Father parks car on bridge; people fall in hole and die; sis n me at bus stop

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Father parks car on bridge; people fall in hole and die; sis n me at bus stop

Post by MuDDld » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:40 pm

Ever since I joined this forum, I've got some hang on how to interpret dreams. But some of my dreams are so weird, or so simple, that I just don't know what to say about them.

This was yesterday night: I don't remember the exact beginning but somewhere along the line I was in a car with my family, and my father was driving. We were on a big flyover, and then when we were descending on the other side, my father slowed down and stopped the car on the descent, some distance from where the bridge ended, and it pretty much in the middle of the road, and he said something like this is a good place to park the car, or its all right to park it here. I was angry at this, and started arguing with him. I also saw another car parked in a similar manner on the other side of the road (there was no divider between the two sides). Then my father started the car and we descended the bridge and turned left (the bridge is an actual one I know, and at the end the road does turn left). He parked to one side because the road had been dug up and there was a gaping hole on the road, which was more like a dirt track now. There were two or three policemen standing nearby.

I said that we'll take the car across to the other side, and the policemen placed a plank across the gap, which was about three metres across. Before they placed the plank, a motorcyclist came and drove over and fell into the pit and hit his head and died. Then after the policeman placed the plank, another motorcyclist was trying to cross the gap when the plank broke (it was made of wood), and he also fell and hit his head and died. In all, some three people died because they fell in and hit their heads. My sister was standing at the edge of the gap at this time, and she had tried to grab and save the first motorcyclist.

Then I was in a bus with my sister, and we were sitting on two different sides of the bus. There was another man, and he was sitting behind me, I was sitting on the left side, the window seat, and then man behind me came up and was sitting beside me to the left , which placed him outside the bus, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with this in the dream. He kept talking all the time we were in the bus. Then he was standing outside the bus and the bus had stopped and he asked something to me and I or the others said no, and the bus moved forward leaving him behind. My sister said he had kept chattering all through the journey. Then a short distance ahead, we reached the bus stop, and we got down but this place was outside the bus stop and to enter inside, we had to use a spiral staircase. It was really small and I thought I'd get stuck there but I kept moving down and finally reached the bottom. My sister was standing there; she had descended by another staircase and she had a friend with her at this point. This is all I remember.

Now I can make some interpretations, like a bridge in a dream means you are going to start something new, but parking on a bridge? A man sitting beside me on the left even though I was sitting on the left window seat? Need help here.

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Post by Rook » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:14 pm


Remember the bridge that you were crossing in the previous dream series?  I saw this as the "bridge" you were crossing in dealing with the conflict between you spirituality vs sexuality.  Having crossed the bridge speaks to me of this message having gotten across.

Your father may be representing an authoritative wise and caring part of yourself that is saying now is a good time to stop for some spiritual R&R so to speak.  But this is in conflict with you own conscious drive - you want to press on.  But the dream suggests that up ahead there are holes in the road that needs to be navigated across.  Rushing ahead is likely to cause problems in the image of the people falling down and dying, by rushing ahead before the police had set up the way of crossing the pitfall.

The same is the bus, it comes to the bus stop.  Outside is the spiral staircase that is rather small and difficult.  The sister goes by another (perhaps easier) staircase.  The sister is female.  There is a descent.  Is this a descent underground?  I ask because female and underground are both symbols of the unconscious.  The changes that have occurred in the past may need to "go down" into your unconscious before you proceed further.

There is also a repeated symbol of movement or focus to the left.  Left is a symbol of logic and reason, and right emotion and intuition (at least in my society).  But what does it mean in your culture?  There is a reason for the repeated left association, that is placing the discussion outside the bus so to speak.

Hope that might give you some clues.


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