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Post by Lunesoleil » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:54 pm

1 day of the Moon
That day as a blessing, morale us back as if by magic. Take advantage of this day to energize your spirit. Create positive images that will accompany you during the lunar cycle. Start today by doing a good deed. The Moon is still black, it is better to wait until the beginning of the Crescent Moon to start new activities. It is a day of energy recovery, wellness found. Ask yourself, take the time to yourself internally. Remember that the vacuum draws the full as the Moon is the complement of the Sun, the day of the night...

2nd day of the Moon
There is a saying when you see the Crescent Moon for the first time and you have money on you, you miss not during the lunar cycle. You can also by a magic formula towards the Crescent Moon coin, invoke his help with a prayer "small growing!" "In the same way that you used, filled with light bursaries grow." This day is not good to lose weight, please not to be excess in any kind. Take the time to reflection to find what gives meaning to your life.

3rd day of the Moon
A day or you'll want spend you a day ideal for sport.Do not stay in you to do nothing, you may regret it. If you do not have the choice you organize physical activities at home or even in your workplace. The renewed energy is back, enjoy in to boost your morale. You will find a solution or simply programmed output. Otherwise a good hot bath should invigorate you. The key word is move by any means.

4th day of the Moon
It is possible that day Unveils you a secret that will allow you to better understand a situation. Favourable to the family, to the deceased, to the release of harmful thoughts that obstacles to your potential. Ask forgiveness for mistakes past, burn incense if this can help you. Connect to the energies of the Earth in the absence made the garden. Don't let you take by old injury, grief of what impedes your. Perhaps you finally go buy this useful object that you have not yet.

5th day of the Moon
A day that facilitates communication. Perhaps you programmed output?You'll want to move. Morale will be fixed beautiful. Open your heart this day is dedicated to the love that is given. Still do share things, need to know say no. The temptation can be costly. In the worst of situations your intuition will guide you to make wise resolution. Boredom will not have its place, of activities await you. You will have the move enjoy in to schedule appointments.

sixth day of the Moon
The wave to the soul can arise without knowing why and then suddenly a flash, propels you into the action. Between the dream and the reality there is a single bridge to cross to go from one bank to the other. It is this change in plan of consciousness will help you date more easily move forward towards your goals. Sometimes the relaxation is beneficial and provides greater insight on business to hang. Watch for the signs, even the most innocuous may hold the key to your success. Happiness is inside yourself recognize the.

7th day of the Moon
You don't win by pessimist, be indulgent toward yourself, quit blaming you wrongly. Do not rebutez the obstacles well instead move with conviction making your goal to achieve. Adopted a spiritual spirit, you can ask for protection by the invocation of prayer. Gather you under a tree to regain inner strength. Feed the faith in you without never to abandon it. A failure may be feeling, but if you did not place your mind in repetitive contingencies, you win there in discernment.

8th day of the Moon
You will have the strength to overcome the tensions. Made the household in your thoughts, not leave you distract for situations that are not worth the penalty. This is a transient psychological crisis that you need to overcome. You focus on the opportunities and take action without delay. This day is favourable to test our performance. Say your positions and leaving no doubt settle. The victory over oneself will be your chalenge of the day.

9th day of the Moon
It is the day of cleansing of the Interior by stopping negative thoughts or outside ridding you of what might seem harmful. Made an inventory of your food supplies by checking the expiration date, the product should be consumed until the lunar cycle ends. Free yourself from the past by adopting new resolution of well-being. Let your intuition guide you, beware of misleading temptations. It is a day of purification, you can burn the incense, reciting a prayer, listen to a relaxing music or any other activity you put in situation of appeasement of the mind.

10th day of the Moon
A great day or morale will be fixed beautiful or at least in a better form. A desire to undertake. Instinctively you will realize what will be good for you. It is a day of easy, you won't have the slightest effort to provide. Perhaps an appropriate event manifests and you will bring great joy. If you cross difficulties, this day will allow you to overcome your woes. It is a crossroads with the choice to choose the most appropriate direction. Also can not respond to the invitation, while enjoying the tranquility of the time.

11th day of the Moon
The success of this day will depend on you for your behavior situations. If an annoyance to disturb your mind, do you formalize point. Any work started this day will also be completed without delay. This day is double-sided, opted for the medium complicated not what seems so simple. You focus on the essentials, clarify your thoughts and arm you patience. And yet you would have little to worry for trivial things. Live the present moment and forget all the rest.

