ANGELS divine loving beings who want to help us(Ebook + Doc file)

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ANGELS divine loving beings who want to help us(Ebook + Doc file)

Post by just4spar » Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:52 pm ... gels.shtml ... peak.shtml

Click the subcategories HOME & All About ARCHANGELS for more info

I would like to share with you some simple exercises and
techniques that you can use to connect and align with Angels. These methods can
be used to recieve healing with Angels or recieve their love and guidance. They
can also be used at any time that you just wish to feel more peace and calm in
your life (CALL 1 or MORE of the 8 ARCHANGELS for REALLY POWERFUL RESULTS). The more you practice them the greater the effect and benefits will
be in your life. Remember that Angels are divine loving beings who want to help
us. All we need is to ask them and be open to receiving that help!

3 Simple Ways to Allign with Angels
These simple processes can be used anytime and anywhere to bring the Angelic
realm to your side. Simply connecting and calling upon Angels for help is a
powerful form of healing in itself as it raises our vibration. As our
vibrationary state rises we attract better conditions and circumstances into our
life and old, outdated emotions, issues and problems become transformed and

Call angels

Verbally call angels or your guardian Angel to be with you. Ask them to help you
with any particularly situations or problems being as specific and detailed as
you can. Poor your heart out to your angel and ask them to transform the
situation and the emotions you feel regarding it. iif you have physical things
that require healing ask the Angels to help you in all ways that they can and
tell them you would like the ailment healed. Pay attention to any insights or
synchronisites you get over the coming days as the Angels may give you ideas
about things you need to do to heal. For example you may do this process and
then hear an interview with a chiropractor on the radio and then get a leaflet
about a new physical therapy centre that has opened around the corner from you.
I would take this as a sign that this form of treatment would be beneficial and
learn more about it. Remember, Angels can only help us when we ask them to do
so, unless of course we are in terrible danger and they may then step in to
advert it. Once you ask , stay open to recieve their help and guidance in all
kinds of ways.

White light

White or golden light has long been associated with the divine and heavenly
angels. It wraps the recipient in a vibration of protection and love and assists
in clearing whatever is in the way so the situation can move forward for the
highest good of all. Simply close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine this
all around you. Or imagine a particular situation bathed in this light. If
visualization is difficult just ask the angels to put their divine light around
you. This Angel light is a divine form of healing energy and is great to
visualize around physical aliments and for emotional healing. I have found this
to be great for emotional healing and anything stress related. Whenever I use
white light it feels like my body relaxes totally and there is a feeling of
recieveing nourishing energy.

Surround Yourself with Angels

Imagine being surrounded by lots of beautiful, vibrant angels. This is great to
do before bed or when we wake up. Simply imagine as many angels as you can
around you. You may get a sense of their presence or feel a loving energy
envelope you. You may see them as bright coloured lights or just as golden or
white energy. Some people can feel the wings drawing close to them, brushing on
their skin. Imagine them pouring healing energy into you or sending into a
specific part of your body that is experiencing pain. You may also imagine the
pain flowing away from you to the Angels and them transmutting it into light..

If you find these exercises are difficult or you struggle with visualization
please remember that it is your intention to have it happen that is the
important thing. Set your intention that you are going to connect with and call
upon Angels. Practice is also important, once you have done these processes a
few times they will become second nature to you.

Angel Prayers and Affirmations
Angel Prayer and Affirmations for Healing
We can ask the Angels to help us when we pray. Simply use the wording below in
it entirety or incorporate any sentences you feel drawn to into your own

'I ask that the Angels to draw close to me.
I am ready for Angels to guide me.
I am now open to receiving Angelic communication.
I am now open to seeing heavenly signs.
I ask the angels to inspire my thoughts and actions.
I ask the Angels to visit my dreams and share their wisdom with me.
I give my permission for the Angels to enter my life and help me in every possible way. And so it is. Amen.'

You may also pray to the Angels for healing of any issues, ailments, emotions of
situations that are bothering you. Be as specific as possible and you may also
ask them to send healing to global situations or other people. Some examples

'Angels, please pour your healing love and energy into me to heal ____ situation
/ the pain I am experiencing in my ____ (specify part of body) and continue to
do so until it is completely healed and restored to its optimum state of being.'

