Reading request from Celestial

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Reading request from Celestial

Post by peacefullwarrior » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:50 pm

Hello, my friend
I want to ask you to give me a reading about my love life. I want to find a sensitive, kind, nurturing, caring type of girl. Please tell me when do you see a sensitive girl coming into my life? Many blessings, all the best.

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I just noticed that........

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:28 pm

Hi Peacefull,  :smt006

I just noticed that Celestial's last posting to these Mystic Board forums was made on August 27th on the General Discussion board. About two weeks ago. I do not know what this could possibly mean for your estimated delay in getting your reading. Probably not much. I hope that you will not need to wait much longer as Celestials readings are based upon many of the members positive responses to them, well worth waiting for.

Cheer up,

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:07 am

Hi Eye of tiger
Thank you for your comment, I will wait for Celestial. Many blessings.

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Re: Reading request from Celestial

Post by Celestial » Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:23 am

peacefullwarrior wrote:Hello, my friend
I want to ask you to give me a reading about my love life. I want to find a sensitive, kind, nurturing, caring type of girl. Please tell me when do you see a sensitive girl coming into my life? Many blessings, all the best.

Dear ((((Peacefullwarrior)))),
Very warm greetings to you! First of all, I wanted to let you know that I do not do relationship or love readings in this forum, unfortunately, but there are at least a couple of other readers who may be able to be of help.

Secondly, I wanted to announce that I am not doing regular readings here much anymore as I am continuing my studies and many other avenues have opened up for me with which to help others as I am led by God. For that I am very thankful and feel very blessed.

Whenever Spirit beckons me to drop by, with a special message, I may certainly do so, if I am free, and that is why I happened upon your posting today. Otherwise, I might not have known it was here waiting for a response.

Truly, my time here has been great and getting to know so many of you has been really quite wonderful for me. I hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful day and that your life will be lived to the fullest with God by your side to guide you along your spiritual path.

Peacefullwarrior, take good care of yourself my friend, be happy, and may God Bless you always! Remember that great things are always in store for those who wait!

Many blessings to ALL! Always Remember GOD As He Never Forgets You!

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Type to you again soon

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:09 am

Hello again Peacefull,

I have already seen this response, and wish Celestial all the very best of success with the studies.

I would be quite happy to give you a reading about this, hopefully within the next couple of days, but I must warn you ahead of time that I do not do love prediction readings where there is not yet an existing relationship to base it upon.

Please look at the following posting while you are waiting for your reading from me. It will explain what I am talking about in much more detail.


When I do get around to giving you a reading, the question on which it will be based is as follows......
What could I personally and practically do over the next six months, in order to significantly increase my chances of attracting a sensitive, kind, nurturing and caring type of girl into my life?
Type to you again soon,

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:10 am

Thank you very much EOT. Please give me a reading that you ussually do, this time about my love life. I don't want a prediction. Many blessings.

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:11 am

Thank you very much for all your help and for your past readings, Celestial. Good luck with everything. Many blessings.

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Not one of my usual readings

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:39 pm

What could I personally and practically do over the next six months, in order to significantly increase my chances of attracting a sensitive, kind, nurturing and caring type of girl into my life?

If there is one thing I can tell you about the reading which follows is that it is not one of my usual ones. Instead of being boringly deep and overly serious, it is more light and playful as it is felt that you have been given so much heavy and often contradicting advice from other family members and close friends concerning how best to find her, that this reading does not want to make the same mistake.

On the other hand while the reading has a playful, simplistic feeling about it, finding a woman with whom you want to spend the rest of your life can be a highly emotionally charged process, and it therefore deserves not to be turned into some sort of sick joke at your expense. In other words there is a place for good humour to help lighten the atmosphere, but sometimes there are things which are just not funny, and one of those things is the all pervading feeling of loneliness and emptiness which only a single person in a sitution like your own feels without having someone to love and cherish by their side.

The most obvious answer to your question is that in order to do what your modified question asks, you yourself need to show not only through your words but also through your actions that you are a sensitive, kind, nurturing and caring person, then depend upon the law of attraction to be able to attract a girl with similar qualities into your life.