12th day of the Moon
Get out of your home, the most important of the day you will find out. Which will avoid negative thoughts disturb your mind. A walk in nature will you the largest well. It is the day of universal love, by opening his heart that it receives in return. Communication and sharing, and if you feel resistance did not insist. It is a day of compassion, generosity and communion of souls that are similar and follow the same path. A day of Niger and release of positive energy that you will realize, you remove in the potential of this day.

13th day of the Moon
You will find the performance of that day in nursing your wounds of the past. Listen to relaxing music, a good massage will give you a real comfort. The past may reappear it is that you are not going in your head. A meeting on the 13th day may have a link with your previous lives. It's a day or you feel more deeply the loss or simply someone that lack you. The success of this day will depend on the strength of your morale. You don't lead in the torment of your emotions.

14th day of the Moon
This is the best day to establish a project, but watch for messages you receive, this information may contain the key to your future success. It is the day before the full moon, if you have the energy to resell, do a physical activity. Stay not inactive otherwise it is gloom ahead of you. The success can be found at the end of the path, dare wait don't tomorrow. Connect to the intuitive source for recreate you internally. Unleash your potential, express your wishes somewhere your guardian angel listen you

15th day of the Moon
This is the day of the full moon happened, you feel already much better. The sun illuminates the Moon in all its splendour.This day is especially vulnerable to individuals with no purpose, for the alone which should not remain only the day of full moon. There is a possibility that day to identify emotional dependence and to detach once and for all. Present weapon spirit to have more objectivity in the designs to accomplish. It is a mistake to think that the day of the full moon is responsible for negativity, is that the mirror of what it is. On the contrary this day of full moon should be intended for the celebration of an event or unconditional love would be the engine. Something that comes from deep within itself is distributed as collective blessing

16th day of the Moon
After the bustle of the day before we will taste the calm interior of the silence of the fullness? For people too active, aggressive or emotional is not their lucky day. On the other hand shy and reserved people succeed. It's a happy day to celebrate a wedding or baptism. The energies of meditation will be particularly effective and see your future. Since nothing is defined in advance and that it chose her "destiny" has every moment. Something can it make not easy but that is beneficial will reveal

17th day of the Moon
It is a day of inner freedom and love is full of energy in osmosis with the divine in us. A need for sharing of partying to invite friends no particular reason this day asked a unification of love with others. It is not recommended to stay one need you to give that you have the most beautiful a offer unconditional love. This day is suitable construction to move has a change of inner energy that revives in the renaissance. Silky generous today and the nature it will multiply in return. It is also a day of abundance of domestic calm turned to the satisfaction of others and this is a linked lunar day has the sexual energy of the wife of a renewal of creative forces

18th day of the Moon
The fluctuation of the Moon one day will help us has live in harmony and the next day should be the reindeer in our inner world. Caution This lunar day promoting the lie if you are likely to lie you will be in your element is also unfavourable to the contract someday. Stay vigilant dishonesty can it declare different way in acts in thoughts. Gullibility is the master word of this Lunar day, then watch a your intuition to help a preach the true from the false. This means not to pay attention to the events of the day, which could you influence by tempting offers keep yours objective mind at every opportunity. Observe the lunar day 18th take care of your health and avoid eating meat you will carry you far better.
19th day of the Moon
Very changing this moon otherwise you would be surprised. This is a difficult day for those who have a periodic tendency towards gloom or the world of the imaginary outweighs governed real world usually daily. Even quiet people, this day there come to be excited. It is a day that fuels the flame of domestic anger, best would be the capable of evolving with constructive actions. Turn the negative thoughts in vibration of love and you could win the victory once again. This day is advised to plan important business expect a more positive light was the realization of a project. This day is lucky for the selfish as all tastes are in nature and each has a right to receive a reward even those who do not deserve. To celebrate this Lunar day a marriage that will be submitted to avoid has constraints should know. Do nothing expect a relationship that begins this Lunar day which prove not subsequently failed. Be zen and practice meditation to counteract this too full of energy that could return against us...

