Me on bridge; policeman hit me; actress wanted to marry me; me an underworld don

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Me on bridge; policeman hit me; actress wanted to marry me; me an underworld don

Post by MuDDld » Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:13 pm

Somewhere in the beginning, I was walking towards a bridge on a river, and there were some shady people standing on the bridge but I was not afraid, instead I was acting like I was no simple person, not someone to mess around with. As soon as I set foot on the bridge, I stumbled and nearly fell, and I smiled at this time thinking how I'd been acting like I was a rogue and I couldn't even walk properly. Then I walked to the other side and was walking back, and at this point - and this is really something! - I had my penis in my right hand. I had cut it off some time back (some years back), but I could get it erect by putting it on the stump (or whatever) on the body. This was really normal in the dream!

In the next scene, I entered a building, and in the room, there was a staircase in front of me, but a policeman was standing there, and he stopped me. There were one or two other people behind me wanting to go up, but they were also stopped. Then a senior police officer came up, and he was sitting on the last stair of the staircase, and he had a baton/stick in his hand, and at this point there were a lot of people behind me who wanted to go up the stair, but they weren't allowed, just like me, and they were in a queue behind me, but they were rowdy, so the senior police officer shouted at them to get in order, but they didn't listen. Then the officer hit me with the stick, on the legs, and he hit two to three times, and I was thinking, this is not fair, I'm not the one who's not in line and yet I'm getting hit. Then I decided that I'd had enough, and I caught hold of the stick (the stick appeared more like a snooker stick). Then some people at the back came up to the front, and they were rogues, all underworld characters, and they were very pleased with me that I had taken a stand against the police officer, and next they were going to bash him up.

Then the scene suddenly changes, it was the same place, only instead of the police officer, there was an underworld don and also an actress. The actress was Katrina Kaif, if that's necessary! I'm not very sure but she did some kind of dance, and then the don was sleeping, and she came and hugged me, and she was wearing some kind of sheet, and she was crying, and what she told me is that it wouldn't be easy for her to marry me because I was younger than her, and I asked her her age and the difference was some three or four years, and I said that's not much. But all through, I was more interested in hugging her. Then the don suddenly woke up and found that his girlfriend (the actress) was hugging me, and he pulled at her sheet and while I didn't see her topless, I think that was how it was. Then he grabbed hold of her and took her to his room. I was standing all this time, thinking about what to do. She didn't say anything but she wanted me to save her but I did nothing. Then I followed them, and it was upstairs in a building, and the don's cronies all came at me, trying to stop me but I fought them and finally I reached the appartment of the don. Here I fired a gun at some of his cronies, then I entered the appartment, and inside there were some people but they weren't going to attack me, instead one of them said that how could they attack me since I was one of theirs - and I was, in a way, I was also an underworld figure, although a small-time one. I went into the don's room and told the people there to leave, and there was another room where the actress was, and some people came out of that room and went away, and they had been there because they were going to buy her or something. All this time I had my gun pointed at the head of the don (I was standing behind him), and then one of the cronies came forward to attack me and I shot him, and I told the don not to try anything or he'd be dead. This part ended somewhere here; towards the end, there was something about a balcony in the room where the actress had been sitting, and that some people whom I had called had come up to rescue us, but I didn't see any rescue taking place.

In the next scene, the story of the actress was being told: she had been married to a man she didn't love, and maybe he used to beat her, but finally she got rid of him; they were in a skiing resort and she escaped from him, maybe by killing him, and then she started running and then sliding down a slope, but there was no snow on the mountain, just sand, but she and all the other people sliding down were not getting scraped. There were even some cars going down and up (real cars, not the ropeway ones), but the people didn't get run over by the cars. She kept sliding for a long time, and then she got into a car at the bottom of the slope, and then I woke up.

I can make out certain parts, but why an actress and not any other girl I know, and what was with the rogues? And me also being a smalltime rogue?

