Capricorn - Your ruling planet is SATURN

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Capricorn - Your ruling planet is SATURN

Post by Abhishek » Tue May 17, 2005 7:57 am

Your ruling planet is SATURN

Mean Distance from the Sun(AU) 9.555
Sidereal period of orbit(years) 29.46
Equatorial radius(km) 60268
Polar radius(km) 54360
Body rotation period(hours) 10.66
Tilt of equator to orbit(degrees) 26.73
Number of observed satellites 18

D Rocks
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Post by D Rocks » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:41 pm

Is Saturn not the planet associated with negativity, and depression, and such?

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Post by advisor-sara » Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:11 am

Saturn is your purpose in life. It's your life plan, the direction you take, the work you do. It's your goal, your objective, the lessons you must learn along the way. It is patience, honesty, trust, objectivity, and common sense. It's the structure of your life, the foundations upon which you build and how you build your life.

Saturn rules Capricorn and therefore retains all the qualities and characteristics of that sign plus the 10th solar house.

Saturn is constantly teaching lessons. It causes delays so you may learn patience, it causes trouble so you may learn to be honest with yourself and others and to teach you to be objective. It balances Jupiter's expansiveness with prudence, Jupiter's luck with practicality, Jupiter's enthusiasm with soberness and conservation - in short it is the opposite of Jupiter. Where Jupiter is the optimist, Saturn is the pessimist. Saturn gives direction to the rest of the planets. They will all operate according to where Saturn is placed and how it's aspected. Perhaps this is better understood by saying that your life revolves around your work or your objective.

Saturn offers a steadying effect to the rest of the planets and keeps your feet on the ground. For example, if you had Mercury square Neptune in your chart, meaning that you are too naive, too idealistic, then you'd need an aspect to Saturn to help steady you. It would add some common sense where it would be needed. Thats why capricorns are good at insisting on foundations...building the core...
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