20th day of the Moon
Still one day will need to be vigilant and monitor these thoughts or doubts can create an imaginary wildly for those that the Moon is dominant in the theme of birth.You can counteract this negative influence through a fast or just a sober diet to keep the mind at rest. Avoid you to invest in a conflict or the pride would be your main enemies. Find peace and love and serenity and you'll win the victory over yourself. Stay not motionless but take action was properly if the action became unnecessary then don't do anything. A good day for the practice of sport to spend its surplus energy and it's good for morale
If you have

21st day of the Moon
For a day which symbolizes the progress and the progress towards a goal. The day of the Sun is a victory of accomplishment of achievement, even if the goal is internal it is equally important for the growth of the individual for satisfaction whether material or spiritual.
Today it takes moral force so all hopes are permitted that which uses this Lunar day 21th to pursue approaches that can be rewarding. If you have dreams that you sleep is a good time to get out of their hiding places and share it with your friends. The important thing is to sow then time will do the rest, don't forget to water the seed which contains at this time any fate.
Not force anything let come, the creative force flows freely through the universe and does not impose his work just has that who knows until the idea was sprout... It is asking to leash the lie which would tend a infiltrate this Lunar day, so watch your thoughts....

22nd day of the Moon
Then in the form today to attack this beautiful sunny day. Favour a new knowledge by meditation or surfing on the web either through a book in a library....This 22nd day lunar bases on the professional plan, consolidate your gains, improve your performance review is requested. It is a day ideal for a light or why not better perceive the map of the sky of the veil of mystery by integrating a new look. Happy day to build a house or long term projects. It is also a day for a consolidate a condition after a few year of common life so don't hesitate a declare your flame has elected to your heart

23rd day of the Moon
After the sweetness of the previous day should expect a psychological relaxation. Even quieter people this 23rd lunar day become more irritable. The destructive energy that must be controlled if is not to produce the contrary. What is lost that day cannot be found must be the accepted as a gift in Exchange was a return to a release of negative thoughts that beset this 23rd lunar day. Be more objective. This day is favourable to finish what had been started. Get rid of stuff. It's a day or breaks are to fear lack of humility and understanding the other. Where you leave your partner do it in compliance in fleeing verbal aggressiveness. Otherwise expect a boomerang effect which is not always pleasant when it happens. Station a temptation not yield-pas a la gourmandise or other pleasures to be disappointment. It is a day that must be better only live evil with....

24th day of the Moon
This is a claim for the moral strength which will help overcome the obstacles that could support. It is a suitable day a the realization of these dreams, a project that takes you a heart. With a bit of will and chance on your side can reach the 24th lunar day. Must be the conviction also beautiful interior and maintained with love and wisdom. There is energy a resell this day fitness is at the top. It is prohibited to stay still, if enable be to maintain his heart or various activities... It's a perfect day to begin a project that requires a time, patience is necessary this decreasing period and which may result after the next Lunar. Even the more < lazy > activates this 24th lunar day by a need to become in turn a creator. . Forward without precipitation; This day made decisions that are spontaneously without effort and without resistance. Is the male sexual energy which is today the work and allows us to win ourselves. Especially with our demons interiors and this makes us free to perform more smoothly this Lunar phase. However physical reports be that disappointment without cooperation with its partner. Creative genius awakens a 24th day....

25th day of the Moon
Unlike the previous day 25th Lunar date request calm and tranquillity so rest after the overflowing activity of the previous day. Take advantage of this time to practise meditation that might surprise you a revelations. It is a positive light consultation with a light and why not initiate you the practice of the Seraphim by major support of the 22 blades of the tarot. Or start the study of astrology. It is never better served than by yourself or the acquisition of an other divinatory art as knowledge of those dreams....Take advantage of this day to update your accounts, to make the storage

26th day of the Moon
Forward in the last Lunar quarter with a trend towards a shake and an impatience reborn under a new Lunar. But in the meantime can make mistakes too much precipitation. Prudence in the choice of your actions or words. This day is dangerous to those who believe that chance arrived without have earned it and may embark us on dishonest business by being the first victim. This day is susceptible to the disputes without apparent cause. A need to evacuate the negative energies that would require to be master in the flow of the action. Avoiding to participate was a discussion that would add confusion and discord. This day is favourable in the case of separation (divorce, disputes...) Lunar date request to weigh these words, these acts, so think about the consequences. Avoid unnecessary disputes with your partner...

