My guardian angel

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My guardian angel

Post by stephybabes92 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:24 pm

I think his name may be Zacharai/Zackarai...can anyone confirm this? I got that one myself in my head from just thinking about my name and dob and asking for a name. But im not sure.

Also an angel card reader told me that the archangel who is close to me currently is Archangel Azrael. It's awesome to find this stuff out!


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Post by stephybabes92 » Thu May 31, 2012 12:18 am

ok now im sensing malachi? confused but excited

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Re: My guardian angel

Post by Celestial » Thu May 31, 2012 1:52 am

stephybabes92 wrote:I think his name may be Zacharai/Zackarai...can anyone confirm this? I got that one myself in my head from just thinking about my name and dob and asking for a name. But im not sure.

Also an angel card reader told me that the archangel who is close to me currently is Archangel Azrael. It's awesome to find this stuff out!


stephybabes92 wrote:I think his name may be Zacharai/Zackarai...can anyone confirm this? I got that one myself in my head from just thinking about my name and dob and asking for a name. But im not sure.

Also an angel card reader told me that the archangel who is close to me currently is Archangel Azrael. It's awesome to find this stuff out!


Very warm greetings, Stephy!

How is that Scottish lassie doing today? I noticed from your indication that you are from Glasgow. :)

Let's discuss the angels. In my study of angels, I have learned that there is an angel named "Zachariel" who it is said can help people with memory improvement. As to Azrael, He is a heavenly angel commonly known for being one whom receives the help of God and is said to be a record keeper for each new life that enters into planet Earth until they make their transition back into spirit.

If you received the name of "Zachariel" while thinking on the name of your guardian angel, then more than likely it is because he is with you thus, gravitates towards you when your thoughts invoke his presence. Upon checking psychically and intuitively into an association between the two of you, Spirit has informed me that indeed Zachariel is your Special Angel! Therefore, you can ask him for help when the need arises but know that angels do not interfere with one's life in any way as it is forbidden for them to do so, spiritually speaking, unless asked. The reason for that is that if they did so people would never have an opportunity to learn their life's lessons on their own thus, that would greatly interfere with and impede their spiritual growth. While angels are always around us unseen, they mainly make themselves known in some special way to offer help when one is in a life-threatening situation and it is not their time to go yet thus, they many times come to render aid.

This is a Scripture to show that God has charged the angels with taking charge over people.

"For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." -- PSALM 91:11 (KJV)

Another important thing to know about angels is that People Must Not Pray To the Angels! They do not want for one to do that nor is it something that should ever be done! The reason being that we should only pray to God, not to the angels who were created by God as His servants and messengers. God created them to be just a little bit above humans in intelligence, etc. One can thus consider them close friends and speak to them just as you would a good, dear friend that you confide in.

May God's grace shine upon you always!

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Post by Celestial » Thu May 31, 2012 2:02 am

stephybabes92 wrote:ok now im sensing malachi? confused but excited

Hi again, Stephy! In checking into this name, Spirit informs me that it does not appear to be one with an angelic connection to you. When one thinks hard about angels, many angels will indeed be attracted to one's thoughts so that one with a greater force of energy can project his or her name forward so that you can receive it in your thoughts and that may be why you received that name.

Many blessings to you!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Thu May 31, 2012 2:26 am

Wow that's amazing! I must admit that Zak-ar-aya was the first thing I heard before I even finished my question, whilst the question was still formulating in my mind! That's amazing. I could do with some memory help haha!!!! Yes later when I wanted to. E sure of the Angels name (out of respect more than anything) zacharai was there but the letter M came up and then Malachi so what I did was type Malachi into google and turned out to be the Hebrew word for angel messenger or something!
Thank you for confirming zachariel for me :D
And aye, this Scottish lassie is doing fine!!! Weather has been gorgeous and very hot recently, heading to spain next week so that will be even hotter!

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Post by Celestial » Thu May 31, 2012 4:35 am

stephybabes92 wrote:Wow that's amazing! I must admit that Zak-ar-aya was the first thing I heard before I even finished my question, whilst the question was still formulating in my mind! That's amazing. I could do with some memory help haha!!!! Yes later when I wanted to. E sure of the Angels name (out of respect more than anything) zacharai was there but the letter M came up and then Malachi so what I did was type Malachi into google and turned out to be the Hebrew word for angel messenger or something!
Thank you for confirming zachariel for me :D
And aye, this Scottish lassie is doing fine!!! Weather has been gorgeous and very hot recently, heading to spain next week so that will be even hotter!

Well see, with the name Malachi also appearing before you, that can only go to prove that the angels are WITH you! That's great!!

And you're welcome! Spirit is most times predisposed to be of help to those who inquire and who need it!

Aye, Scottish lassie, take care you hear when you go to Spain! Do you plan on visiting any royal castles where Monarchs used to live? Europe is not so stable these days and Spain has had its share of problems lately. But do enjoy your stay nonetheless!