'Angels, please send your healing energy to all those effected and injured by
___ (natural disaster such as Tsunami / earthquake) please give me guidance on
anything that I can do to assist with this healing.'

'I now wish to release all pain and trauma associated with ____ (emotional
situation / physical condition). Angels please heal this completely for me and
guide me to actions I need to take to make this healing complete and final.'

Affirmations are another powerful way to build your connection with Angels, and
assist with any form of healing you require. They are so powerful due to the
fact they re programme your subconscious mind. They need to be repeated many
times daily and for at least a month for them to have the best effect. A quicker
way to make them work is to choose one powerful affirmation and write it again
and again up to 50 times a day. I have found this to produce favourable results
within a week.
Here are some Angel affirmations.

'Angels surround me at all times, guiding and protection me'
'I am now open to help and healing from my guides and Angels'
'I feel the presence of Angels around me and am blessed by their joy and love.'
'As Angels guide me, I easily align with my true life path.'
'I am receiving the love and wisdom of my Guardian Angel'
'My connection with Angels grows stronger by the day.'
'Angels are pouring divine healing energy into me to heal ___ (specify the


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Post by just4spar » Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:26 pm

another outstanding ebook on angels

you can also download this doc file on how to pray & align with angels

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Post by Celestial » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:53 pm

Angels are indeed here to help us and Scripture in the Holy Bible has this to say about them:

"For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." -- PSALM 91:11 (KJV)

God, therefore, has given His angels charge over us. One thing, however, that would not be correct in your posting is where you say to pray to angels. We should not ever pray to angels nor do they wish or want for us to, just as we should not pray to saints. We only pray to God and to Him alone. We can ask angels (and saints), like we do with friends, to help us and they will. But again, prayer is only reserved for God and I felt this needed to be mentioned for clarification.

May the angels be with you always!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:37 am

This is amazingly comforting :-)

Could it be though, that what you may think is angel may in fact be tricking you and is evil? How can you tell? Do you test the angels like you test spirits?

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Post by Celestial » Thu May 31, 2012 4:16 am

stephybabes92 wrote:This is amazingly comforting :-)

Could it be though, that what you may think is angel may in fact be tricking you and is evil? How can you tell? Do you test the angels like you test spirits?

Well, of course, Stephy, they too must always be tested! Why? Simply because angels are ALSO spirits!

And there are always dangers when perceiving any spiritual being or entity that may be before you as you don't really ever know who they are or what they are unless you carefully TEST them. Here's Biblical Scripture as to why.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -- 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14 (KJV)

Therefore, if perchance there should ever be a spiritual apparition or entity, Scripture says to always test it to see if it is from God in order to protect yourself. That way you will know the truth since the above Scripture tells of the cunning and deceitful ways that Satan, the devil, can appear just to try to fool one into believing he is a good angel. You will thus know by how the spirit answers if it is from God or not. Rule of thumb is to not ever place oneself in harm's way by delving into or with things than can summon malevolent spirits to your side. Protect yourself always!

Thanks again for this great question! It is wonderful to know that we can be having such great discourse on these important matters.

Walk with God always and in all ways and He will walk with you!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Thu May 31, 2012 11:35 pm

Thank you for advice it always always helps so much. You really are sent from god.
Well like I told u before I got a name from an angel called zachariel and u (somehow) managed to confirm it - not sure how but you did and I trust you! I didn't think to test it at the time but perhaps as you have already checked the connection it should be fine?

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Post by Celestial » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:49 am

stephybabes92 wrote:Thank you for advice it always always helps so much. You really are sent from god.
Well like I told u before I got a name from an angel called zachariel and u (somehow) managed to confirm it - not sure how but you did and I trust you! I didn't think to test it at the time but perhaps as you have already checked the connection it should be fine?

You are quite welcome, my dear! Thank you for your other comment also, and I firmly believe that if God did not place me in a position in which to help others then there would be little to no reason for my being here. So thanks again for that confirmation!

There's ways with which to work with such intuitive information once it is received. Zachariel is an angel of God therefore, a benevolent spiritual being there as your friend and spiritual helper!

Blessings always to you!

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