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Post by Vamsee » Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:17 am

though i dont undertand this 'light' phenomenon, i still feel i'm guided by some supernatural force up there
whenever things go down some force appears in form of a person/incident/book/thought and guides me and it also helps ppl around me

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:02 pm


I can not find your dream somehow. . .  I looked in General Discussions and Dream Interpetations.
Could you please find the link and post it so I can let you know what I pick up?

Thanks! Linda

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dream found

Post by samantha234 » Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:16 pm

Hi Linda, :smt006
thank you so much!

here is the link: ... hp?t=10375

let me know what you think! Sorry it was hidden!

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"He to whom is evil done - does evil in return" - Auden

Post by Owl of Minerva » Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:22 pm

Am I a lightworker? I don't know. The normal definition seems to be someone who withdraws from society in order to heal it...I have read Doreen Virtue and she actively avoids dirtying her hands in some aspects. That might be fine for her, but there is also another saying "to be in the world, not of the world" - which chimes with activist Christianity; the best Christians do not preach but lead by example (as do members of other faiths, but I have been brought up in British liberal Christianity, so bear with me here!). However I tried DV's Manifestation with the Angels CD and found myself releasing the goal to the higher Powers and feeling that I was one more step along the way to fulfilling those purposes.

My higher purpose is of some importance, but I feel more called to the "mundane" world - the political and national consciousness, warts and all - than to remove myself from society and concentrate on healing individuals. There are certain people that concentrate on healing personal relationships and illnesses, and then there are probably people who have always felt that working within the system is for them to try and change it from within. I can see my path heading towards established authority to try to help it with change that it is currently finding very difficult and leading it out of the quagmire it's in right now, but I have been blessed with glimpses of the distant future - information about the next few political leaders in the UK (from, say, 2020 and onwards) and my work has "oiled the wheels" rather than fixing systemic iniquities overnight. However something tells me that the change approaching will lead to the end of one era and the beginning of a next, and I'd hope that it would be a fairer and juster society, but played by the same rules - if you see what I mean. It will be healing in one sense, though, that people will wake up and find that the rules are played better and more honestly and are not bent out of shape altogether as they have been over the past 30 years. In a sense, once the people at the top play fairer, the people below them will start to be more honest - as above, so below. There are no quick fixes, and the people who were demonised once upon a time will right those wrongs, but unlike in Auden's poem they will not stoop to their rivals' level that sullied the people who thought they would be able to bring change ten years or so ago.

I was born to be of service to this change, but like all births, the labour - no pun intended - has been painful. And as Keir Hardie once said - "To say unorthodox things, you have to do it in orthodox clothing". And my politics teacher once taught us that the people who make the most noise usually get the least done.

If I think hard about it, the clues were there from an early age, I just didn't understand how they all fit together until now - a bit like having to search for the pieces of the jigsaw before you can even start figuring out how it fits together, never mind what the picture is! In a sense though it has come at the right time because I needed to be doing things that I didn't understand for the pieces to be fitting together now, particularly as far as one of the protagonists is concerned. However I could not understand what happened further without going through the pain barrier and acquiring the wisdom and tools to see what my role was in a much sharper focus.

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Owl of Minerva

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:49 pm

Am I a lightworker? I don't know. The normal definition seems to be someone who withdraws from society in order to heal it...I have read Doreen Virtue and she actively avoids dirtying her hands in some aspects

Wow! if these are the examples of what a 'LightWorker' is to you than I hope you are NOT one! *laughing*

A LightWorker is NOT one who withdraws from society to heal it. That is a Tibetian Monk, Guru, or maybe some orders of Priests that live in seclusion and take vows of silence. Even though I think of Ghandi and Mother Theresa to be Prime examples of LightWorkers! Mother Theresa got her hands very dirty with leapers, aids and the dying in the streets of India. Most LightWorkers I know jump into the mainstream of life and show people by example with love and light what this is.

Doreen Virtue is a heavily programmed person who speaks of Angels, but is 'out for the money', noteriety, and power for doing so. . .  There is not alot of light around 'her'! She is one of the worst examples of LightWorker I can think of! So sorry this is your view. . .  far be it from me to change it. . .  just planting the seeds.  :)

Blessings to you! Linda

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Post by Owl of Minerva » Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:36 pm

Ah right...I thought Doreen Virtue had some pretty interesting things to say. She seems a bit sickly sweet sometimes, so I am glad - sneakily - that others feel the same way. She's probably a good person in her own way, but ... you're right :)

She is the only "Lightworker" who I have come across in the media before now, so ... you are spot on with Mother Theresa and Gandhi. Perhaps it's the old saw that if you think you are, you probably aren't (in the way that someone who calls themselves "insane" is probably completely sane, as an insane person wouldn't know that they were insane).