Que tengas muy buena suerte en Espana chiquita! Que Dios te bendiga!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Thu May 31, 2012 11:03 am

Royal castles? No the only thing I can think of is the Alhambra palace in Granada built by the Muslims but I highly doubt we'll be travelling to Granada on a day trip this time. Im going to be on the costa del sol for a week :-) sunsunsun!
Come September I shall be moving to Barcelona a for a year!!!! This is a requirement of my university you see. There is a cathedral there that is still being built but I can't think of any castles! I hope zacaraiel will come too and protect me!

Thank you for your kind wishes! I hope you have a lovely day :-)

Stephanie xx

PS: it is back to raining here in Scotland, surprise surprise!!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Thu May 31, 2012 11:12 am

Oh Celestial I forgot to ask you in the above post - do you agree that angel cards are a good way to get answers to questions from your Angels or do you believe that it is just the same as tarot and possibly demonic? Have u ever used either angel or tarot cards to seek guidance from angels (or spirits)? Xx

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Post by malikinam » Thu May 31, 2012 12:55 pm

i have need some instructions about the angel card will you please provide it??
i have already some information about that will like to discuss me about that??

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Post by Celestial » Thu May 31, 2012 5:56 pm

stephybabes92 wrote:Oh Celestial I forgot to ask you in the above post - do you agree that angel cards are a good way to get answers to questions from your Angels or do you believe that it is just the same as tarot and possibly demonic? Have u ever used either angel or tarot cards to seek guidance from angels (or spirits)? Xx

Personally, since I am clairaudient, clairvoyant, and clairsentient, I am gifted with hearing, seeing, and sensing the information from angelic beings. I also often see them around me in the form of different colored sparkling lights. Those angels that appear with a deep purple color for example, are of a higher angelic order like the Archangels. But they can also appear with a yellow color denoting a lower angel figure. Those with White or Gold are rare but do appear at times and are from the highest order of angels.

Therefore, cards would not be my primary choice in usage. But there are also so many different kinds of angel cards today that one can pick and choose from. I do not feel angel cards are like the tarot as they each have a different objective, vibration, as well as information. I have never used the tarot cards and have not felt like I would ever need to since most of my information appears mentally from Spirit.

As a rule of thumb, I would suggest praying about the cards you desire to use. Ask if they are meant for you and if it is something in line with what God would want you to inquire with. Remember that Prayer is always Number One! I think some people use cards as a means of focusing on the situation at hand and deriving ideas and suggestions from them. But that can also be overdone. So, meditate about it and ask God to guide you as to the best method of obtaining your answers and don't be surprised if you hear the message that Direct Communication With God is always the Best! Also realize that most answers are truly within as that is where God resides!

And about your trip to Iberia, may you have great fun and too bad you will not be visiting areas that are known for their castles. They always provide an atmosphere of mystique about them and are great for picture taking! So, I imagine you will be visiting parts of Southern Iberia from what you said in your other posting rather than the Northern part where many of the blond people live though they also live throughout the country. Have fun and remember us and best of luck in your move in September! That is so exciting I can see!

Always keep an upbeat and cheerful disposition!

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Post by Celestial » Thu May 31, 2012 6:05 pm

malikinam wrote:i have need some instructions about the angel card will you please provide it??
i have already some information about that will like to discuss me about that??

Hi Malik! I would not be the best person to ask about these cards as I really do not use them but I'm sure there are others who do use them who would be in a better position to assist you. I hope you can get answers to your questions soon!

May you have a grand day filled with many blessings!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:04 am

Celestial out of interest how did u know that myself and zachariel are connected?xx

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Post by Celestial » Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:50 pm

stephybabes92 wrote:Celestial out of interest how did u know that myself and zachariel are connected?xx

Ah!! I knew I had peaked your interest, Stephy!

Well, after you produced the name, I first inquired with Spirit about the connection and I received a response that there was a good spiritual connection there. Then, I checked with my pendulum for a closer vibratory connection and it also gave an indication that out of the other names this was the one that was the most in harmony with you. Of course other items are always incorporated into my readings such as prayer beforehand to God and certain other things I do.

So, that is what intuitively/psychically appeared with the name you gave of that angel.

Hope you have a prayerful day with God's blessings!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:57 pm

Ah. :-) That's wonderful.

Thanks for helping me and giving so much information over the past week or so. I can't believe how much change can happen in so little time.

In case you are interested I will tell you how my newly discovered angel friendship is going so far :P ...

When I first realised that I had a guardian angel, I asked him what I could do to make things more comfortable for him in my room. LOL. Sounds stupid but I just felt sorry for him having to follow me around, he must be so bored hahahaha. Anyway I kept getting random hymns put into my head, one in particular, Lord Reign In Me. So I've been playing hymns for us. Also, I keep thinking about an old friend I used to have. We were so funny and crazy together and she was amazing. I really miss her and today I felt the need to contact her and apologise for anything I've done in the past. Both of us could have been more "there" for each other but I felt it was mostly my fault so I have contacted her just to say I still love her and I hope she's doing okay and I'm sorry for being a crap friend.

I don't know if she'll bother getting in touch but I feel I had to do it. So maybe that was my angel who knows. He's probably been the source of many of my decisions in the past who knows.

Do you speak to your own guardian angel a lot?

It's Fridaaaay! Hope the start to your week is grrrreat!

Stephanie xx

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Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:57 pm

oh my goodness zachariah and malachi are the last two books of the old testament !?

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