Request for a psychic reading

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Request for a psychic reading

Post by Coconut » Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:40 am

I haven't had a psychic reading before and was wondering if someone would mind giving me one please? I'm not sure what to ask. I guess I would just like to know anything the reader can pick up on? Thank you in advance!

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Ace of Swords

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:37 pm

A general reading is one about whatever the reader picks up about you which it is felt is especially important and urgent for you to know at this particular moment, so you deciding what question to ask this time will not be necessary. Please note that readings given on this board are only thought to apply to the period of the following six months.

Your focus or main theme card for your very first reading with us was the Ace of Swords.

Any of the four Aces in the Tarot are thought to represent the enormous potential for significant personal and spiritual growth and development which are contained within any given situation. That is of course if this positive potential can be first recognized for what it is, and secondly only if we are both able and willing to take maximum advantage of whatever opportunities for that growth and development may come along.

But it is usually not enough to simply wait for these opportunities to appear without any further effort on our part to help ourselves, which is why the energies which are associated with the Ace of Swords featuring in your reading are so vitally important to you better understanding its main message.

All members of the Swords suit are about you taking an active and practical role in cutting through all the pardon my English bovine droppings or other useless distractions and red tape, in order for you to finally get at the truth. Much of what truth we do encounter in our lifetime is often concealed or buried under layers of illusion or negativity, and it is therefore our common task to progressively peel away the concentric underlying layers of illusion or negativity rather like a cook peels an onion, so that the truth is ultimately revealed for what it is.

Human beings tend to say one thing and do something completely different. Some of this difference is undoubtedly conscious and intentional as let's face it we are complex creatures to understand at any time, and most of us have enough problems understanding why we behave as we do, let alone understanding why other other people do the same. But most of this difference between our words and actions is both unconscious and completely unplanned. And being unconscious it is consequently by definition mainly beyond our conscious control.

Fortunately we are only held responsible for what we consciously decide to do, which is a very good thing as I would not for example like to be blamed for what I might do in my dreams and fantasies that I would not either be proud of or like other people to know about.

I would interpret this card to mean that during the next six months you are more than less likely to encounter a situation with either another member of your own family, a close friend or someone with whom you work with on a daily basis where little or nothing is as it appears to be on the surface really is that way.

While you are being encouraged not to be tricked into believing that everything you see or hear with this person might be true, you are also at the same time being urged not to become so paranoiac and frightened about this that you could ruin what was otherwise a good relationship with that individual because you thought that everyone is out to trick or lie to you.

In other words you are being challenged to not to shoot from the hip and then ask questions later, or see conscious trickery or dark motives behind everything which he or she does or says. Your reading is telling you that you most importantly need to find the right balance for you between the two extremes, neither of which are any good to make your relationship with them work as well and for as long as it should.

This formidable feat can only it is felt be achieved through effective and honest two way communication between the both of you. Sadly there is no magic formula or short cut which your reading can offer you which will virtually guarantee that the next six months of your relationship with this person will be plain sailing and without its challenges, but if you can get that balance between the two extremes right, then it does predict that by far the best part of your ongoing relationship with your family member, life long friend or work colleague is about to begin.

There is incredible potential over the coming half year for your love, friendship or ability to work cooperatively with this person to rocket to new heights, but failing to find the best balance between the two extreme positions could well mean that there will be a corresponding failure to get this major improvement in your relationship off the launch pad.

Mutually honest effective communication between you will greatly help to light the fuse. Without improved communication it could turn out to be a real fizzer, and possibly explode in your face. Tread carefully but with sensitivity and tolerance for your shared human failings and weaknesses. None of us is anything approaching being perfect? We have all at some time said one thing, then have done the complete opposite. It goes with the territory of being fully human?

Kindest regards,

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Post by Coconut » Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:02 am

That was such a detailed reading, Eye. Thank you. I am going to let it brew in my mind for a bit and come back later to comment more.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:43 pm



Please take whatever time you feel is necessary in order to more fully comprehend the many insights contained within your reading.

I would respectfully suggest that to make this task a little easier than it might have otherwise been that you should look at only one section of the reading at a time, and temporarily filter out or ignore the rest of it until you are ready to move on to the next section.

Attempting to look at the reading as a whole is simply too inefficient and would take too long. Make notes to yourself for each part as well as any questions arising out of it, which can then be included with your response.


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Post by Coconut » Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:58 am

Hello, Eye.  I am back for more commentary as promised.
I would interpret this card to mean that during the next six months you are more than less likely to encounter a situation with either another member of your own family, a close friend or someone with whom you work with on a daily basis where little or nothing is as it appears to be on the surface really is that way.

While you are being encouraged not to be tricked into believing that everything you see or hear with this person might be true, you are also at the same time being urged not to become so paranoiac and frightened about this that you could ruin what was otherwise a good relationship with that individual because you thought that everyone is out to trick or lie to you.
I could see this ringing true in my life.  At times I will suspect the worst in another, which can be obviously damaging to a relationship.
This formidable feat can only it is felt be achieved through effective and honest two way communication between the both of you. Sadly there is no magic formula or short cut which your reading can offer you which will virtually guarantee that the next six months of your relationship with this person will be plain sailing and without its challenges, but if you can get that balance between the two extremes right, then it does predict that by far the best part of your ongoing relationship with your family member, life long friend or work colleague is about to begin.
Hrmm.  I wonder if it could be a new person coming into my life?  I really don't have any of the aforementioned issues with people in my life at the moment.  
Mutually honest effective communication between you will greatly help to light the fuse. Without improved communication it could turn out to be a real fizzer, and possibly explode in your face. Tread carefully but with sensitivity and tolerance for your shared human failings and weaknesses. None of us is anything approaching being perfect? We have all at some time said one thing, then have done the complete opposite. It goes with the territory of being fully human?
I will try to remember to take your advice to heart over the next 6 months, Eye.  Thank you for explaining the Ace of Swords tarot card to me and giving me the advice.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:26 pm

I could see this ringing true in my life.  At times I will suspect the worst in another, which can be obviously damaging to a relationship.
Sometimes you may have a valid reason for suspecting the worst of the other person, but the reading encourages a more balanced response instead of always immediately believing that the worse has already happened.
Hrmm.  I wonder if it could be a new person coming into my life?  I really don't have any of the aforementioned issues with people in my life at the moment.
It may well be referring to a new person who will come into your life during the next six months, but equally you could be about to experience such issues with a person whom you have already known all your life, but did not have any such problems with up until now.
I will try to remember to take your advice to heart over the next 6 months, Eye.  Thank you for explaining the Ace of Swords tarot card to me and giving me the advice.
You are very welcome for the reading, explanation and advice, but remember that the meaning of the Ace of Swords in someone else's reading may not necessarily be identical to what it was in yours. The Ace was only the focus card. It depends as well upon the other cards in the spread, and their relative positions.

And the meaning of the Ace of Swords in a person's reading may be different at different times in their life. For example drawing the DEATH card when you are in your 20s could mean the "death" of a relationship or losing your job or any major life transition, but if you were in your 90s the DEATH card is much more likely to mean precisely what it suggests. Image

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