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Post by heartk0re » Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:11 pm

Ok thank you, cuz my dad kept telling me to report my lost driver's license cuz someone could steal my identity and stuff, I was worried cuz I haven't reported it yet.

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Post by heartk0re » Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:23 pm

Just an update on my situation: I emailed him a long toughing email, I called him last night and his friend answered for him, if his friend probably wasn't with him, he would've not answer lol but anyway his friend gave him the phone and he finally spoke to me, he was really kind and thanked me for the email and said it was very nice, he said nothing was wrong and everything was good but that he just can't talk to me for a few months, I asked him if September was when we could talk or hangout again and he said probably not, we'll see. Mind you, I was crying hysterically on the phone and he handled it nicer than usual lol the short conversation was better than nothing. :)

Disirnott Tarot
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Second Reading for Heartk0re

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:08 pm


7-Card Reading : Message on Money

Cards Cast:

Knight of Wands : Ace of Pentacles : V Hierophant : XV Devil Reversed

Ace of Wands Reversed : XVIII Moon Reversed : 8 of Wands Reversed

We wish to speak to you about your outlook on money. We know that we gave you a warning and you are expecting some sort of money message of doom but it was just a precautionary measure we wanted you to take. You let your emotions run away with you with it and that is why we offered another reading to put your fears to rest. We will speak on what we wanted to talk to you about with the money issue but this reading is an overall reading of money too. How to handle it and how to behave around it so you can emotionally handle yourself. We want to speak to you about your fear of money. If you get riled up when money comes into the mix, like you just did after we warned you, than take the precautionary measure and do whatever you should have done in the first place to handle the situations that comes up. Don't drag it out because things can happen which you might need to spend more time and energy and even more money in fixing. So take care of things when you need to take care of them and don't procrastinate. The reason why we want you to be more optimistic with money is because you can get scared over money, over losing it to the point where you can become very emotionally sad, angry, frustrated, worried etc. And sometimes when things come to that breaking point you need to, and if you don't procrastinate you won't need to feel this way. You need to get to a point where you feel like you can handle when issues with money come up, you can handle them just fine, you usually just worry yourself sick until it works itself out, and does that need to be the case? Do you need to worry yourself sick about it when something comes up? Can't you just put in a logical plan and let things work out? If you need to tweak the plan a little while in progress you can but do you need to constantly feel worried about it even when you feel you are doing everything you can do handle it? Probably not and that is what we are bringing up here. That is the reason we wish you to work on your emotional control over money. And this isn't easy. We understand that money "makes the world turn round", at least that the concept that people expect and we don't see it that way. We'd rather be peaceful and constructive with money when issues arise. So we just wanted to point that out as you seemed very tense after we told you to be careful. And yes we understand that we didn't give you any details but there was a purpose to that, and that purpose was that we didn't want you to dwell on it, but you worried yourself so much that we had to bring it up. You do not need to feel such fear with money, no matter what happens, and as long as you don't procrastinate when you don't need to, you can work things out. So be a little more lighthearted around money and fears about money. Next time someone tells you to take precautionary measure just take it like that, advice to put a little extra to the side just in case something happens. The guides can see impression of what's "swirling" around you. Sometimes they manifest into the physical and sometimes they don't. Coincidentally what we saw already changed and we will speak to you about that below but for the future you don't need to become to anxious around it. If there is something that is happening just calmly put a plan into action and let things work out, if you keep working yourself you know what will happen, just worse things, so be calm and carry on.

So now we are going to speak to you about the money issue. There was something swirling around you that might have manifested into a "situation" now we can give you the details but the possibilities of what it could have manifested into could have been different things. It was going to be something that you had to pay for, some sort of issue which arose which might make you need more money. That was all. Currently, since we last spoke to you, things changed. It might have been partially because we told you what was going to happen and you manifested it to change or it could be that your guides saw you becoming really worked up about it and they wanted to give you peace of mind so they handled it. At this point whatever was supposed to happen has changed. Now we aren't saying it might not come back but currently it dropped from 70% to 50%. And you can say, "Well it still has a 50% chance of happening (so I still need to worry about it)" but we will say, look how fast it changed from a 70% to 50%, do you think if we wanted you to worry about it that we would tell you to just relax over it. Of course not, if it needed your attention we would say focus on it to change it. And so far you did, you some how focused on it to the point where you changed it. It must have been that you were so worried it was going to happen that you forced yourself to say, "It just CAN'T happen (I can't deal with it therefore it can't happen)" and that thought actually changed it. It's called manifestation. You manifested the warning to change. Now it's down to 50% and like we said it can come back or not, but for now you are in the clear. You could ask for details but like we said, it could have manifested in multiple ways, so just because we say it's going to happen like this it might not, it depends on multiple circumstances. That and what we tell you can actually change it because (depending on how you act) you can manifest it away or manifest it closer. In this case you currently manifested it away. So whatever you were worried about that you kept asking .Serah. if those things are still on your mind just deal with them the best way, don't procrastinate if that is what is still keeping them on your mind and keep moving forward. As far as the money warning was concerned it went away. And that is just how manifestation works. So currently you have nothing to worry about except for the few things that might still be bothering you which might need your attention. So just handle them and then put them behind you so you can stop worrying about them....and stop procrastinating.

