If you are nice but doesn't believe in any religion, will you be punished?

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If you are nice but doesn't believe in any religion, will you be punished?

Post by eagle.eyes » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:37 am

If you are someone who has conscience, never hurt anyone. The thing is however you can't bring yourself to commit into any religion but still believes that there is a higher being... is it consider a sin?

Its just that religious institutions in our country is playing politics which makes me really hate them... I am someone who rather pray alone in our house.

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Post by MangoMom » Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:34 am

Hi Eagle eyes, welcome to Mystic Board.  I really appreciate your questions and see that this is an area that many are facing.  This is just my opinion, not that of Mystic Board nor others, altho some may or may not share this view point.  I was raised in a religious home, Baptist, my father told us we would attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays, when we became teenagers (there were 4 of us) we were each told we could continue to attend that church or choose any religion or no religion, but whatever we chose, we must have God in our lives.  I chose no religion but I have God in my life every day, I just choose not to believe that God Punishes or sends us to a forbidden place called Hell.  I choose to believe that my God loves us no matter what, bad things happen to us due to our choices, in the present or past or before we chose to live this life.  I think that is what brought me to my present where I do not put a tag on my beliefs and have learned to understand the awesome power of belief in my own way and find that many others feel this way too.

I pray to God, I use a prayer to access the Akashic Records and ask God to guide me and Shield me while in the Records.  Religions are "man made" meaning that men (and women) created these beliefs here on earth and they tell people what to believe.  

Religion is a good thing for many, it gives them direction and guidelines to live by, I truly believe I got a good baseline while attending church up until I was about 16 or 17, now I use that baseline to guide me to my beliefs outside of Religions.

We all do wrong and we all make mistakes, my God is very forgiving.  My God is like a parent who has a child that does wrong, that parent never stops loving the child, no matter what and I feel my God is the say way.  No parent would send their child to "hell" so why would my God not be even greater than the love a human parent can give.  

Again, these are my beliefs, I try very hard not to push my beliefs on others and hope that others respect me enough not to make me believe or think I should believe their way.

Hope this answered your question from my point of view.


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:32 am

Dear Eagle.eyes,

If a person goes about his work honestly and never hurts you would you dislike such a person? Never. Similarly when you are doing your work honestly and do not hurt anyone why should anyone dislike/hurt you at all.

Just draw an imaginary Circle. All the happiness lies at the center of the circle. We are all stranded on the circle and try to approach the center to get that happiness or God or Higher Intelligence or whatever one may say. You are approaching the center through your method, another person approaches through religion, third one may follow through some other method. There are many many ways you can reach the center but when you progress towards that center you commit something wrong you go back rather than progress forward.

So whatever you do you do not hurt others and if possible do help others, do good and be honest. That itself will make you feel Happy and Confident.

Pravin Kumar
Last edited by Pravin Kumar on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eagle.eyes » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:55 am

Hi! Thank you for the replies... its just that there was a a friend of mine who is a Born Again Christian who tried to recruit me. I wasn't really particularly interested so I told him this same question... I said that I don't hurt anybody, I have conscience... I know that I am nice to the point that I'd rather sacrifice myself than hurt someone but I have no religion, will I go to hell for this?

His answer was yes, he brought up some kind of a passage in a Bible that I forgot haha... so decided to ask you guys hehe... seems like all of us has different points of view.

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Post by MangoMom » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:47 pm

You are so right, each and every one of us was given a gift by "our" God, CHOICE.  We can choose to believe as we want, we do not have to be like everyone else and believe their way.  Good luck on your journey, you will make many discoveries, adventures, memories and choose to have fun while you do it.

I love the analogy Pravin presented, that makes good sense.


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Post by Forum Posting » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:15 pm

Hi, Friends,

I'm new here. I agree with you both, Eagle and mango mom. Every people should believe in his God. They must obey his rule and must be pray on him. Sometimes people lost their confidences on him, they don't understand himself. So they fall in disappointment, Frustration ans so on.  

However, I'm new in here. If you give me companion then, I'll not be feel alone.

