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Post by samantha234 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:18 am

hI , :smt006
This topic is here so you all can practice reading. You can post your questions here and the others will read it for you! Hint: when I write out my readings, i use wordpad first, so i can take my time and make any corrections neccesary. Then i paste and copy it into the post! This way i can reword it first if need be.
This topic is purely for your enjoyment and practice, i dare say you will get to know each other better also! :)
so, check it every day for questions and readings, and also post your reading requests here.
 If you would like a reading from me, you can post it here also, but only if you are in the class!
                                                                have a good time! :smt006

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a reading from the class

Post by samantha234 » Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:02 pm

Hi class! Teacher here!lol :smt006
I would like it if you could all give me a reading!
here is my question: What important changes are coming up for me in the next six months?
You can use any method you like, but list the cards and the reading you are using so we all know what is going on! Thank you!

                                                              Love ya all,
                                                                      Samantha  :smt007

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Post by nicnic » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:37 am

Ok will try my hardest Samantha  :)  :) and I know the rest of the class will do well too  :)

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Post by nicnic » Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:42 am

Hi Samantha,
Well here is my reading for you  :) I have decided to stick with the Celtic Cross for now because the more I do it the more I understand.

Sunday, 23 July 2006
A reading for Samantha

Position 1 – The significator
Here I have selected the QUEEN OF CUPS because that is what you said you were and what I see you as.

Position 2 – Helps and obstacles

Here I see a lot of mixed emotions. You need to focus more on what is important to you at this moment in time.

Position 3 – Past

There has been a feeling of great joy maybe by the appearance of someone else in your life. Some sort of celebration or family reunion.

Position 4 – Recent past

I feel that things have started to turn around for you in a very positive way.

Position 5 – Possible Future

Well this clearly indicates to me that your future is a lot brighter than your past has been. I see a pleasant time ahead of you and a lot of warmth is coming back into your life.

Position 6 – Immediate future

I can see you seeking advice from someone, it could be to do with building or renovating.

Position 7 – Attitude

You are a very confident person and you really know what you want. Your mind is set and nobody is going to change it!

Position 8 – Enviornment

There is a very strong woman around you who has a good business sense who is going to maybe help you in a financial way.

Position 9 – Hope and fears

You hope that your intuition is strong enough to pull you into the direction that you want to go, but you fear that you may have overlooked something. ( I found this card a little bit hard to read I must admit)

Position 10 – Outcome

Well, I can see that whatever you are planning to do will succeed. You will get help financially and your future will be secure. I also get the feeling that you are planning something in the near future that involves another person, whether it be a business adventure or a new house. The help I see you getting is either from a financial advisor or a bank.

Looking at the overview of this reading you have a lot of pentacles and cups so it’s a very strong reading concerning your financial status and also your emotional well being.

The way I see it….you have a good outlook for the next 6 months Samantha!

Well, I can say that I enjoyed that task! Lets see what the other class mates predict for you  :)  :)

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Post by samantha234 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:14 pm

carol, awesome reading! you did very well and thank you for doing that for me! :)  i'll let you know how it comes out! :smt006

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:11 pm

Class work nr 2
Questioner Samantha
6 cards specific question spread  ” Where am I in 6 moth time”
Reading by Rhutobello
1 deal…no card changed or handpicked.
I have used the deck “Timeless Truth with author’s notes, and “Tarot tells it all” by Patricia M Walker together with class notes.
I have no force in Tarot so the reading has to be taken as entertainment.

Where you are today:
The Magician

Well since you are a female this card indicate a change in position or a drastic change in your way of life.
Since you get this card at the start of the spread we can assume that you are on the threshold for something new.
The card point out that you are a very creative person with the ability to do. You have also occult power and knowledge. If you trust your self-confidence you will build your “strength of will” and that will lead you to success and triumph

Obstacles: Obstacles in your path that are related to your question:
3 of Pentacles.

I was a bit confused at first, because how can teamwork be obstacles?
Then I believe we must see it as lack off these abilities that can be seen as such.

In order for you to have successes you must be open for good planning and organization. Put up your goals. Set exceeding standards and let all know your competence.
Even if you have great knowledge and powers, you can’t manage it alone. So it’s time for you to include other in your work, because teamwork is the best way to get the job done. This card point out that confidence in oneself is an important virtue.

Favourable Influences:
Influences in your favour regarding this question.  
Prince of sword.

