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Post by Moonstar88 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:54 pm

Im Lina Grace Mari 10/30/89  i would like to ask if i will get sycip,gorrez&velayo co. an audting firm??,  i resigned last October 31, and what good things are waiting for me here? Am I going to be successful here? hmmmmm.. Is there strongholds and forces that will keep me from being successful here like what happened to my previous job?.. and what are the things should i put on my mind... thank you blessed be dear..

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Your reading should be given on Friday

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:36 pm

Hello Lina, :smt006

As Thursdays are my regular weekly day off from giving all readings, I plan to do your reading any time after early Friday morning (South Australian time).

So please do not think that I have forgotten you.

Love and Light until then,

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Post by Moonstar88 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:24 pm

I can wait =),. your help is too much ... dont worry I can wait ..

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:02 am

Moonstar88 wrote:Im Lina Grace Mari 10/30/89  i would like to ask if i will get sycip,gorrez&velayo co. an audting firm??,  i resigned last October 31, and what good things are waiting for me here? Am I going to be successful here? hmmmmm.. Is there strongholds and forces that will keep me from being successful here like what happened to my previous job?.. and what are the things should i put on my mind... thank you blessed be dear..

Readings given by me on this board are only thought to be about the next six months.

Predicting what the future will be can be difficult or impossible even at the best of times, mainly because there is not yet only one possible future to predict.

There are instead a number of possible futures or outcomes, each one of them being slightly different from all of the others.

Which one of these possible, different futures is to eventually become your personal future reality depends largely upon what you are able and willing to do in the meantime, to help create that desired future for yourself.

I am assuming that since you became unemployed at the very end of October last year, that you have been making job applications and attending interviews with the hope of getting a secure and well paying job at the end of it.

I am not sure whether you have already been called by the auditing firm to attend an interview (when did the applications close?), or with whom you may be competing for the same position.

Factors like your qualifications or past relevant work experience must count for something in your chances of them employing you instead of another applicant, but how they compare to you in all these areas is a big unknown.

To be able to read this about each of them directly, I would need to give each candidate for the job a third party reading, which the forum rules stop me from doing.

The chance that you will get a job (any job) within the next six months is most likely to be close to or equal to the average 50%. The chance that you will be working for that particular auditing form within the next six months and no other firm in its place must be less than that, if we only use logic and statistics to guide us.

But a reading is not to be mainly about about logic and statistics. It is instead meant to be about feelings and insights, neither of which are often logical or without emotions. Sometimes the future goes in a completely different direction from the one in which we thought that it would go. Not always, but definitely sometimes.

The Six of Pentacles which was your focus card for this career path reading being a number 6 card, is about restoring or bringing back harmony and balance into a situation which has for some time been upsetting and totally disorganized. So any of the sixes featured in your reading seems to predict that your chances of getting some form of work during the next six months have just increased.

Pentacles are instead called Coins in some other Tarot packs, so this six is about restoring harmony and balance to your upset money or finances from not having a regular source of income over the last three months.

Now when you only have a small amount of money left to live on and pay your bills with you are going to have to be much more careful than usual with what you do have left, because you don't know how much longer you will have to wait to earn more money through your next job (when you get one).

So what the Six of Pentacles is about to advise you to do probably at first sounds crazy and dangerous and stupid. I am warning you about this so that you will not think I am crazy, or you will not automatically reject the idea before you have thought more carefully about it.

We are paid for how well we have done our job, and how long we have worked. Your wages, salary or commission are calculated both according  to the current agreed award rates for that type of job, and your overall performance of your duties.

So in a way the money is a symbol of work, power or more simply energy.

When you receive money you are getting energy from someone else.

When you give away the money to someone else, you are at the same time giving away some of your energy to them in return for their services.

Then they hand some of their energy which originally came from you on to the next person (who gratefully receives it, and so on.

If you keep saving ALL OF THE MONEY WHICH YOU HAVE LEFT AFTER PAYING YOUR DEBTS, no energy goes out to the other people around you. The smooth regular flow of money (energy) outwards from you to the next person and the next person after that becomes disrupted. Also because the shop person does not get enough money or energy from you he ends up with less money for him and his family.

So what you are being challenged to do is to INVEST SOME OF YOUR ENERGIES INCLUDING MONEY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF YOUR OWN FUTURE. By all means keep enough money to pay your costs and have enough money left over to enjoy some of your life's little pleasures. But also spare some thought and what money you can afford for people who through no fault of their own do not  have many of the advantages and pleasures which we often take for granted. Not only will you feel good about helping the needy, but the Universe tends to favour people who do not  block the stream of available energy.

