Grocery Store Dream

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Grocery Store Dream

Post by Penelope_Dreamweaver » Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:47 pm


I had a dream last night that I was at the grocery store buying food with limited funds. I remember in the dream carefully calculating my money knowing I had to be cautious not to go over my limit. I went to go check  out my food at the counter and was informed by the cashier that I went way over my food limit! and I was so cautious too! In waking life this scenerio has never happened to me so I'd like to know what is this dream trying to tell me?

Is it that I'm afraid that no matter how careful and prepared I think that I am I may not be prepared for whatever is to happen? or is this grocery store dream just a deep seated fear of mine?


Pippa XX

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Post by Rook » Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:47 am

Hey Pippa

To me this dream illustrates a precarious situation - the grocery store is where you acquire that which you need, and you have been very careful in your limited situation - but what you need is still not within your limits.

But what is it that you need, and what does the money represent?  An example, say it were knowledge that you needed - knowledge about yourself say, then money might represent time spent in self-reflection.  I don't think that fits the dream, but hopefully it might help you see.

Good luck,

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:07 pm

Dreams are about our own unresolved fears from our conscious state of being.  You are very cautious in private and expect to be validated in public.  But it doesn't always work that way.  It would seem that life in general holds fears of prosperity and accomplishment.  Trust your own instincts, as well as  your own talents, skills, abilities.

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