27th day of the Moon
These Lunar days are in correspondence with the sign of the fish / M XII / Neptune which promotes intuition, the meditation by a need to isolate themselves from the outside world. Can at that time have premonitory dreams, of hunches a spiritual flight which can demonstrate this. We become more humane sensitivity is increased. Consciousness awakens on the choice of life in accordance with our expectations of the time. Has as a double view on our destiny is rebuilt each experience. The events are great reserves of energy requires us a periodically transform our way of life. Each month just before the new moon should raise the Lunar period conducive was the development of new challenges which imagines before the Act. Spiritually committed human appreciates these days this allows him to deepen his faith and his involvement as a universal soul. It is a day for group work that promotes the search for truth or then develop positive thinking is the only way that transforms the sorrow in happiness...

28th day of the Moon
Still a lunar day for introspection has research of inner harmony. On the preparing for the passage of the new lunar it aspires to contemplation and release of any negative influence. It is a development front of the turn before the main straight line method. "Forgiveness" is the key word in this Lunar day and listening to others. Intuitive people can have the opportunity to receive revealing flashes a 28th day lunar. Watch your dreams that can provide the key to a door that will soon open in new soli-lunar cycle. Get rid of this gift you you no longer need without regret and with respect if it is a failure. Can Lunar date to make a gesture of generosity toward a friend or stranger, refuse not agree without waiting for a return. Can be prayers for the chance. Free the love that is in you and you will be reward during the next Lunar cycle....

29th day of the Moon
This lunar day is considered negative, it would represent all the negativity stored during the lunar cycle. So there is a duty of the purified by changing by changing its vibration level. Monitor events that are the manifest and do not it let a provocation, to conflict, to the charges without apparent reason. Practise tolerance, positive thinking but don't let you take a of aggressive impulses. It is not a day to start new projects because they might be abandoned the next day in the new soli-lunar cycle with new opportunities. It is a perfect day to do a record, to do the cleaning in the House and chase away the negative thoughts. 29Th Lunar date is specific to identify people are you bringing nothing in life. All contact Lunar date is considered as useless a your evolution watch. This means that the new meetings you will not last. Therefore avoid seeking love the 29th lunar day

© Lunesoleil

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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:43 am

hmmmm do you write short stories at all? what aspects do you have with mercury?anything with neptune? as this can show creative writing??


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Post by Lunesoleil » Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:43 am

astrologer50 wrote:hmmmm do you write short stories at all? what aspects do you have with mercury?anything with neptune? as this can show creative writing??
Hi astrologer50 &nbsp;

You do not know the scenarios of the Moon?
To my knowledge I know both authors astrologers had an approach in theatrical form of the Moon

Irène Andrieu in his book soli-Lunar astrology and Michèle Raulin 30 days of moon that is inspired by the Vedic tradition

My approach is simply intuitive with base the gap of the Sun and the Moon

Irène Andrieu has a combination Sun Neptune and Michèle Raulin Moon Neptune conjunction...

good day you
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Post by Lunesoleil » Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:47 am

It is the first quarter of the Moon in two days I will write the and I count on you to give me your impression thank you
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Post by astrologer50 » Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:15 pm

[Irène Andrieu in his book soli-Lunar astrology and Michèle Raulin 30 days of moon that is inspired by the Vedic tradition ]

See this is where WE have a problem you are IN WESTERN tropical astrology forum NOT Vedic. so perhaps you should repost there.

Transiting lunar moon has little relevance being to quickly moving.

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Post by srivijai » Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:46 pm

It will take around one month to go thro the details you have provided for the transit of the moon &nbsp;to check verify and come to you with clear reply if it is possible &nbsp; Anyway nice question &nbsp; keep it up &nbsp;You are welcome to discuss with us like the discussion which you have started now &nbsp;Really moon is having so &nbsp;much capacity to give us bad and good. This should be checked with different kinds of people born at different place Since moon is very nearer to earth and it took around 2.5days approximately in a rasi. it is so much important to verify with moon &nbsp;It should be discussed elaborately I will try to come within a month with the result &nbsp;if possible &nbsp;regards

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Post by astrologer50 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:54 pm

I would encourage you to look at your mercury/neptune aspects and if you want to discuss VEDIC further repost in correct forum pls


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