And of course it helps if you visit most those places and situations where you would most expect to find a woman with a similar personality makeup to your own. While there is no advice that I can offer you which will guarantee that you would NOT find this type of woman in any given place or social situation,  your own innate intelligence must tell you that such a person is much less likely to be found amongst other people who are nothing like her, personality wise.

The reading is not expecting you to always behave as though you you are sensitive, kind, nurturing and caring 24/7. It is more realistic and practical in recognizing that even the best of us with those particularly attractive qualities of character can sometimes either intentionally or unintentionally do things which in hindsight show them to be insensitive, unkind, destructive and uncaring of their partner's feeling. We are not talking about saints and angels here, but rather we are talking about yet another fallible human being, who like all of us has his or her faults and weaknesses, and whom makes mistakes.

This brings us in turn to the highly romanticized but totally unrealistic search for "the perfect woman". A search which is destined to inevitably fail. The extreme pressure which anyone would have to place upon themselves to even come near to being perfect in the eyes of their prospective lover is more than any human being can comfortably stand. Perfect people who think that they are perfect are frequently so predictable, boring and arrogant that they are to be avoided at all cost.

And what perfect means to one person can mean the complete opposite to the other. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and is a highly subjective label which we have artificially manufactured to make us feel more in control over the hundreds or thousands of factors both known and unknown which affect our chances of finding her sooner rather than later. Perfect women usually but not always want perfect men, but both of them are an endangered species.

The previous section of this reading was about our expectations about our partner to be being unrealistic, but this one is about our expectations about ourselves all too often being inconsistent with reality.  While our society places great amounts of stress upon a single person to find a mate, the lion's share of the stress normally comes from within us. One wonders why if a perfect woman can be so predictable, boring and arrogant, why you would be trying so hard to be her perfect man.

Yet that is exactly what many unattached men spend several hours every day attempting to do, but never doing a very good job of it. The reading is basically telling you that for you to to continue to do this is and would be a complete waste of your valuable time and energy, so cool it.

The constant search for perfection by either gender works against any of us enjoying close human and loving and tolerant relationships, because normal people are far from being perfect. The lack of perfection in the human race does not seem to be a barrier to us surviving and reproducing. In fact the lack of perfection amongst and our diversity as a species may turn out to be our greatest assets in the love stakes.

Finally we come to the age old mistake of us trying too hard. The longer we are single and the more lonely and empty we feel without a partner or companion, usually the more desperate we become over time.

And desperate people often do extreme things with the good intention to end their period of enforced solitude. Trying too hard to be attractive to a member of the fairer sex can often be worse than not trying hard enough, or at all. How many beautiful relationships have come to nothing or have ended prematurely because trying too hard makes our partners feel completely inadequate when compared to us?

Living with someone who is trying too hard and never makes mistakes can be cruel emotional torture. Especially if they expect us to be exactly like them. Talk about pressure! Your reading ends on the note that while there is no way to predict through this reading if or when you will meet her during the next six months thought to be covered by it, that the clues offered in it should significantly help you to increase the probability that by the end of the six months that either you will already have found her, or that you will be much better prepared in so many ways for when she does eventually appear in the future.

Blessed be,

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:50 am

Thank you very muhc for your reading EOT. It's very helpful. Many blessings, all the best.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:05 am

peacefullwarrior wrote:Thank you very much for your reading EOT. It's very helpful. Many blessings, all the best.
It was truly my pleasure: I can assure you.

No matter how well written and impressive a reading sounds, if it is of no practical use to the person in helping them to enjoy a happier and more successful life, then it is felt to be a complete waste of our time and energy.

I thought that you might be interested in the following article. It seems especially relevant in the light of your screen identity. A true spiritual warrior does not make any noise or fuss about what he or she is doing to attract attention. They just get on doing whatever is needed, and do not want to be the centre of attention. Consequently a true spiritual warrior is a peaceful one as well.

"Characteristics of a Spiritual Warrior" ... l-warrior/


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Post by peacefullwarrior » Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:36 pm

Thank you very much for your words and for this article, about ''a true spiritual warrior''. You'ret he kind of person that you can always count on, EOT. I wish you all the best in the worls and many blessings.

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