Need help with depression/mental Illnesses?

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Need help with depression/mental Illnesses?

Post by moonchild94 » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:54 pm

I hope I'm posting in the right place here... But anyway, I struggle quite a bit with bipolar and anxiety among other things, however I consider myself quite a spiritually aware person. This last year my illnesses have gotten increasingly worse and I can no longer concentrate on things and it's very hard to get any spiritual balance. I've tried meditating on numerous occasions but can never calm my mind long enough to actually do it (it seems nearly impossible for me)
I am also becoming more and more negative every day. Please help! Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not sure what I should do. I want to spiritually awaken further and I feel like I'm blocking myself from doing so. Any advice would be fantastic!

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Post by Evard » Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:49 am

Hello moonchild94 .

talking about myself . , . *

I have Affected Terrete's Disorder . . .

not Tourette's Syndrome and not Schizophenaliayiamoneur's Disease .

"foreign elements" not homo sapiens compatible ., are the product of .,
foreign in "some way" higher Periodic Table elements which are not [*]
organic compatible . * Some people form the opinion living through
chemistry and pharmacopia is good to maintain a condition .  .  ,  .  .
[ if you associate with mental health and don't follow the bylaw of then
 taking a mental health medication (pill) to know what clients are effect
 ed ., . by the rule on side effects of less compatible medication.s . . . ]
{  you are falsifying the reguard of bylaws to work with mental health*
  clients so if the example is internet technology and you don't take the
  uh ., mental health "side effect" information grant ., MH pill and instead
  try to form opinion on taking the equivalent of a coding pill and ~
  say it is a pill in the bylaws of working near mh clients ., you are not!!
  welcome though fault of your lack of compassion in regard to clients
  with effected . . delusa .ion and foreign incompatible element side.ral
  effect disorder ., to somewhat ignorant though intentionally make a .,
  deal on being example: internet technology coder .,. if person's only
  effect is to set off clients on the outdated mental health regard of
  older computer network based on NIHM and new [/i]NIMH housing ..  }
So ., * . . the foreign seeming regard to higher elements as a sidereal ~
effect to those who would otherwise be able to form opinion on health
and former symptom management ., . is aff ect ed by id0t coding of
the regard to one's own housing and ideal personal worth without uhm
surveil in a modern setting . . not to bother with BiG Brother paranoia
though mental health clients can cope with this ., ., and it's illegal in the
Obama Administration reguard of Health and now Obama Care give or
take the efficiency transportation and case worker busy schedule :-D :-D
system of " slackers who only want to help at it and not know uh  :smt020 "
anything about the delicate effect of side effects on clients of mh{usa}.

So ., Qi Wain amora tova richY jeuner . . translates as What a NET{botch}
as human have a likeness for respect and hm. money does not in uhm :)
fact make the world go around . . , . . younger person NewAge. :-D :-D .,*.

You can't meditate . ChAkraL ajnian problem with your forehead on it coding ./.

sit quietly and pretend to not have any focus on you in terms other thn database
of home health ., and check your meditation instead . you don't have to mantara*
blessing and you should check your meditation At Home to know when you ' re
ready to stop total occurance :@: talking to yourself about the role playing games
or otherwise books or documents you have as advanced young home disorder . . . ..

STOP TALKING TO YOUR HOMEWORK JyoaTishiaREiN uh YoungN . Thanks . . , . . :-D :-D

and check your meditation instead of trying to enjoy it with uhm some kind of background network
trying to be claimant of Care in sense of the database affect~ing home life . Otherwise . PEACE !!*

have a happy holidays if the fake admin allows this comment . Blessed Be and NAmaste~  .  Evard

Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:25 pm

Post by moonchild94 » Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:51 am

Sorry I don't think I'm quite following what you're trying to say...

Posts: 924
Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am

Post by Evard » Sun Dec 23, 2012 6:27 am

Moonchild94 ,

I am saying the philosophy study of foreign elements
realises it is possible of human thots and newer (*)!!
accord to begin giving thought to the pattern of our*
world's [Earth's] incompatible elements and why the
mental health element testing isn't based at Earth
in ways of the reguard to begin .,. why the Powers.
Being potential of Life out There may have @!! #$
(*) ~!! af fec ted foreign elements like in the game .uh
Civilization Four : Call to Power by Sid Meier futureal
advance :@:#: asteroid mining ., ., . of actual :) [*]
foreign elements not compatible with Homo sapiens .
The side effects are :.: hearing disorder , Terrete's ,
and delusional affected behavior . Medicheck your meditation and begin ideal to calm the mind with practice . BlessB . Evard .

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Location: Dearborn

Post by Duchess1964 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:41 am

I have MS and suffer extreme anger when not managed.  Caused by the injections, my doctor gave me Viibryd.  It's actually very good at controlling mood swings and such.  You might see what your doctor has to say about it.  Good luck to youl.
Silver Phoenix

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Post by symulhaque » Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:06 pm

You just have to be positive in life. Everything is going to be all right.

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