Interpretation Of Queen of Pentacles - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Queen of Pentacles - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 1:04 pm

Queen of Pentacles - Upright

Minor Arcana

This card represents the procreative, nurturing and protective nature of motherhood. You may be an intelligent person who uses his talents to the most. You are a thoughtful and creative person. You appreciate the simple things in life.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:28 am

The throne tells us the leader position. Her gaze is toward the coin. From this we can see she is a clever woman that have economic freedom. She is often lending an helping hand to those in need and in doing so strengthen the bond between the Royal and the Common.
She show great resourcefulness and will often help you with relationship.
She love children and are a protector of animals, she has a green thumb (since her throne is placed in the nature surrounded by flowers)
She show the same quality's as her husband so they are a good pair, since the king run the business the queen run the house. She give social party's and is decorating their home with fine furniture and is looking after their common interest on the home front:)

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Post by nicnic » Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:34 am

This beautiful queen sits on her rich looking throne surrounded by her beautiful garden enjoying all the riches that the earth has provided for her. She enjoys the fruits of her success. She feels happy contented and safe. She also has a very secure home life. She is not necessary concerned with being rich but more to the fact that she has everything that she needs in life to make her happy.

Appreciating what you have.

Feeling contented about your surroundings.

Loving life at this present time.

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Post by Bhadra » Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:49 pm

Sorry but I got very very detailed in this one, it is one of my significators and I was wanting to get all the meaning out of it that I could so when it comes up again it will be there in my subconscious mind and I can just pull the information out. I am very sorry if I am giving too much information or getting too in depth for newbies. But save this for the advanced class anyway.

Regina Pentaculorum (Pentacles) - Goddesses- Laksmi (Hindu) Hera/Juno (Greek/Roman) Demeter/Ceres (Greek/Roman)
"Queen of the Thrones of the Earth"

Numbers: #2, - yin/yang, pairings,there are numerous pairings of masculine/feminine, yin/yang, positive/negative, passive/active, sun/moon, conscious/subconscious and other concepts of duality represented by red/white and black/white pairings, twin towers or mountains, yin/yang symbols, and roses and lilies.

#7 - Seven also has other meanings – 3 and 4 being the most holy numbers, 7 is 3 + 4 and so is considered a mystical or magical number. There were in the time the tarot was invented, seven planets (counting the Sun and the Moon). Seven days of the week (named after the seven principal Roman deities), seven wonders of the world, seven virtues and seven deadly sins, God made the world in seven days, King Solomon built his temple in seven days, seven liberal arts and sciences, and consequently many, many uses of the number seven in Masonry. Interesting then that it does not appear more often in the tarot, since Waite was active in Freemasonry.

Metal: gold
Gemstones: garnet, emerald, lapiz, lepidolite, topaz, turquoise -
Astrological -  Capricorn
Decan - December 12 – January 10 20°Sagittarius–20°Capricorn
Element - Water of Earth

I Ching - Tui of Ken
31: Hsian
Unexpected help coming from above
The Judgement

Influence. Success.
Perseverance furthers.
To take a maiden to wife brings good fortune.

The Image

A lake on the mountain:
The image of Influence.
Thus the superior man encourages people to approach him
By his readiness to receive them.

The Lines

Six at the beginning means:
The influence shows itself in the big toe.

Six in the second place means:
The influence shows itself in the calves of the legs.
Tarrying brings good fortune.

Nine in the third place means:
The influence shows itself in the thighs.
Holds to that which follows it.
To continue is humiliating.

Nine in the fourth place means:
Perseverance brings good fortune.
Remorse disappears.
If a man is agitated in mind,
And his thoughts go hither and thither,
Only those friends
On whom he fixes his conscious thoughts
Will follow.

Nine in the fifth place means:
The influence shows itself in the back of the neck.
No remorse.

Six at the top means:
The influence shows itself in the jaws, cheeks, and tongue.

I have included the full I ching because it also gives clues when this card comes up with regard to healing as well as gives clear advice.

Elemental Personalities - (Jung) - Emotions modifying Body
Impetuous, Kind, Timid, Charming, Melancholy, Great-hearted Greatness of soul, Opulence, Generosity, Liberty Quiet, Hard working, Practical, Sensible Generous, Charming, Intelligent, Moody.

As you can see, The Queen of Pentacles is a prominent Goddess figure no matter which of these goddesses you choose to associate her with.

The Queen sits on a throne made of stone. It has a lower back than many of the thrones of the other royalty cards. The throne is placed in the open, with many plants around but not a garden. Somewhere pleasant but wild. A mountain is in the distance, but before it is a winding river, and just behind the throne are flowers.

The grass in front of the throne is patchy. Here and there the earth itself shows through, as rich brown soil.

Above the queen red roses climb the edge and top of the card.

The queen leans over slightly, attending to the large pentacle she holds in her lap.