The prince point out that you must be logical and direct
He also point out that if you are not aware, you can fast develop negative aspects, regarding your abilities.
This can be like: direct but blunt or intelligent but dogmatic, also positive abilities with negative effects.
It is important to seek balance and to be honest to yourself and other.
Further more it’s pointed out that you shall trust your own opinions and speak your mind with self-assurance.

Near future:
Events/People/Influences that will occur in the near future regarding your question
Queen of Pentacles
The queen says that you are resourceful and warm person
You love children and animals are generous, warm and sensible. Those qualities will help you out in your relationship with other people
This card can also represent a mature person who brings these qualities into his or her relationship with you.
Appreciate this, for it has special significance for you at this time.

Long-term future:
Events/People/Influences that will occur in the long-term regarding your question
2 of cups

As you progress in your work outlined in the 4 earlier card, your self-esteem will grow and also your confidence.
This will lead to a balance, which will lead you into a time with sharing and friendship.
You will receive a higher understanding of love and be able to give and receive in a more relaxed way.
This is the time to heal dualities within yourself, or to resolve conflicts you may have with others.
Friendship and partnership will blossom.
Your time will feel nice and calm.

Likely outcome to your question if you follow the current path you are on

If you have followed the path outlined in those 5 first cards, you will now feel that you have gone true an transformation and started on a rebirth. You have felt release and forgiveness of old conflicts and learned to accept yourself the way you are.
The time has come to take judgement and decisions for your step ahead.
Learn from the burdens you had in the past, but have released, and start fresh with new convictions.
The card tells about spiritual growth and that you are coming out from darkness and into light.

The spread start and ends with cards from Major arcane.
This tells about fate…fate have brought you where you are today and fate will bring you further into future.
You have also received 2 cards from the court cards. This tells that people will play an important role in your development.
So in mine opinion if you follow the lead given by this card you may have a say where the fate brings you in the future.

Well……I must have been lucky with the spread….I felt the card was right on all places…I enjoyed this Readings!

Hopefully you  too.
Last edited by Rhutobello on Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by samantha234 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:39 pm

excellent reading too!
I definitly enjoyed it, thank you so much! i liked the spread also! :)  good to see from both readings things are looking up!

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Post by nicnic » Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:07 am

Hi Samantha,

I hope your readings do work out for you....they are both good so far.

and Rhutobello, I liked your reading too, that was really well written...well done :)  :)  with more practice and Samantha's help we are going to be experts! :smt002

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:21 am

cud anyone read for me??
my q is: " how will things be for me next month? will life b tougher than it is or good things are yet to come??

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:44 am

Thx Carol for nice words and I return them to you, you also did a great job....and yes our readings point out posetive development for our teacher :) :)

Sweta, I will give it a try...but give me a day or 2 :)

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Post by nicnic » Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:20 am

Swetha I will also try too when im feeling a bit better  :)  :)

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Here it comes swetha :)

Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:44 am


Spread for swetha
1 lay…no handpick or change of cards.

Who you are and where you are today.
King of cups.

When I saw this card in this position, I smiled, nodded and thought it was you.
The card point out a gentle person, who is compassionate and tolerant. One who are both diplomatic and wise. One with the abilities of a healer, Healer display itself in many ways; it can be as healer for seek ness, but also healer for the mind true the ability to listen and be non-judgemental.
So this card tells you is a great person.

Obstacles in your path that are related to your question
Nine of Cup.

In order for you to grow, you have to put your own happiness and satisfaction in the front seat; none can live a full life without dreams coming true, having a bit of luxury, and a lot of love.  As man we are created as “pack or family” “animal”, and without those treats pointed out in this card, we will always long for something else or feel unsatisfied.

Favourable Influences:
Influences in your favour regarding the question
The Chariot
This card point out that you are able to face your challenges and win. You only have to use your courage and determination. Believe in yourself, because you possess great powers. Always remember that success is up to you and not what you inherit. Put up some goals and work toward them and you will have successes.

Near future:
Events/People/Influences that will occur in the near future regarding your question
As you progress true life it’s important to listen to good advises, given by family, friends and even strangers. Never jump on a thought, without ponder a bit on it.  This way the thought can show all it’s angles and you are more prepared to choose the right one.
The card also point out that you shall follow the traditional path, by rules set by family, group and society, but as a Hierophant you shall always ask yourself if these rules still have it’s value today and not follow them blindly.

Long-term future:
Events/People/Influences that will occur in the long-term regarding your question
Three of sword.