We want to speak to you about the course to take concerning your behaviors/emotions/and your money management. We want you to be vigilant with your money. Sure bad things can happen anytime and you might have to pay for something, it just is the way of the world. So if you get so worried about that if it happens than plan accordingly, make a nest egg of cash just in case things happen. That way no matter what you are covered. And of course this is just good advice but what do you think the guides would say if something else was coming your way in term of needing money? They would say, "Where is your nest egg?" and if you didn't have any they would say exactly what we did which was, "Just save a little extra right now because you might need some extra cash if anything happens." You took that and ran with it to the point where you couldn't sleep and that isn't healthy but for the purpose of this message it worked out because you manifested it away. In the meantime you need to work on your emotions over this. Build that nest egg so you have some security and that will give you more comfort if anything happens. And it is all about handling yourself with your emotions so you can feel like you have more security and not need to worry as much. Take the precautionary measure that you need in order to feel more comfortable handling monetary issues. These measures can save you from sleepless nights.

We want to bring up the worries you can harbor over money. It can get you to the point where you feel seriously on edge about things and we want to see if you can turn that around. It's okay to worry about money, we aren't saying that you don't need to, on a society practically built around money it can be stressful when you have a money issue. But you need to learn control over money. Yes, money can come and go and it can be hard when it has to go during situations that can be stressful but does that mean you need to work yourself up to a point where you lose sleep over it. You can stress out to the point where your body will start to get affected by it and we don't want that to happen. The body can only handle so much stress all the time and when you have "shocks" over money and than dwell on it and draw them out you can negatively affect your body. And maybe in the short run this doesn't bother you so much past the point that it is a necessary evil but we can see down the road and we don't want your body to start having nervous breakdowns or anything like that in the future. And the way you avoid that is be taking the measure you need now to change that, like that nest egg idea we gave you above. Now you can say, "Well this is all good and well but where is the hocus pocus that comes with tarot readings to foretell what's happening," and we will say well this is it just will less of the hocus pocus and more of the advisory information that you need. So we want you to feel more calm with money and we'd like you to figure out a "plan of attack" to do that.

We want to speak to you about opportunity. Right now there isn't much opportunity around that gives you that comfortable, "A lot of money is coming my way feeling so I'm okay." But we'd like you to feel like that is the case and we want to tell you why. When you expect good things to happen you can attract them close to you, now we are simplifying this, you have to be able to control your emotions so you don't input fear or worry into it...and you have to believe it so it can be very challenging if you aren't used to it. But you already used manifestation like we said above because the warning was now changed...and you did that. You just don't realize that you did that, that is why we are telling you that you changed it. So opportunities can come just like you changed the warning. You can manifest it. If you are interested in this concept we encourage you to learn more about it, there is a lot of information out there. Concerning opportunities, you need to feel more comfortable with what you have, once you do we might be able to change a few things around and give you more opportunities but right now we are having trouble with that because of your worry over things. Work on your worry and then come back for another reading and we'll see if you are ready to get a few other opportunities to pop up for you. For right now just relax over things because harboring tension can just be frustrating and downright unhelpful.

We want to talk to you about confusion. You know what to do concerning money (like work and make more money) but just because you know how money comes (through work or what not) we want to tell you that you might not have a very sturdy path on what to do with getting money. We don't want you to feel like you are drifting helplessly when it comes to working or getting money. We want you to feel more secure with your career path with money. Do you have a sturdy career plan? Have you thought about this? Maybe you have a plan but you need to tweak something or maybe you need to include a few different possibilities that you haven't considered before. You can leave you career path more open ended but if you still have a sturdy structure on how to get where you want to get you can feel more comfortable with your path and with money as a whole. If you have any hesitation over money or losing it this would be a great place to reconsider. Remember that your career path with money will actualize more money to you and if you know that more money is coming you might not be so fearful of losing money now. It's something that you can work on as you are trying to build yourself up emotionally to feel more at peace with handling money in all of its aspects, even the scary ones.

We want to leave you with this. This this is a work in progress. Yes you changed the warning around so you don't have to worry about it anymore but if anything else like that comes up you'll want to handle it better than worrying yourself sick over it. And this is going to take some time and energy and patience from you. Because it isn't easy to deal with something as sensitive as money can be and obviously you have those sensitivities. But most people do until they change that around and start feeling better with themselves over the issues of money and handling it and maybe even losing it because that can happen. So until then we'd like you to think about the advice above and put into effect the precautionary nest egg measure and plan out the career path area so that these things can buffer your fear over money if it comes up again in a precautionary, you might lose some or need some more money, way. And all in all that is just what we wanted to tell you, it was just some advice that needed to be heard by you and we hope that if you receive another warning over money like that, that you will feel more comfortable with hearing it and putting into effect a plan so you don't have to dwell on it. And everything else that you brought up that you were worrying over should be something that you handle now in order not to worry about when we, the guides, give you warnings because in this case it didn't have to do with all of those and you just worried for nothing but because of your procrastination you had to worry and that isn't good. We want to get you to a place where you feel really calm and confident about handling money so this is just an overall message of some good advice to help you with that.


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Post by heartk0re » Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:30 pm

Thank you very much for that reading, it put my mind at ease a little, i'll ty not to stress out and procrastinate, i am unable to find a job and my dad barely has money to give me now, im lucky if i get five bucks, so i have no way to make a nest egg. :/

Disirnott Tarot
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:39 pm

Well then this is good advice to make you want a nest egg when you get to that next step. For now just relax :)


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Post by heartk0re » Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:25 pm

It'll probably take up to 7 months till i am able to get a job, but thanks i will try to relax for now. :)

Disirnott Tarot
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:36 pm

Good for you Heartk0re. Take it one step at a time and keep working toward what you want, you'll get it with the right attitude and perseverance. :)

Good luck!


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