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Post by Rook » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:47 am


I think this dream series is the next chapter in your previous dream series, related to where we last left off, crossing the railway track / barrier.  Here that symbol is shown again in the bridge, also in the stairs going up.  This to me is about getting past something, ascending.  That something?  The issue of your detachable sexuality, your decision whether to keep your penis or discard it.  In your right hand, the side of the intellect, a battle in your mind.  The opposing forces?

This is where I see the imagery of the rogues vs the police.  The police is that "authority" that is telling you what to do and beat you into submission.  You are standing up to that.  On the other side is the rogues who support this.  The rogue to my mind represent satisfying your own desires without regard for others.  ie the self-serving ego.  But you are standing up to this too in the remainder of the dream as you stand up to the Don.

To ascend you must be "in lign" or aligned.  Not with the rogues, nor with the police.  What I think this is referring to is finding the healthy balance between what is morally right, and satisfying your own needs / desires as a human male.

The dream leaps into your sexuality.  This was the hot issue in the previous dreams and notice the change?  Rather than finding the girl who remains cow-like and unemotive, the female is now full of emotion, you are seeing the story behind the body.  Your interest is no longer in the act of sex, but rather in the passion and feeling.  Why Katrina?  I don't know the answer to that, I don't follow actresses etc but there is a good reason she was used.  Think of the movies she is in and the roles she has played and the answer may reveal itself to you.  She may be referring to a literal person in your life, not Katrina but someone in a similar role that she has played.  Possibly someone younger than you.  Now the key here is she is not ideal for you to marry in societies eyes which is clearly an issue for her (her being younger than you - I don't know how that would relate, it may be something that is age related, or representative of some issue that is blocking the potential of love in societies eyes).  To you this is not an issue - for love is greater than anything society can throw in the way of it.  But you may have to fight for this love.

Not sure if this relates to anyone in your current life.  The story of the girl may help give insight.  Someone who has fallen a long way and is just starting on a new phase of their life (falling down the mountain then getting in the car)?  This may be some slide in her standing in societies eyes.  Not sure how it is in India, but I know in some cultures a woman who is divorced is then seen as tainted and shunned more or less.  Sounds like something like that what with escaping her husband etc.

Not sure if you are a fan of Star Wars but it sounds similar to the story of Luke Skywalker not going over to the dark side and joining his father, but resisting and living a true (unrobotic - externally society driven) life.  Interested in hearing what is going on in your life at the moment, or the adventure you are about to embark on.

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Post by Rook » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:47 am

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Post by MuDDld » Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:00 pm

Yaaaay! Rook is back! I can make out many of the meanings in my dreams but not as easily as you can.

About why Katrina: one reason is because I see her as a bit wild, as carefree. I don't actually think about her all the time, or any other actress for that matter, but when I thought of why she was in the dream, this is what came to my mind. Take a look at this ad

But this isn't the first time an actress has popped up in my dreams. Earlier I used to wish for this but wouldn't happen, and now, since the past few months, things have gone wild. I had one dream about Priyanka Chopra, but she was there for just a few seconds. Then another of Kareena, and this was a better one: she plays a prostitute in a movie called Chameli. In my dream, I was in a room and all of a sudden she came in, all dressed up, bright colours and all, and she immediately came up to me. We didn't do anything (again!) but she was very receptive in the dream, like she wasn't trying to shirk me. The Priyanka dream again had some roguish characters but I was the police/army, but I had a gun that fired some kind of pellets when I confronted the criminal, so that at one point when I started shooting at the face of one criminal, he got hit by these straw like pellets and didn't die, and I realized that the gun was compromised. Then there was one about Aishwarya, where we were in a some kind of hotel, and she came and started kissing me, and I was thinking about what people would think, because Aish is married in real life, and here was a married woman kissing me.

There isn't any girl in my life, so I don't know who the girl could represent, if she is representing anyone at all. I'm thirty, and not married, and people here usually get married by this time. Could Katrina represent a shadow of me, that time is passing and I am still not getting married and then I'll be too old.

