is it really over?

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is it really over?

Post by JaguarLover » Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:59 am

He just broke it off today, but has been pushing me away for two weeks. Think he is going back to the mother of his kids. This came out of nowhere as things were going really well between us, but there have been a lot of secrets in our relationship from day one.

Wondering if it's really over for good or if he's just needing a break, figuring something out in his life, if he will come back around to me or not?

This chart is sort of interesting because the 1st house is ruled by Aries therefore technically i should be Mars. the seventh house being ruled by Libra gives him Venus. So basically the roles seemed reversed, as men usually take Mars and women Venus. in this instance, I am Mars and he is Venus, correct me if i'm wrong?

him being the Sun and me being the Moon, both in the fifth house. They say the fifth house is indicative of love questions. As the Sun in the fifth house he's in Cancer, as the moon I'm in Leo ... he is a Cancer sun sign (don't think it matters in this instance but worth noting). Mercury is also in Leo with the Moon. He doesn't want to talk to me right now and I keep trying to initiate conversation. Maybe this is indicative of that?

if i am Mars and i'm in the 7th house, does this mean he's thinking of me? Saturn is also in the 7th house. i'm afraid of the planet Saturn lol!

PLEASE HELP i am a novice at Horary!
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