Akashic Reading Request for MangoMom

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Akashic Reading Request for MangoMom

Post by kasgan » Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:56 pm

Dear MangoMom

I would like to have an Akashic reading from you. I have posted a number of times on this board and forum as a whole. I find it very helpful to destress myself and also to know trueself and purpose.

I do  not want to ask a specific question but would like to know my purpose and what I am ( probably thats a question very difficult to answer)

If I need to ask a question then it would be whether I can lead a happy and content life with my close ones and do good.

Name is kaushik ganguli
6July1976 is by birthdate

I would be hounoured to get your feelings.

Kind regards


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Post by MangoMom » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:26 am


Thank you for the honor of accessing your sacred records. I prefer questions to guide me in the right direction of your records to give you the information you need to continue your endeavor of enlightenment.   Your question:
If I need to ask a question then it would be whether I can lead a happy and content life with my close ones and do good.
Yes, you can lead a happy and content life, but, there will be some troubles to keep it interesting.  An uneventful life would be so boring and sometimes you need to experience the bad to appreciate the good.  Your attempts at enlightenment have been difficult, perhaps your quest has been in the wrong direction with the wrong information.  You are a good person but there appears to be an area in your life that needs looking into.  Total honesty with yourself has been a problem, but it is because you have the wrong perspective.  I am not given the specifics of this (I will make an interpretation here) I assume it is something very private that you have denied for so long.  This is the feeling I was given.  You can reach an understanding of this concern through the Forgiveness prayer.  What you deny is not wrong but you continue to believe it is.  Please say this prayer for 12 days, then when you feel clearing coming through, within 3 to 5 days begin the prayer again to understand that this is all okay, it is a part of the experiences we must all go through, we are not Gods or beyond wrong doings, we need to accept that and attempt to do better.

Forgiveness Prayers

If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.  If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.  This I ask for the highest good of all concerned.

You are greatly respected by the spiritual world, you will overcome great trials in your lifetime and will be honored for your efforts.


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Post by kasgan » Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:05 am

Hi MangoMom

Thank you for looking into my records and sharing the information.

Well... I am actually confused with what you have said but cannot pinpoint the specific issue. Or may be I can....

Regarding spirituality I think I have a strong faith in GOD.

When you say greatly respected I guess that is a good sign. Whe you say trials is that something to test us?

Many thanks


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Post by MangoMom » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:34 pm

Hon your faith is not in question at all, it will grow stronger in fact, the trials that I refer to with be problems that you will have to trust in your faith, so I guess it is a test, but know you will be okay.  \\Blessings to you and your family

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