Also your most valuable asset to be invested is yourself. I do not know what happened at your previous work place which caused you to resign, but If you continue to focus on this and are not willing to put it behind you, history could very well repeat itself.

So in summary, invest more in your own ability to deal with what challenges life presents you with by developing a thicker, protective skin which will make you a stronger person who is able to stand up more for her own rights. Not so thick a skin that you become insensitive to the needs of others, but thicker than it has been in the past.

The reason is that even if you do your job well and on time, someone will always criticize you, WHEREVER YOUR JOB IS. Do not take every single criticism so personally to heart. This is of course always easier said than done. Often what looks like a criticism of you is because the other person has problems in his or her life which have nothing at all to do with you.

It would not matter if you were someone else. They would criticize anyone, while in such a bad mood as they are. You and I could be guilty of doing the same thing, some times. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones at other people, especially when we do not know all the facts and other secret problems, which could be behind their bad mood.

Help to create the future as you want it to be by listening carefully to these messages, then acting accordingly. All the very best of good fortune with your auditing firm job application, but if you do not get into that firm this time, I am feeling that it will not be the end of the world for you and your family.

Respectfully yours,

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Post by Moonstar88 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:26 am

Thanks eye of the tiger.. It really hit me a lot.. and as soon as possible I'm trying to get ready and get my skin thick and stand for my own rights.

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The energy web of life

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:07 am


I have a major problem here which is caused by you giving me feedback and asking me extra questions through a private message, instead of keeping it all on the forum. I no longer know what you wish to remain private between us.

But to save you having to repost it here, I will try my best to answer your queries in this forum response, knowing what I now know from your private message.

If you were told to resign, why would they now be contacting you to convince you to come back and work there again? Not that I think that you really had any other choice than to resign, knowing what was going on behind your back with all the negative gossip and vicious rumours which were being spread by the other employees about you.

In your reading I said that you must not continue to focus on what happened in your previous work place, yet you sent me two duplicate private messages which showed me that you are far from being able to let this go and move on. The chances of it all happening again in your next job will remain high until you are both able and willing to put what happened behind you.

By all means take what positive lessons you are able to from what happened to you in the old work place, but if instead you take bitterness and the belief that all people will treat you in the same rude and unfriendly way that you say that they did, you are effectively setting yourself up for it to happen again and again wherever you are working at the time. What sort of work future are you creating for yourself if you do not let go of this negative emotional baggage?

I recognise that you were disappointed that the reading did not tell you for certain whether the resume which you sent to the auditing firm would be successful in getting you the job. But it was never and it will never be the intended purpose of my readings to predict the future.

I made this fact clear in my reader introduction which is posted at the following link, as well as in many of my readings for other members. I also tried to make it clear in this reading, but I evidently failed to do so.

Introducing Eye_of_Tiger ... hp?t=73891

Too many people looking for a reading to be given have the expectation that the only function of a psychic is to foretell the future. It is true that some psychics are especially gifted in psychic prophecy, but I am not one of them, and predictions in general are not encouraged on Mystic Board because the future is not set in stone.

My readings are more about how to create a better future for yourself by doing certain things to help yourself get there faster and safer, and not doing things which are going to make your task ten times more difficult than it otherwise might have been (like not being willing to let go of the past).  

Whether or not you will get the auditing job is now in the hands of the personnel officer and firm administration. There is nothing more you or I can do about it. You must still learn to let go of what happened to you before you were told to resign, in the auditing job or any other job. This was the most important message which came out of your reading.

About investing or investment, the reading gave you two separate pieces of advice. The first was for you to carefully invest a small sum of money in a charity organisation which in turn helps the poor and disadvantaged in your community. The second piece of advice was about the urgent need for investing more of your own time and energies in yourself.  

I know that the job application and getting back into the workforce has a very high priority with you at the moment, but unless you take good care of yourself all your wages wherever you are working will get eaten up by medical bills. You and your health are your own greatest assets, so you must do whatever you are reasonably able to protect or secure these assets without at the same time doing something too extreme, or turning yourself into a nervous wreck who is worrying herself into an early grave.

Self love means to value and respect yourself as you already are, human weaknesses and all. Increased self love is your greatest potential source for protecting and securing your brighter, working future. Invest both in yourself and in a charitable organisation, to help keep the energy flowing strongly and smoothly through the web of life of which we are all a part, in all directions.


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Post by Moonstar88 » Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:27 pm

Thank you Eye of the tiger i saw my messages in the outbox i thought it was not sent, thanks a lot, i was just alarmed but i will move on .. pray for me and Blessed you

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:23 pm

pray for me
I am already doing that NOW!

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Post by Moonstar88 » Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:53 am

Thank You so much I was awaken =D

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