In the foreground is a rabbit. It appears not to be a pet but a wild thing there of it's own volition

Organic Energy - one writer says this card corresponds to the Major Arcana Card 10 - Fortune (Wheel of Fortune) The Queen of

Pentacles is also associated with the Hindu Goddess, Lakshmi, goddess of fortune and prosperity.

The Water (Cold>Wet) of the Queen operates on the Earth (Dry>Cold) of the Pentacles. Since Water overcomes Earth, the effect of the Queen prevails over that of the Pentacles. Thus her relational, receptive, conforming and nurturing characteristics manifest in the material realm, and so she is comfortable in her body, sensual, great-hearted, generous, kind and happily engaged in everyday life on earth.
The Dryness (formative power) of the Earth is dominated by the Cold and Wet of the Water, and thus engenders a feminine strength (Dry) that is both relational (Cold) and conformable to the flow of things (Wet). Thanks to the Dryness she is also stable, both emotionally (Water) and financially (Earth).

However, since the Queen of Pentacles lacks Hotness, she may be foolish, moody or indecisive (lack of discrimination = Hotness), and she may be overly dependent or weak (lack of ability to separate = Hotness). She may be changeable as a consequence of her Wetness as well as the absence of Hotness.

Image: Demeter as Lady of Earth. With veiled head, she wears a yellow-green peplos (robe) and holds a torch before her. She wanders through a dense, green forest.

Commentary: Demeter is Lady of Earth because she represents the fruitful Mother Earth, the source of all resources and ultimate basis of material well-being and prosperity (suit of Pentacles).  In this image we see her searching for Persephone
Goddess of Grain and the maternal archetype, represents a woman's drive to provide physical and spiritual sustenance for her children. Roman Godess Ceres

Hera (Juno), the Goddess of Marriage and Family, extends her power over every phase of a woman's life. She is the wife of Zeus and she never wavers in her commitment to her husband and yet she does not close her eyes to his philandering ways. She is jealous towards her romantic rivals and their children born from Zeus. A woman of Hera knows the value of a loving marriage and is committed to a man she loves and honors, despite the man's failings and weaknesses. A worshiper of Hera knows she is protected from her first to her last breath and that she will give birth to healthy babies.  

**For this reason I prefer to associate the Queen of Pentacles with Hera/Juno.

The Queen of Pentacles has taken to her throne at sunrise when she can be alone with Nature and enjoy it before everybody else wakes up. Just behind her she has the company of another early riser - the Hare. The bottom of her thrown has a bull carved into it on each side. She’s dressed in earthy green and vibrant red.
Hare/green = regeneration/abundance -The hare is a Goddess symbol and represents fertility and early spring.
Bull/red = Bull is Strength - Red - sexuality/passion

The Queen has one foot placed upon a stone. This further emphasizes her solid earthy nature. I love that she’s using a bone to strike her drum. It’s so practical, yet unusual. No thing is wasted. Maybe the hide of the animal is what was used to make the drum. She knows how to provide for herself and her family from what’s around her.
One danger would be spending so much time and energy taking care of others that you neglect yourself. You have to take care of yourself so that you’re able to care for others, if that’s your driving force!

She's your mom, your loveable aunt, your neighbor, your best friend. She's the most accessible of all the queens. She bears no signs of office, just her robes, her throne, and her practicality. On her throne is either a boar or a bull. Bull represents (besides Taurus) potency and benificence. This reminds us that she is a productive queen. She gets right in there and gets things done. She is also not unapproachable. The benefactor of her people and her family, she tries to nurture all the important needs of those around her. The hare, normally a shy creature, approaches to investigate her drum. He is inquisitive and a symbol of rebirth. He reminds us that the winter is passing on to spring, a time of affluence and growth. The snowdrops place the date near Imbolc, I believe. The sun is starting to noticeable regain its dominance over the darkness of winter.

Our queen has instilled in our wee little princess the importance of always being prudent, of considering one's actions, and pondering the fundamental importance of things. She has taught our prince that he should be diligent, always protect his heart, and be genuine in all things. Both of her children are very deep and insightful. They spend time connecting to their world. As mother, she is the most natural of the queens. Though our cup queen is a great mom, comforting her children and teaching them how to deal with their emotions, this queen is the universal mother. She knows the difference between discomfort and genuine dispair in her children. She has strengthened their spirits by knowing when they should be indulged and when they must be "grounded." I would guess that her young court members are the best behaved. They are not prone to impetuousness or rebellion. They aren't boring by any means, but they like to know their path and that it's a good one before they start things. Deeply earthy and reflective, she has instilled strong values in her children.