The one thing I couldn't understand was why was I not a rogue (when the police beat me) and then a rogue, albeit a small time one, who defended Katrina. My understanding is something like this: there is the police on the one hand, which represents total spirituality, and the underworld don on the other who represents total sexuality. When confronted with total spirituality, I fought back, and these days, I've 'calmed down' a bit; earlier I wanted to give up everything and become something like a hermit, but now I'm different. Then, in the dream, when I was confronted with the total sexuality, I again fought back. I defended Katrina, which is a balance between the two, and also living life in an easy manner, without too much leaning towards any one pole.

The police was trying to stop me from climbing the stairs. Now spirituality should actually help in ascending, and yet didn't. This means I'm not yet ready, and still get attracted by the lower passions.

I've had some pretty wild dreams since the past three or four days, and they are pretty much impossible to relate, since they don't have a linear storyline. The last one was something like this: there were two guys, and they were near an airport, and they went to a lobby and stole something from a shop in the lobby, and then escaped. The managed to break the lock to the glass door and then ran onto the airfield and caught the plane. There was one point where they were just about to get caught, but they finally managed to escape. Then the police called the authorities in the other country, but still they managed to escape. Then they were holding a meeting with a woman to whom they were selling diamonds or something, and the woman found out that the stuff they had given was fake, and she started chasing them, and I was one of them at this point, and she would run to me first and then to the other two guys. Then all of a sudden I saw that one side of the floor (this place was like a mall), had gone, and I was staring down a large hall whose ground was many storeys below, and there were bookshelves all along the walls. We were in some millionaire's mansion, and then we went out and there was a huge artificial lake, and we got into some kind of boats that could float on the water and also make a small dive into the water. Then we were playing a racing game with another boat, and our boat went down into the water and came up after a few seconds. Normally I wouldn't like this plunging into water; I had a breathing problem earlier and there was a time when I was afraid of putting water on my head when bathing, but in the dream things were fine. I haven't been able to describe the dream properly, and it is not even possible. But this was a dream which I call a 'great' dream.

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Post by Rook » Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:24 pm

I think you are right on the police vs rogues as spirituality vs sexuality.  But I think it is bigger than just sexuality.  I imagine if the sexuality was the only component it might be like a porn star or something.  Rather I see the rogue as representing material desire, not just like money and items, but the physical world vs the spiritual world.  In the case of women physical beauty.  Also the ego and its demand for self-satisfaction whilst ignoring others - no sympathy / empathy.  It sounds like this is balancing out, but you are not quite there yet.

I think the train line, the river, the stairs, and the aeroplane, they all represent that ascent.  The changing sides between police and swinging to rogue is your own swinging attitude between spiritual vs personal.  I think you will find this balance, but it is just a case of finding that balance between your sexual needs as a person, and your spiritual needs.  Notice the phoney diamonds symbol being given to the girl?  I think that would be a highly sexual / material (rogue) based approach to relationships, they are phoney, and not true.  Eventually she will realise that it is not real, and anger will be involved.

The water, this is often related to emotion or the unconscious.  In this case, with the boats diving under the water, I see this as "diving into the unconscious", I think relating to analysing the dreams.  The presence of the other boat may be me, but I am not sure.  In my case I usually associate this with fishing.  Do you remember if there were any fish in the lake?

The question of why the actresses?  I can only hypothesise that the reason they are actresses is linked to the previous cow symbol where the woman was filling a function, you were not seeing the real person behind the face (from doing basic research all these women seem physically attractive and could represent potent sex symbols) but rather the physical body for the sake of sexual encounters.  Alternatively, actresses play roles for other people, so they may be 'acting' as someone else you are looking for or have not met yet, so an actress plays their role for now.  Anyhow I think the attitude towards women is changing, as stated previously you become more enmeshed in the story behind the woman rather than the outward appearance.  But this latest dream, the symbols and story of her life seemed to be pointing at an actual person, escaping down the great descent and starting on a new life path.