The card tells about necessary conflicts.
You have to work on many of your bad habits in order to incorporate new and better ways to see thing, and interact with people on the personal level.
You might have felt both loneliness and disappointment, but shall your life be richer you must forgive yourself, try to heal the situation and move on with better goals.
We all do mistakes, but the greatest mistake is not to admit it.

Likely outcome to your question if you follow the current path you are on
Prince of Cup. (knight of Cup)
What a nice card to end this readingJ
If you follow those advices given by those 5 first cards, you will experience a romantic time. You will also see the your whole life more in perspective; and it will be more beautiful and pleasurable.
It’s important to keep the balance and be tactful, but from what I have seen from you that should be no problem with that :)

You have got three cups cards, so the feelings are strong in the picture, be sure to work toward what is good for you.
Two Major Arcana and 2 Court cards tells that fate plays a role and the same do people around you, which goes for most of us.
I thought it was a nice spread…told much about you…and I recommend its lead. :)
It might take a bit longer then a month though:) but let it be a good start!

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Post by swetha » Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:49 am

thanks rhutobello.... that was a lovely reading:) i am sure with u guys around i will never feel down:))
will strive to b beterr..and when will i ever b able to read this way:((

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Dear Sweetha

Post by Aeon » Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:24 am

Please forgive me for I did not come with a favorable reaiding for you but the future as i have seen in the cards shows it wil work out.
I used the Quest tarot spread.

For your long held feelings I opulled the devil card:
I interpreted this as A relationship that has recetly gone bad and may have hurt you.

Your recent past  was the next step in the spread. As you had asked if things things will get betrer for tyou in the next month I pulled the three of wands reversed: I intepreted this asas a recent relationship that had gone sour and had caused you pain. In the past I feel that somoene may have hurt your feelings and you were faced with a hard desicion that made you unsure of wheter to persue this relationshiop

The third card I pulled was the sun. When meditating. I saw that you should relax New begginings will come your way all is not lost. Good things are coming your way. I see this as perhaps you should move forward in your relationships because better ships are on the horizon.

the fourth card I pulle involved dealt with somonme who could help you take the correct course of action it was the three of cups. I saw this as you should surround yourself with friends and family they will help you with healling and any pain you may have recently suffered. I see a compromise and hapinesses if you reach out to others for suppport

In your near feature I saw the 4 of stomes . I intrep this as you having a great strentght and you will overcome your dears and accomplish the tasks you need to be done. I see this as a relationship. I feel you may have been in a nad realtionship but you have strentgh and you will overcome

the next card i pulled revealed you emotions it was the nine of swords. This also leads me to believe that in you life I believe it to be a realtionship because of the other cards present that someone has hurt you and you feeel betrayed and hurt

The next card I pulled represenmts yourself which is the two of cups which again leads me to believe you are at a crossroads in a relationship deciding ehther to pursue a relationship or leave it

the 8th card represents where you should begin it is the 6 of sto need to find balance in your life and make desicons for you the time is now for your happiness and balance in your life

The 9th card shows what path you should takeWhich is the daughter of cups. I interpret this as making new and old connections with your support system to help guide you on your path

The finasl card is the mystery reveleaved and it is 5 of wands reversered
I interperet this as someone perhaps the relationship gone sour I see will not play by the rules. Theier will be opposition debnates but it will end without bitterness ifg you dismiss the one who is not playing on your side fairly

I see form this reading a realtionship gone bad that has hurt you.  I feel you still have great care for thuis person and are confused about what steps to take inthhis matter.  My feelings tell me to go to your true friends for support and possibly drop the person for I see this person has hurt you and will try again but if yougive yourself solitude and peace and take things slowly and think of yourdelf things will end well and you will be victorious.

Forgive me for such a negative reading I am only an ameatur and thsi is how i preieve what I have read.

Best of luck


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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:56 am

Glad you liked it Swetha and I am sure you will be able to do it in a short time :)

Just always look for the bright side it's the other side that wear you down :)

Good reading Aeon, but in my opinion a bit to direct and narrow.
To be able to do such narrow reading you must (agein in my opinion)

a) know the questioner or
b) be very confident in your abillity. or
C be a seer or all three :)

If you look at our two readings, they both tells about feelings, the need for something to be done,conflicts and then happines.
You say my reading was posetive and called your own negative.

When I saw a seed, and hopefully make the questioner think, you plant a tree or a finish my opinion we have to be carefull with that.
Sometimes you will have success with such prossess but more often you will make more damage because the thought is to direct and our mind the most dangerous tool we have.
This has nothing to do with this particular reading....I am just pointing it out in general.
And I am not saying that mine Readings are better then yours :) :)


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