shall I gain money?

Discuss ways to make and save money keeping the stars in your favor on this forum.

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Money the biggest problem

Post by indianastro916 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:55 am

For almost everyone on this earth, money is one of the basic needs. you can't live without money, from my personal experience I can say that both extremes are wrong i.e. if you blindly run after  money  or if you totally don't care for money. these both attitudes are not appropriate.

And yes there are so many  programs in the world which can help you gain money.

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You create your own wealth

Post by freely-psychic » Tue May 03, 2011 1:54 am

I know this sounds trite...but here is how it goes: You spend all day thinking, OMG, I have NO money. I am SOOO broke. I will never get any money and I don't know how to get money and I really want money but I don't have any...blah, blah, blah.

So, your affirmations about not having money are creating your own lack of money. Do you understand? Your "mind" does not know the difference between what you THINK is real and what is ACTUALLY real. So when you tell yourself over and over that you don't have money and you don't know how to get money, that is exactly what you create as reality.

You have to start changing your mind.

Get some positive affirmations about making money, attracting money, having money in the bank, etc. In the beginning you will not believe these affirmations when you state them. Your brain will say, "This is a crock. This is not true. You know you don't have any money, so this is a lie."  That happens to everyone. Just keep telling yourself this until you finally start believing it. Once your mind believes it, it will become true.

How long this takes will depend on how deeply ingrained your old truth is. Sometimes with affirmations your mind just absorbs it immediately, it rings true and you are able to embrace it quickly. But, sometimes there is an affirmation that you just have trouble embracing and it takes a while longer. Do not give up.

Remember, for every 1 negative thought, you need 10 positive thoughts to replace it successfully! Keep working at it. Failure is not an option.

Patricia from

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i wouldnt wait for karma

Post by 8harshal8 » Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:47 am

i wouldnt wait for karma or fate ...i would try as hard from my side...may be thats what fate is waiting for before it lets you have money??

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Post by symulhaque » Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:32 pm

Rich persons in society wear ruby birthstone as it is associated with money and power.

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