I agree that these are the 'great' dreams of your life, not just the small insignificant ones.  And I do see a progression, I think you are almost aligned to ascend the stairs, go up in the plane, but you need to find that healthy balance between your animal self and your spiritual self.  I don't think you'll find that in a book, but rather in your own mind, your own self, your own heart.  Good luck and fair journey.

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Post by MuDDld » Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:31 pm

There were no fishes in the artificial lake.

Hey, if you are tired of answering my dreams, that's alright. My dreams are going to keep coming. :)

Here's the afternoon one, this was again a great dream. The beginning was in the US; there was a woman and her daughter near some petrol station or some such place, and they were going to a place that was in a way off limits, because the military had classified it so. About two weeks ago I had watched the movie Silent Hill, and this part is similar to that. As the woman went to the car, a group of men, military ones though not in uniform but in suits if I remember correctly, got into the car and started driving it, leaving the small daughter behind. They told the woman not to worry about the daughter. Then there was something in between, maybe they had reached the forbidden place, and then I was there, but it was that aliens had attacked the earth. I was alone, and was in an small house, and there was a lake or some kind of water body nearby, and then I entered it, and remained submerged. I don't remember if I was in a boat or anything, but I was definitely underwater. And there were no fishes here either. I then thought of calling the navy, the submarines, since they were also underwater, and they were the only things that hadn't been detected by the aliens; the aliens had taken over the world but they were not aware of the submarines yet. This is the second dream in this week involving submarines; I really like subs. Then a submarine came up, but then the whole scene changed, and I was in a home in a city; it was my home but not the one I live in now, or any that I've seen. I had powers, and I brought into being some actresses who would be my girlfriends, and I was going to conjure up more women, more than a hundred. Then I started flying, and there was a marshy place nearby, and I was flying over it, and the water was really still, and this was the great part, not the part about the actresses. I flew near bushes and below electricity wires and it was terrific. Then it was something like I had written a book about this and a movie was going to be made, and I was in the movie as well, and the movie would be a hit one because there were so many women in it. At this point, I woke myself up. This is the important thing, in the last part I was with the women, but I woke up myself up. I was thinking at this time that I shouldn't since this was such a great dream, but I replied to myself that I would continue this dream after going back to sleep in a moment. After I woke up, this is what kept coming to my mind, that I woke myself up when I was with women.

See if you can find the time to answer to this one. There's no compulsion. :)

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Post by Rook » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:27 pm

Hey Muddld

I have spent some time today wondering why so many actresses.  I mean in this latest dream, you don't just make women materialise, they are actresses.  I was thinking perhaps that they are prominent as actresses because perhaps you are looking for women that will "play a role" in your life.  As in perhaps you have a preconception of the role that women will play in your life, hence actresses who play roles that do not define the character of the woman's actual life.  In turn I would say perhaps your view of this role is not quite matching up with what reality is likely to offer.

I chuckled to myself when you mentioned the 100 women... I love my fiance and could not imagine my life without her, but I wouldn't want to have to deal with two wives, let alone a hundred... but I think my own life reflects a similar attitude.

In my younger years I divinitised women.  I saw them as almost angelic beings, and at high school was almost overwhelmed if one of these beings would actually interact with me in some way.   Needless to say when I later had a job and was asked to clean the ladies room, that image was shattered in a single monumental experience... and as a result now I think my view is a bit more balanced, enough so that I had the balls to ask one to marry me.  Now I see both the angelic being and the nagging housewife in the same person, it is quite liberating.

Perhaps you have a similar situation, and is related to that which you need to align?  Just my thoughts from today.


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Post by MuDDld » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:40 pm

Rook wrote: I was thinking perhaps that they are prominent as actresses because perhaps you are looking for women that will "play a role" in your life.
How come I didn't think of this? I'm not married and often think of marrying and have this idea of how the woman I marry should be like. And I wouldn't marry actresses; feel they are a bit too wild.