If you don't find you in yourself and lost it. Such as lost your confidante, management and so on. And If you suffering any kinds of disappointment, frustration, hopeless then you can check out this link...............................



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Post by dhav » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:18 pm

I know only the religion of LOVE. :) Just believe in yourself.

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Religion and punishment

Post by silvatungfox » Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:59 pm

As you are not divisible from your source, it does not matter if you believe in that source or not.   Your path may never take you down a path of organized religion.  Regardless there is no reason for source to punish anyone. Punishment is self inflicted when one is not in correct vibration with one's source.  We create our own reality and our own experiences for unfathomable reasons.

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Post by enumero123 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:07 pm

not much to add ..... but i to am in  agreement  with  Pravin Kumar   MangoMom  my story is similar  raised in a strong Christian background   but my journey has taken me far beyond my roots ...i still attend church regularly... but do not call myself Christian  i respect all faiths and believes       ........ something to keep us in check ....  an can apply to all   (do as you will as long as you harm none ) (do unto others as you would have them do unto you  )   and dont forget  KARMA

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:26 pm

As religion is manmade and not always God centred, your status as you progress into spirit has nothing to do with religion.  It has to do with personal responsibility and personal spirituality.

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Post by peredhil31 » Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:06 am

Just my opinion on the subject, but I'd say that you have first to decide what religion means to you.   I've studied many philosophies and religions trying to find a truth.  In nearly all of them I found something that are recognized by the majority of humans as "truth", bits and pieces of wisdom that work regardless of who you are in what culture.  As a result, in my own dictionary, religion has come to mean to me, "a coherent set of rules, which if practiced diligently, will make someone a better person".   If you follow Buddha, Hindu Kamas, Muslim/Jewish/Christian, Plato or Nietzsche, that definition encompasses them all.
The next thing to determine is if your religion is spiritually based or not.  a Humanist believes that mankind is evolving toward a pinnacle, and that there has been progress in nearly every generation toward a global community.  A Buddhist believes all this world is an illusion separating us from Truth.  A person of the Book (Muslim, Jew, Christian) believes that the God is completely separate from his creation and that there are requirements to join him.
Building on that, you have to determine whether right or wrong are absolutes or a sliding scale.  Is there an absolute Right in every situation, or do the circumstances and culture determine Right?
Once you've answered those questions, you can then ask yourself, "If I believe differently than others about the status of my salvation, why do their opinions matter to me?"

Personally, after long consideration, I ended up being a non-mainstream variant of Christianity, which focuses on loving others as they are and leaves their judgement to God.  It is spiritually based.  There is an absolute standard of right and wrong, but it is acknowledged up front that no one can live to it, which removes the temptation to consider oneself "better" or "worse" than others.  If everyone fails up front, there isn't a scale of failure.  It allows focus on just trying one's best and helping others to try there best.
There are restrictions on being "saved", but even those aren't dependent on value or worth, just on acceptance of a gift.

My opinion on your question.

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Post by sehtja » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:51 pm

Dear EagleEyes,

I am not religious, however believe in God. I know religious people will say it is a sin, however one should ask them who are they to judge? For your virtues, Goodness, and honest can only be Judge by God, (personally i don't this he Judges, because how can he Judge something he created?)
They believe since they are followers they are not sinners, However we all now thats not the case.

Above all God wants us to be good humans, do good deeds, Learn from our mistakes, and become spiritual (in our own way)


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:41 pm

The afterlife is a series of spheres (7) to which we gravitate according to our own spirituality.  Religion is not the only game in town when it comes to spirituality.  Spirituality is the inner qualities of our own existence.  Those that have lived and grown in that spirituality are usually better off than those following the religious line without any growth to the soul.  Sometimes religious ideas have to be dismissed for the soul to grow on either side of life - spirit or material.

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Post by srivijai » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:23 pm

certainly it is not a sin  u love everybody but religion followers love their religion.  A person who loves everybody without knowing the religion and honest to everybody is equal to god

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Post by symulhaque » Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:22 pm

It depends on god.

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