dream about a painting

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dream about a painting

Post by khoos » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:41 pm

I want to the the meaning of this dream;
I found myself in a primary school sitting in a classroom. Then suddenly a little boy showed me two beautiful paintings. There were white, orange and green flowers in the painting.

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Post by jessisbest » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:06 pm

Maybe there are some aspects of your personality, or someone else's that bothered you at some point that you are now accepting and at peace with. If not a personality, then a phase of your life.

When I see color in a dream I typically think it to be something like a personality or a quality. Sometimes even the energy surrounding the dream, but since it is  contained color (not all around you or the only color in the dream) I would think of it as a personality or quality.
white= purity
orange=outgoing but not as extreme as red
green= envy or money.

Primary  school (to me) would represent the past or transformation. It could be both.
The little boy may represent your subconscious.

Please excuse me if I am wrong or too vague as I have not truly interpreted a dream in a while.

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Re: dream about a painting

Post by Celestial » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:02 am

khoos wrote:Hi,
I want to the the meaning of this dream;
I found myself in a primary school sitting in a classroom. Then suddenly a little boy showed me two beautiful paintings. There were white, orange and green flowers in the painting.

Greetings Khoos! It is always interesting to find the older postings and respond to them.

Intuitively speaking, the primary school could be representative of an earlier age when you were learning something, your formative years.

The little boy could be akin to your inner child who was communicating to you through the paintings which could represent what your life is gravitating towards. White stands for purity, orange is the color of the second Chakra, which is representative of the inner urge, and green flowers may truly represent the heart Chakra.

Therefore, your inner child may be communicating those things that you are meant to learn later on in life that include the good things, the inner urge to move ahead in your life and the means by which you can accomplish much of this, with and through your loving Heart!

May you be blessed in your life always!

Before I conclude, I send you wonderful radiations of ♥ and great wishes for a beautiful day!

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:55 pm

Dream symbolism is definitely not the same as psychic symbols.  The symbols in dreams represent you in every aspect.  Colors are important as their meaning helps uncover the symbolic messages.

Being in primary school means that you are trying to return to a simpler time.  No major decisions have to made at that age.  

It being a boy in the picture means gender bias that exists within you, but also represents you at the same time.  

The color of the flowers is indicative of your inner longings for peace and purity with the white.  Orange is an energy of accomplishment - you are ready to step out and be counted in your life, and green is growth and represents the heart in chakra lore.

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