Actually I see everything as a role. Including my turning a hermit and living life like a hermit.

All this time I've been thinking of the actresses in the classic Freudian way, that they are there as wish-fulfillment, because they are beautiful and any man would want to spend time with them.

The 100 women is just a fantasy. Even if I actually got a chance to live with a 100, I wouldn't choose that, I would choose one with whom I can settle down and live a normal life, have kids and that kind of stuff.

In college, I used to stay away from girls because then I had this thing about an ideal marriage and didn't want to associate with any girls until I found my "destined" partner.

Now I'm not sure if I want to marry or not. On the one hand, it seems to be too much of attachment - here its the spiritual thinking at work again. I've seen enough unhappy marriages, and also marriages that ended abruptly with the death of a partner, and I don't want to enter into more attachments which might promise happiness but bring pain. On the other hand, living alone will be lonely... That's the conundrum I'm in.

And as always, here's the latest one: I was in a building, and it was raining outside. Then a person I know from real life asked me to leave; he said I could leave if I wanted to and it was better that I left. I went out, and it was still raining. Then the scene suddenly changed, and I was in a  bathroom (in the building), and I pressed the flush lever but I was scared of the electric heater that was on one side of the wall. So I ran out, and almost fell down the side of a balcony-like place (inside the building). The drop was a long one, I would've died if I had fallen. This place was like a hall, and person on the floor (below) swung up a long plastic pipe and I caught hold of it and reached the floor. I saw other plastic pipes running up along the surface of the walls, not many, just two or three along one wall, and I was thinking about how huge the building was, and how heavy the concrete and bricks and all would be. Then I was in the middle of the building, and I entered a hall and there was some kind of an exhibition going on, and I was there with a government official, and we started walking to one side, and then there was a slope, right in the middle of the hall (this was a cavernous hall), and we started walking the slope. The slope was made of cloth strung up on wooden supports, but it wasn't sagging or wobbling or anything. We reached the middle, the highest part, and then we started descending, and then I saw that the slope had ended and we were walking on thin air. The government official fell, and I think died. Then I was on the floor, I didn't fall, don't know how I ended up there. Then there was someone from the exhibition staff who received a report from another person who was up there (on the slope); the other person up there reported gravely that there were heavy deposits of ice here, and the exhibition should be immediately stopped and everyone evacuated. I left, and walked to another hall outside this one, and there were stairways on both sides, and on the far side, there were two elevators, and I, along with two or three people, went to the lift, but the outside part was caked with transparent ice. This was like the movie Day After Tomorrow, and a huge ice storm was coming this way and was going to freeze everything. We decided not to use the lift since they could stop in the middle of the way and used the stairs to go down. On the way, a person with me, a girl I think, picked up two water bottles from some people who were lying on the floor, dead. The water was already turning to ice. Then we kept walking down the stairs, and reached a place where some people had built a giant enclosure, like a tent, not the pointed tent kind, but the medical quarantine kind, made of plastic, and inside they had got generators running that were heating the whole place up, and I was wondering where the power for the generators was coming from, and that's when the dream ended. Later when I woke up, I started thinking about what I was doing, since I was trying to leave the building when it would safer inside as the snow storm had already built up outside. Again, this was a 'great' dream, when you consider the architecture of the building.


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Post by Rook » Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:03 pm


I commend your waiting for your "destined" partner.  I didn't do it, but she came along anyway and what we have is great.  But it is a lot of work.

I find a lot of marriages don't work because they don't wait for that "destined" partner, they use their mind or pure emotion to determine suitability, but I believe in an inner knowing.  Mostly women looking for a partner with money, men looking for women with a certain look, or else just settling out of fear of being alone.  It doesn't sound like this would be a concern for you.  Hang in there.