Her bodhran (drum), the heartbeat of the land, and its bone tipper make me think that this woman is interested in contributing to the world around her. She is making music. Her instrument is one of foundation for the other instruments. Though the whistles and fiddles play without her, the music lacks something without her beats. It is not an instrument of glory, it is one of simplicity and necessity. She is no nonsense. The family is affluent, but she doesn't like to put herself above others. She would rather see us all as equals with the same things to lose and gain. She has a sense of how fast things can change and tries to be aware of the shifts in the world. She is a great observer and anticipates the needs of those around her. ... 39467.html

Although the Queen of Pentacles is seated in this card, her visual presence leaps out almost as if she were standing up and leaning out towards me. She really grabs me!
The colours of this scene are positively mouthwatering - her clothes alone make me think of favourite foods like tomatoes, spinach, green peppers...and look at the lovely buttery yellow light cast by the lantern in the background. This Queen's a domestic goddess - I'm sure of it (and anyway the book says so :)).
The solidity of the figure suits Pentacles (whereas the Queen of Swords has a sketchy, airy quality). The castle-crown, as well as being cute, adds to this feeling of groundedness - it seems to stress the lady's rock-solid, supportive and dependable nature. It's also in nice contrast to the ordinariness of the houses around her, and in particular to the detail of the little dormer windows peeping up out of the roofs behind. It seems to say -although I am essentially regal you will find me everywhere, and I bless the smallest of kitchens and gardens. Maybe it's the red-and-green colouring at work, but I feel the Queen could double for the Ghost of Christmas Present in the Scrooge story, the one who brings joy to the homes of all, especially to the poor and others in need of blessings. I love the warmth and vibrancy of this card - it seems to embody the ideal qualities of home. ... 21133.html

The Queen corresponds to the element Water, in which the Cold quality dominates the Wet quality. Because of the dominant Cold quality the Queen is characterized by mixing, joining, relating and loving (for Aristotle tells us that it is the Hot quality that separates); Cold is also contractive, and so the Queen conserves and stores energy, so she is characterized by steadfastness, endurance, quietness, inward focus, and hence insight.
Because of the secondary quality, Wetness, the Queen is receptive of form imposed from without; in particular, she is receptive of the King's seed and provides its nurturing matrix. Thus she adapts to the elemental form of the suit, rather than imposing a form on it (as does the Dry King). The Celestial Fire of the King stirs the Abyssal Waters of the Queen and life is born in her depths.

In the King and Queen the active qualities (Hot or Cold) dominate, so the King and Queen are pre-eminently sources of authority. Since the Knights and Pages are dominated by passive qualities (Wet or Dry) they are not a source of authority, in spite of being willful (Dry, Pages) or judgmental (Hot, Knights).

As a consequence of her Wetness the Queen is also inclined to manifest her authority by conforming with circumstances, rather than opposing them (which the King does, as a consequence of his Dryness). Such adaptation is characteristic of the archetypal parent, whom the Queen represents. The conforming characteristic of Wetness is also a source of empathy, compassion and understanding for the Queen, especially as Great Mother.

The Queen represents the parent in her suit. In the downward path IOVE she is the Object towards which the creative Impulse is directed; she steadfastly carries the Ovum, and nurses the new creation at her Overflowing breasts. She is Ops, the Goddess of Abundance, and in Latin Ops means the power to care for another.

In the upward path EVOI the adolescent Knight may mature into the wise parent, symbolized by the Queen, by learning steadfastness and responsibility and thereby acquiring her quiet authority. Like the steady movement of the calm Ocean, her progress is invisible but inexorable

If you are doing shadow work - looking at your shadow side here are some questions this card elicits:
HOW does the shadow present itself in my personality development?
HOW do other people see me?
HOW do I see myself?
WHO have I drawn into my life for soul development?
Does this card describe the shadow’s challenge or gift?

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Post by Aeon » Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:50 pm

WHen I study this card I see a very perceptive hard working lady. The thrown she sits in made me think of a few things. Her prespective in the drawing appears that she is sitting above on a hill on the fore ground. I take this as meaning she has risen and can look down upon the earth and is able to see what paths to take to be most advantagoues. I also noticed her thrown is adorned with a goat. I see this as an interpetation that she is a hard worker.. ABove her and surrounding her are flowers and a rabbit. So i see her as someone strongly connected with nature. Her gaze at the pentaaclemakes me to think h\that she is not the type of person to keep it but rather to spread generosity and send it to someone that needs it. I see her as someone connected with earthly concerns, charity. I think she would be a good ally when times are tough, a confident and a provider.

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Owl of Minerva
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Post by Owl of Minerva » Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:00 am

This might be a cognate or handmaiden of the Empress (just like Qu Cups performs a similar role to the High Priestess) - but less interested in sex and more interested in money. A very solid and matronly woman, matriarchal, householder and housekeeper.

It's my mother's significator, but of late when I have done relationship spreads me and my boyfriend regularly come up as the King and Queen of Pentacles - that is, a very solid and lasting relationship built on strong foundations.

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