Apologies for ruffling your feathers a bit. I just got the impression that DV was speaking for all lightworkers and, since I disagreed with her strict rules (particularly on diet and "breatharianism" - part of the wonders of human existence is the food that we can eat, and to aspire to survive on a diet of fresh air and "prana" only sounds like someone who has a pure fear of food!), felt that maybe my own values were short of some ideal.

So now I understand "lightworker" as something less restrictive than Virtue's tenets, I think I might be one. But my own feelings are that everyone has the power or connections to the source of psychic empowerment, whether they believe or not. During the time I was frustrated with the pace of changes, my father - arch-sceptic and atheist - started singing a plaintive song about "when, o when, will my true love come back?"...perhaps he was picking up my vibes! so even disbelief (or unbelief or something like that) is no barrier to absorbing psychic energy.

I like Cris Sky's definition of clairvoyance and its distribution throughout the population - "we may not all be opera singers but we can still have a jolly good sing-song together". DV's ideas are very restrictive, and while I don't question her motives, she is speaking for herself on many issues!

Nice to meet you, Linda! Was looking forward to an answer to some of my posts, just joined so sorry if I seem a little controversial. I like to wade in and discuss, I'm so sorry I made a bit of a faux pas there!

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Owl. . . a correction! Please?

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:59 pm

Perhaps it's the old saw that if you think you are, you probably aren't (in the way that someone who calls themselves "insane" is probably completely sane, as an insane person wouldn't know that they were insane).

I really need to give you the 1st Law of Metaphysics! Thoughts are 'Things'. They are a form of ENERGY! If you THINK it you WILL PRODUCE it. . .  whatever it is! Positive or negative, it is your choice! You have this Metaphysical Law REVERSED! You need to learn to remain in the 'positive' with your thoughts as much as possible to remain a 'LightWorker'! LOL

Blessings! Linda

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Post by Owl of Minerva » Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:13 pm

You're right - mental attitude is the most important thing. One of the things I'm here to learn this time is PMA and learning to maintain hope in the face of insurmountable odds, so I ought to get some practice in, LOL. Sometimes it is hard not to superimpose a cool "self-deprecating" exterior on myself as well. Probably part of my cultural upbringing in this little grey Atlantic island of ours (and I don't mean Iceland). Having spent time in Ireland and Poland, though, with much more positive cultures, the change when I got back to Britain after a couple of years abroad was amazing - "Nor England did I know till then/What love I bore to thee", as Wordsworth wrote.

In the UK we have a problem that over the last 50 years (at least) we have thought ourselves into a rut and most people just put up with much too much. In a book written about 20 years ago someone said that "the British would have put up with Stalin so long as the Archers (popular radio serial) wasn't taken off the air" - it was an American living in the UK that wrote it! We expect people to be bad or all out to swindle us, so they always are :-(. Also we perennially look for someone else to blame.

I'm trying - singlehandedly out of 60 million people - to think us out of it!!! (Well, OK, I'm getting to know loads more people who I'd class now as LWs, but ... we're still in the vast minority).

What I like about the US is the positive attitude a lot of people have. (Or so it seems from someone who has been a couple of times to visit relations). New York seemed a very "positive" city; so did San Francisco (have relations in the Bay Area). It has probably made a lot of difference to your recent history - if 9/11 had happened in Britain, we would have been reduced to nothing, the shock would have been too great and we would have descended into anarchy; you Americans have enough of a positive mental attitude to have raised yourself out of what could have been a vicious spiral in terms of mental attitude. I haven't been back to the States since, but I'd like to visit - still got too much to do here in the UK to actually think about emigrating, but I know I spent a recent past life, or part of one, in your country - not very long, but just long enough for some of it to rub off on me.

The person who I would class as one of my soul-mates has spent time in the US (at least a year, perhaps longer, and he cites J F K as one of his role models, even though he is nominally a Conservative politician...ironically the British Left is one of the places where lightworkers are lacking and badly needed to uncorrupt it; most political lightworkers in the recent past have been Tories...most, but not all, I can think of two Labour party politicians, both former cabinet members and lightworkers, who both passed over last summer who were both worthy of the term, but had obviously completed what they had come to do. A fellow metaphysician said they might have been "done away with" - and talking to any Labour member, you'd think they were "non-persons", as in Stalinist Russia - but I think they both knew they had done what they could and needed to hand the baton on to others to heal the Left after the damage done in recent years) and I think that might be what makes him significantly different from other colleagues. Tony Blair, on the other hand, has tried to use the US as a "one size fits all" model to fit onto the UK, and while the US is great, the UK has to find a mental attitude that fits it - borrowing the best bits from both the US' culture but also from its own.