My philosophy is that you can't have happiness without pain, and you can't have either without life.  To me happiness and pain are a part of life.  The first Buddhist teaching is that all life is sorrowful, and it is by God.  When you think about what life is, and that it exists through the consumption of other life, life can't be anything but.  And so to avoid the sorrow of life the only way to do that is to not live.  That isn't an answer for me.  I think you have to live the life that we have been given, and accept the sorrow to experience the joys.  And marriage I don't think will ever be happily ever after.  It is an ordeal, for me a humbling one, my marriage was in a way a death, and a rebirth into a more complete and more spiritual man - yes it is through my love for my fiance and children that I found my spirituality.  Look at your example, you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.  You may as well go for it and enjoy the romance and adventure of it, for better or for worse.

All I have gotten thus far from your latest dream is the government official is likely a mechanism that was deciding / guiding how you govern your life, that has fallen away and no longer holds sway.  This could be that spiritual desire to discard your sexuality, or something similar to it.  The ice storm coming sounds like some form of "freezing emotions" in someway.  Freezing something?  There is also a strong sense of duality in the dream, the two elevators, the two staircases, you and the girl, the two water bottles.  You have been walking the middle bridge but the path has disappeared?

Will think on it some more and see if anything else materialises.

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Post by MuDDld » Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:28 pm

Rook wrote:The first Buddhist teaching is that all life is sorrowful, and it is by God.
It is by God? I'm a Buddhist but I haven't read much, so what's this?

Edit: Do you mean "it is, by God"?

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Post by Rook » Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:28 pm

Yes, it is, by God.  A pause with the Lord's name used in vain.  I blaspheme

I agree with a lot of what I have heard of Buddhism.  But I probably know 5% of what you do.

I was referring to the first noble truth, all life is sorrowful, or something along those lines.

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Post by MuDDld » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:37 pm

Another great one this morning. The beginning was terrible. I was at a psychologist's, and my parents were there, and some sort of big quarrel was going on. Then I left, and I was travelling along a road on my bike in the city, then I was talking with a girl from college on the mobile. She told me to come over to her house, and then she was sitting behind me on the bike! We travelled for a few minutes and then reached her home. It was a block of appartments, and there was a wall around it, but it was like a castle wall, and we went up a steep slope to the gate, and there was a small opening in the gate, through which we went in. There was the parking but it was like, you put your bike over this place, and the bike goes down one floor, and then there are attendants who will take the bike from you. After this the girl and I walked to her appartment. At this point, I was wearing a t-shirt but the trousers I was wearing were really short, I was showing off my thighs, and this felt great. Then we reached the door of her appartment and I asked her whether there was anyone was at home, and she said her entire family was at home. I didn't like this, and I said that I had thought that there was no one at home and that is why she had called me. She said, I don't want to go home either, so we left without entering her house at all, without even ringing the doorbell. We went down, and we were looking for some lonely place. This was a really great part. One one side I saw there were some woods and they looked inviting, and we were going to go there when the morning alarm went off and I woke up. The part I was with the girl, it was like I didn't have to spend any effort to get her, she was coming to me of her own accord, she wanted me.

This is the second such dream with the same girl and the same theme. In the first one, we had met at a theatre, and she took my hand and we entered a dark hall, the theatre hall, and it was empty and really dark, and we went and sat on the front rows and I was saying something but she stopped me, and said / hinted that there was no need for me to say anything, that she was mine! I don't remember exactly what happened after this but I think we kissed, or at least, hugged.

I wonder whether the mind knew the exact time and started the dream in such a way that it would end at that particular point with the alarm going off. Is this possible?

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Post by Rook » Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:24 pm

Hey Muddld

Sorry haven't been back in a bit, been incredibly busy.

This dream;

There is a conflict in your psyche that is being seen to, big quarrel at the psychologist.  This involves your mother and father, this I say as saying either:

1) It is referring to something from your upbringing

2) It is referring to a conflict within your psyche; masculine vs feminine, from your "source of being" or perhaps unconscious processes that define your actions / opinions.  Or perhaps the "source of being" relating to a higher power ie God/Divinity

3) Relating to a conflict between your parents and their wishes for you vs your own responsibility / desires.

