What's the best and worst thing about a Libra man?

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What's the best and worst thing about a Libra man?

Post by LilithinAries » Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:31 pm

My boyfriend is a Libra...

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Post by astrologer50 » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:30 pm

your SUN sign is only ONE tiny part of your natal chart. First you need to understand that you are NOT the sum total of your sun sign!
newspaper and magazine astrology is nothing related to the proper astrology that Astrologers use, this is just a pinch of salt entertainment sort. What they do is put each sun sign conjunct the Ascendant and read where the 10 planets fall in any one of the 12 houses. So when you have got your free chart from astro.com you will know your Ascendant sign, then if you want use this type of recreational fun, then you would look up your Ascendant sign to stand any kind of chance of having those planets in the right houses for you…. These were invented for commercial reasons... If you cannot get past this idea of JUST sun signs, you will always stay a novice/astro virgin. Perhaps if you learn some of the basics in astrology this will help with your future questions

Also be aware of different house systems, I use Equal house one of the oldest and most reliable, instead of simply the default, which easily changed in Extended chart selection. So if you use the default on astro.com it will be placidus. Also be aware that, if ANY planets are within 5' of a house cusp, it should be interpreted in next house along going anti clockwise

Why not go to astro and get your free chart, then use their interactive model to get an explanation, then go to cafeastrology and do the same, but do *not* use their charts as they inferior.

You have to accept we are ALL multifaceted human beings and what astrology does is break things down, compartmentalises things into smaller chunks for you to digest. These chunks are called mathematical aspects these 10 planets make to each other. This is the *meat and bones* of astrology. Just remember planets are modified by signs, where they express are houses and how they express are *aspects* Planets to not act alone as if stranded on a desolate island, they interact and express as modified energies. For me astrology is a form of psychology, a way to help you understand you, your motivations and ways of thinking/feeling In future please consider posting a chart rather than just little bits and pieces of it

Whilst the whole chart needs to be taken into consideration, if this is the level you can manage or understand now, that's ok. Just keep asking questions and that way the 'whole' chart will someday make much more sense. Everyone has to start somewhere and I applaud and encourage you for taking those baby steps.

Research all your natal aspects here
http://www.cafeastrology.com/natal/plan ... ology.html
my basic natal aspects thread
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 528AA20osw

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