I wasn't British in my previous lives and I don't think I will be coming back as British either unless what is supposed to happen in the next few months/years/decades happens, and I hope it does. In fact, as you say, since thoughts = actualities - so it WILL happen. So I might well choose to be British again. Or I might decide not to come back...part of me, knowing what happens "behind the scenes", thinks that I'd rather be some kind of guide.

In fact DV might be persona non grata, but for any beginners out there, her Manifesting with the Angels CD is well worth a go if you find meditation difficult. Now I know the technique better, I'm still looking for a good CD of just music, since I find her voice a bit irritating.

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Post by NoobixCube » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:39 am

I think I may be a Lightworker for many people.  People always come to me to unburden, or just for advice.  Most people, regardless of whether I've met them in person or online, regardless of the situation, always seem to trust me with their woes and worries than they would their own boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, sibling or best friend.  Somehow I can always help when people come to me.  It's strange though, I never tell anyone anything they don't already know, but somehow they go away with a more complete picture.  I've helped people through genuinely suicidal phases and gotten them out of their drug addictions in some cases.  I sometimes think that my true calling might be counselling or social work, but somehow I think I can reach more people from a classroom.

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I am a Lightworker

Post by Raymond » Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:43 pm

Funny but my dad always said I was lazy and didn't like to work. I guess he was right cause now I am a Lightworker.

Actually I am 59 years old and didn't have a spiritual side to my self at all until a couple of years ago. At that time I had worked for the same project for 25 years and suddenly my job went away.

I was devastated for a while but I started noticning things around me. I began to see shadows and forms of people but no people. Then I started to see orbs. One day I was sitting in my living room and I noticed something at the sliding glass door. It finally got the best of me and I asked my wife to switch seats with me to see what she would see. The next night we both saw a putty white orb about the size of a baseball staying stationary at the glass door. It had a smily face on it as if it was molded onto clay. It was there for a few moments and then flew off. That left a very big impression on us both to say the least.

Since then I have seen some miraculus things and heard things that I know are my guides speakng to me.  For a while my wife saw them too but they eventually left her alone and concentrated on me. So I began an earnest study of all things esoteric. I have made it my lifes project. I m working now but I know where my journey is leading me, I just have to have the patience to wait for it to come. They have a tencency to make things known to me in their own dear time.

So, here I am on your forum, probably for the same reason most of you are. I am a Lightworker only I don't have much more time to do my work so I am studying very hard!


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Post by samantha234 » Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:27 pm

Welcome to the forum, Raymond!
We are glad you are here and you are definitly in the right place! Ask any questions you may have about anything and someone will be able to answer you. We have alot of different people here and we all learn from each other! :)  So jump in, mingle and have fun! :)
                                                                      love and light,

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:20 pm

This is someone who reaches to the light when doing anything in their life.  From washing the dishes, mopping the floor, to a more interesting aspect...helping others.  Service is the key to enhancing your own light.  

When you seek an answer within yourself, you are reaching to your highest consciousness.  When you reach to a spirit connection/attunement with a guide, you are reaching to the highest of your personal growth in spirituality...the law of attraction works....what you attain will receive.

The light is available to us all.  The more you shine it in the most ways, the more it is available.  Never bury your light under a bushel.

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I wanna help!

Post by Shatrughan79 » Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:08 am

My wish is to help everyone but sometimes and most of the times I find myself in confusion and dilemma about what is right for me and what I wish for. I am too worried about material things most of the time....sometimes totally ignoring my abilities to heal others...

I do believe I have something very strong inside me waiting to explode to make be "myself" 100%....I want to be there but am afraid of the transition from a worldly being to a divine being...I am afraid of whether it's just a feeling or do I really have it in me to benefit others. I am afraid that I have intention and not the capability and sometimes the capability but worldly pleasures suppress the good's tough to choose...can anyone tell me the first  step to take towards light? Much appreciate the baby steps...

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in love and light

Post by Eyes of Zoser720 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:57 am

i am trying to realize which one i am.... either indigo or blue ray light worker i really think so just need clarity

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Post by Duchess1964 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:01 pm

Yes I am ... have been for years.  Nice posting.  Very informational.

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