I think the dream details the conflict.  It seems like it could relate to effort in regards to relationships.  The walls around her home relates to some kind of defences, be it your own psychological defences, or the defences of a woman in putting forward your interests.  I think the later relates well to the theme of the dream; you don't have to try, she is already interested in you.

I can relate to that theme, in my own relationship.  I had been on the dating scene for over a year, and what really got me was how you had to perform, jump through hoops, be something you weren't to gain their interest.  Then I met my fiance.  What struck me was how, right off the bat, I didn't have to try.  We just hit it off, she liked me for who I was, and I liked her for who she was.  Sure she didn't think she was good enough for me, and thought she would never hear from me again once I left, thinking I should be dating models etc, but there is so much more depth in what we have than that.  She probably isn't the woman my parents wanted for me (a teen mother) nor what my "friends" thought I deserved.  But see thing is I saw past the fact that she was a teen mother, I saw HER, not what she was, and she is awesome.  We are so good together, and it sounds a lot like the relationship in the dream.  Easy going.

Could this relate to your need to have her away from her parents as well?  Do your parents expectations of your wife have any influence over you?  Do you perhaps not fit the ideal image a woman's parents would want?  It seems that there is the painting a picture of a need to hide your love from parents?  Or perhaps a higher power (God)?  Could that be a factor as has been shown previously in the conflict between your animal desire and your spiritual desire?  You want to hide that primitive natural aspect (in the woods) from the parents in the house.

I love the part where you are enjoying showing off your thighs - this is brilliant, and a good attitude.

On the question of knowing an alarm clock is going to ring, I remember I had a dream where a phone kept ringing (my alarm clock kept going off) and I would wake up and hit the snooze button (half asleep) and start trying to talk to the alarm clock.  Then I would go back to sleep grumbling about how this person keeps ringing me up and not saying anything.  I actually got quite frustrated.  Whether my dream knew it was going to happen I don't know.  I suppose it could be a possibility.  I have also recognised precognition in my own dreams before, to a point that it changed my opinion on this possibility (prior to this I was very scientific about dreams and ruled precognitive dreams out).

That is why I would be very interested in seeing if you are about to enter a relationship with someone who has "fallen down a mountain" and is starting out again, someone who you hit it off with without really even trying.

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Post by MuDDld » Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:21 pm

The three points you have written about the conflicts are all true in varying degrees.

I'm not married, and I'm not into a relationship right now either. I don't want to marry, but my parents really want me to. They keep telling me its time, and I keep saying I don't want to. But if I do marry, I want to live alone, away from my parents and hers both. Feel like parents are too much weight.

Supposing I was to marry, I don't think the girl's parents would find me acceptable. I don't have a good job at present, and I'm very undecided about everything. This is a time when I'm trying to find some meaning in life, and not run after money. I'm not much interested in money, in buying fancy stuff, even though I know money's important.

I really liked this dream because the girl was interested in me. I had thought the dream was about acceptance, that I was accepted and not rejected. I often keep thinking about what other people think about me, of how they see me, and more importantly, whether they think negatively about me. Which is why I thought the dream about the girl being interested in me and coming to me without any effort on my part was a way of telling me to cool down and not give too much importance to what the others think about me.

The brain has its own clock, so I think it is possible it knows what the exact time is. I've often woken up a minute or a few seconds before the alarm went off, because I didn't like the jarring sound of the alarm going off. What I don't know is whether it is possible that the dream is started by the brain timed in such a way it breaks with the alarm going off. That would mean the entire contents of the dream are pre-decided. Have you ever come across any research related to this?

