacles:
Here I think it means that the person is making choices and learning to share
their resources and money with those whom they CHOSE to do so. If they
are not...they should be at least helping those that are in need.
This card can also mean that they are choosing other ways in which to make
an income. They are making WISE decisions [choosing] about their money.
But I think "choosing to share" is the better meaning.
It is very healing when you share."

"Most often it is simply that you are in a position to help someone and do it for no personal gain"

"In a relationship, it can mean one is giving and one is taking, or, that
an exchange is taking place - a sharing of expenses or sharing of
something physical in nature. One is offering something of value and
the other is accepting the offer."

I'm a little confused by this card. Its the giving and receiving card for a section that is the best course of action. The only way I can see this as asking her and she'll automatically say yes. That may be going a bit far but Its the only thing that comes to mind and since my damaged past is influencing my present situation, it will be hard for me to overcome this.

4. An event or matter in the past that affects the present situation.
  - six of cups rv

Stuck in the past. Still wishing for the good old days and hating to
live in the present. Still missing that ex that was your first love,
and effectively blocking new love from entering your life

5. An event in the more recent past that affects the present situation.
  - Queen of Wands

This is a relationship where the passion is not given free rein. The
couple uses restraint and doles it out so that they can keep the
relationship fresh and exciting and new--so that it stays passionate for
a long time. It is a very creative and measured passion.

Description of our relationship this semester.

6. Immediate future (about 6 months).
  - Temperance Rv


7. Influences or events in the querent's work.
  - Three of Wands

And 3/Wands is the reward you get for giving all that energy into this
thing. You invest that passion into it, and this is your return. I would
never read it as a love triangle. I would read it, if any thing, as the
other lover becoming a good friend to the two of you, and so you get
rewarded for being clear in your decision, and not trying to have your
cake and eat it, too.

8. Influences or events in the querent's social life or home life.
  - King of coins rv

9. How the querent expects the situation to end up and the effects of these expectations.
  - The Pope


10. The final outcome of the situation.
  - nine of swords rv

Not to worry!

Some readers see the upright position with this card as having fears that don't have much basis but I disagree, if you are having trouble at night sleeping because of an issue, clearly it is a legitimate fear. Opposite, you're sleeping soundly, and shouldn't need to worry..

clairfier/finisher - knight of cups rv

messenger in the past for me its been some kind of invitation...

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:46 am


Looking at this spread, firstly you are not allowed to do readings for a third person, so this would pertain you only. Which deck are you using and what spread did you use?

I see you also using a definite upright and reversed "style" reading the cards.

I can give you a theoretical approach only, and perhaps guidance on where to consider influences which may affect the END RESULT.

Blessed be.

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Post by druggedoncolor » Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:26 pm

Payewacker wrote:Hi,

Looking at this spread, firstly you are not allowed to do readings for a third person, so this would pertain you only. Which deck are you using and what spread did you use?

I see you also using a definite upright and reversed "style" reading the cards.

I can give you a theoretical approach only, and perhaps guidance on where to consider influences which may affect the END RESULT.

Blessed be.
Third person? No. This is a spread about a platonic relationship I have with a temporary co-worker of mine.

I said celtic cross in the description of this post and my deck is the medieval scapini.

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Post by cedars » Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:14 pm

It still constitutes a Third party when you do a reading about someone else.

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Post by TarotModerator » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:13 pm

Can I quote you?

I have this co-worker who is in a temporary position and we bonded really well these past four months (Dec, Nov, Oct and Sept) and they will be here until next may/summer. I did a spread about where our (currently) platonic relationship will head in these next four months (jan, feb, march, april).

We have a connection unlike anything I have experienced. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I don't connect to people too easily.

My co-worker is female.

The CC is a fairly complicated spread, however it can make sense very easily, if you have the correct information. Most of our readers use the RW deck as it is recognized as the most accurate in all modern Tarot systems. Kindly note; other decks are derived from this, therefore we use that which is respected as the primary teaching tool.

PW has compiled a guide you may use to accurately apply the CC:

Follow this link:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IL- ... aWAM4/edit


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Post by TarotModerator » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:14 pm

Can I quote you?

I have this co-worker who is in a temporary position and we bonded really well these past four months (Dec, Nov, Oct and Sept) and they will be here until next may/summer. I did a spread about where our (currently) platonic relationship will head in these next four months (jan, feb, march, april).

We have a connection unlike anything I have experienced. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I don't connect to people too easily.

My co-worker is female.

Where did you specify the spread?

The CC is a fairly complicated spread, however it can make sense very easily, if you have the correct information. Most of our readers use the RW deck as it is recognized as the most accurate in all modern Tarot systems. Kindly note; other decks are derived from this, therefore we use that which is respected as the primary teaching tool.

PW has compiled a guide you may use to accurately apply the CC:

Follow this link:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IL- ... aWAM4/edit


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