Hawk shapeshifting

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Hawk shapeshifting

Post by Hawk77 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:21 am

Today I had a really strange dream I just couldn't ignore.
I dreamt I was on a snowy road (old road, not asphalt) with trees around it, there was someone I could only see from the back, who I thought was a friend for some reason, we could talk and hear eachother from a distance for some reason :smt017 .
Then he turned into some kind of bird and flew away down the road, he then told me: Try it, it's easy, just follow your instincts and you'll know how to do it.
So I tried something (Idk what I really did :smt017 I think I focused somehow) and shapeshifted into a hawk, I started too, flying down the road after him, I felt different, more concentrated, I knew I was a hawk at that moment, I could see crystal clear and for some reason I would see everything "zoomed in" on my central view, while everything was normal on my peripheral view, strange thing is that I could see in color (I thought most animals would see in black and white?  :smt017 ) and I would be able to fly, thing is, flight would get tiring after a while so I would ease my flappings, but then I saw myself slowly falling to the ground so I started flapping faster again, at one moment I accidentally strayed from the road and went into the snowy woods, flight was hard so it was kind of hard to dodge the incoming trees, I would try to stop but unfortunately I hit a tree and fell to the ground, my "friend" said: "It's ok, it's always a hard time when you do it for the first time, next time you could try again". Then my dream ended up by my alarm clock waking me up.
I would be thankful if anyone could explain what it means, if they know  :)

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Post by MuDDld » Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:00 pm

A forest is a symbol of the unconscious. Snow represents frozen emotions. I think you try to change this by changing into a hawk, you see yourself as a strong individual, but you hit a tree and fall, which means the problem in your life, represented by the snow is a difficult one and you find that even though you try, you still are not strong enough to conquer it. It would help if you could tell us a bit more about yourself, like what problem, if any, you are facing.

The friend could be a part of you that tries to rationalize and tell you that its alright, you don't have to push yourself so much, don't be so hard on yourself. The road is a well defined boundary, but you stray from it, and so something that maybe you're not supposed to do?

Can't think of anything more than this at this time.

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Post by Hawk77 » Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:31 am

Thanks for your reply! Actually yes, this seems like a problem I've faced a couple of years back, when I was still living with my mother, my parents got divorced when I was a kid and since then my mother fell in depression, she became alcoholic and became addicted to prescripted sleeping pills, which, if taken in higher quantity, can be used as actual "drugs".
So sometimes she would do crazy things like start breaking things (including some that were mine, that I worked for) in the house or yell at me for no apparent reason, and whenever I would try to stop her and calm her down, I would try to make her sit down on the couch (without being violent or threatening, of course) and she would call the cops saying I beat her (which was completely false), these things would sometimes get me in some trouble but it would all be arranged later on, them knowing from her doctor that she's addicted to these pills.
I would tell myself I can go through this without any problems, that I'm strong, but that didn't stop me from getting in trouble or being embarrassed as having an alcoholic mother whatsoever, the whole neighborhood knew about her alcoholism which was a little bit embarrassing, all these were things that always made me feel bad, can't blame her though, she went through much more. (Oh and by the way, trust me, I wouldn't be comfortable sharing these things with other people if not for our anonimousity, very few people know these things, and they're all very close relatives, so I hope you understand that I won't be comfortable with real names if I shall say them. But I will still thank you for interpreting this dream :) ! )
So I guess the flying, and snowy wood thing makes sense now thanks to you :)
But about the path, I can't really think of what path I'm straying away from? Maybe I'm not realising that I am?

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Post by Rook » Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:57 pm

I think the path is the path that your life is on.  The road is a rough one, and not well formed.  Perhaps, judging from your post, your path is not an easy one.  Perhaps it is also not completely clear or completely planned (not well built).  It could be you want to change things, hence stray from the path.  The crashing into a tree would be failure to change things.  I think the dream may be encouraging you that although you may fail / fall when trying to change things (changing you into a hawk) this does not mean you should give up.

They say the opposite of success is not failure.  The opposite of success is to not try.  You will fail sometimes, but you have to get up and keep going, or else continuing down the road you are on.

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