I'd like to add something here, which I didn't remember fully when I wrote out the first post. The beginning of the psychologist part was with me on my bike, on a road through a shopping area at night, and my sister called me and told me that the psychologist has opened a new office in the area where I was. Then I was at the psychologist's, and there was maybe some conversation, some kind of high-pitched agitated stuff, and then I was going to say something about my mother when she suddenly came into the room. Then I can't say for sure but I think my father also followed, and I quarreled with either my father or mother or both. Then the scene changed, and I was at home, outside a room, and my parents were inside the room and all of a sudden my father went and hit my mother and I said sarcastically something like isn't that great, you're such a good person, and my father said something like don't teach me or don't interfere with my business. Now my parents don't get along well, but nothing of the sort shown in the dream takes place. I think somewhere around here, there was a feeling that my father didn't like the fact that I didn't approve of what he had done, which means in a way that I was "rejected" by him and then the part about the girl begins where she immediately accepts me.

Its great to hear you were able to meet your perfect match and went where the heart pointed and didn't get discouraged by what your parents or your friends thought of your fiance. What about her parents, do they approve of you? Was the whole thing a smooth ride?

I just saw a movie called Imagine Me And You, starring Lena Headey. It has the same theme of following the heart.

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Post by Rook » Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:38 am

I think we have a pretty similar viewpoint Muddld, which might be why I think what I see in your dream just sort of dawns on me almost as I read it.  I don't get that with a lot of dreamers.

I have never come across any research on dreams being predecided - I guess the closest thing I have heard/read about it was an opinion (though I don't remember who's) that lucid dreaming wasn't recommended in the theory that dreams perform a psychological function.  Removing the unconscious as the dream maker removes the psychological function / healing that takes place.

But then I haven't read extensively on dreams - I don't have time.  I get on here every now and then and interpret some dreams.  Almost all my reading / research has been based on Jung / Joseph Campbell, stemming from earlier looking into the Occult as an alternative to religion (which I might add did not go anywhere, except here).

I think this seems to be the issues your dreams are addressing, and the interplay of the parents too.  It seems a big barrier in a lot of people these days, the seperation from living the life your parents want and finding your own authentic life, the life you were meant to live - it is often not that which our parents want for us.  A big part of this is also the move from dependence to responsibility - as we shift from our need for our parents help and begin to rely on ourself.  I don't have to think very hard to come up with people I know who still live with their parents, and rely on them for a large proportion of their life's activities.  Usually involving late nights playing computer games, followed with sleeping in til late and going to a dead end job.  But hey, if they enjoy it and feel it was the life for them, then that's great!  -  Actually I do have to think long to find someone who doesn't have an element of this struggle in their life at around about the 30yo mark.

My fiance's parents like me.  I am very different from them - they are very loud extroverted people and I am quiet and introverted.  At first I think they thought I didn't like them (but I think they are hilarious) but they grew to know and accept me for who I am, and  I don't think I could ask for better in-laws really. It is good because they give us plenty of space and we are properly independent from them.  Still trying to get my parents passed this at the moment - they have a tendency to organise us without considering our needs and opinions.  Even if we tell them they don't listen sometimes and just do things against our needs.  Really both sets of parents have pros and cons.  I couldn't get by easily without them, but it is important to have a buffer so that I can follow my own path and not try and follow what they want for me.

And ha, a smooth ride.  No.  We joke about a curse on her side of the family where everything we do has a big drama involved, and just when you feel like nothing else can go wrong, the planets align and everything miraculously sorts itself out at the last minute.  It is a big crazy adventure full of ups and downs.  But that is just the adventure of life.  I used to think it wasn't in my life before I met her, but thinking back it was there but I just never saw it that way.  My life changed when I started looking at it as a great adventure, which is pretty much when I met her.  We have had our ups and downs too, but we have stuck together through it all, I reckon we are on pretty solid ground.  Also on that note I think Joe Campbell said it best "Marriage is an ordeal" ie not happily ever after.

I agree with you a lot on the money point of view - it is essential to live but shouldn't dominate your life.  My career stems from a degree in cartography, and I have danced my way up the career path to a pretty decent job.  It's not the money that has driven me, but the adventure of applying for jobs and getting them, and the work that I am doing as the driver.

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