Numerology and Birthdays!!

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Numerology and Birthdays!!

Post by swetha » Tue May 17, 2005 8:30 am

Your Day of Birth and What It Means

Because you were born on the 1st, you have a strong will. You know what you want and you usually get it. You would do well in your own business, especially if you had loyal employees to help implement some of your grand plans. Beware, however, of a tendency to procrastinate! Set your goals now and keep pushing forward.

Because you were born on the 2nd, you crave harmony and strive to please others. A bit of a perfectionist, you do well in a supportive role at work, especially when you like your coworkers. Beware of a tendency to take on more work than you can reasonably handle! Your home is important to you, so make it a pleasing place to live.

Because you were born on the 3rd, you are a happy-go-lucky type of person. You hate being stuck in a back office and probably spend a lot of time around the water cooler. You would do well in a fun job that allows your playful, sociable nature to shine through. To you, life is a banquet. Just watch out that you don't overdo it!

Because you were born on the 4th, you tend to be practical and prefer the tried-and-true approach to life. Be careful, however, that you don't get stuck in a rut! Your earthy nature may draw you to fields such as home building, construction, landscaping, or even floristry.

Because you were born on the 5th, you thrive on adventure and change. Definitely keep your resumé current! You may go through several jobs before you find the right position in sales, promotion work, or even the import-export business. Whatever you do, people find you naturally charming.

Because you were born on the 6th, you are loving but somewhat possessive. This is because you take your responsibilities very seriously. Your family is extremely important to you and if you have children, you have probably considered home schooling. Stop worrying so much, especially around money.

Because you were born on the 7th, you are naturally intuitive and have your own way of doing things. Learn patience and avoid risky investments! You would do well in any profession that allows you to work in solitude. Meditation is a must for you!

Because you were born on the 8th, you definitely know how to climb the corporate ladder. Your hard work is sure to pay off. Just don't step on too many toes as you make your way to the top! Ever serious about money, you may have to work harder than some at your people skills.

Because you were born on the 9th, you have a need to make the world a better place. A person with many talents, you would do well in a creative or spiritual field. You'll go far--if you can just remember little details like where you put your car keys! Also, now is the time to develop and fine-tune your intuitive nature.

Because you were born on the 10th, you always seem to be one step ahead of everyone else. Just don't complain if others have a hard time catching up! You are a pioneer and would do well at the helm of an innovative company. Perhaps you really do have what it takes to go into business for yourself.

Because you were born on the 11th, you are often an inspiration to everyone around you. Your 11 day of birth is a Master Number. This means that you are extra sensitive to what people think of you. Trust your intuition and try not to second-guess yourself all the time. So what if it takes time to reach your goals? Just make up your mind and do it!

Because you were born on the 12th, you have a winning personality! Just remember that your smile can be a lethal weapon. Use it wisely! With a flair for color and style, you would do well in any design field. A brilliant conversationalist, you are ever on the look-out for exciting new people.

Because you were born on the 13th, you have a practical bent but you're not afraid of original ideas. Your love of the land would make you good in real estate, especially if this involved restoring and reselling older homes. Try not to keep your emotions bottled up inside to the point that you explode. Learn tactful ways of expressing yourself and you'll do well!

Because you were born on the 14th, your life might often seem like a roller coaster ride. Just be good to yourself and try not to let the problems of the past interfere with your hopes for the future. More than most people, you are comfortable living out of a suitcase and would do well in any travel-related field. Also, you have a very sensual nature which makes you a good romantic partner.

Because you were born on the 15th, you tend to be a bit of a worrywart. Isn't it funny, though? Things somehow always work out for you--especially around money. You thrive when you are surrounded by family. And you joyfully include close friends in this loving circle. Ever busy, you enjoy little projects to beautify your home.

Because you were born on the 16th, it's probably no surprise to you that your life is full of surprises! Unusual strangers are drawn to you like magic and it sometimes feels as if you have known them all your life. Don't worry if people don't always understand your career or lifestyle choices. Just make up your mind today to stop putting things off until tomorrow!

Because you were born on the 17th, you have potential for great success. You can't help but rise to the top in just about any field. But remember to play by the rules! Also, learn to respect the people who work under you and give them a chance to shine. Effective time management is essential to you.

Because you were born on the 18th, you do your best when you are doing good for others. At times you may be torn between your spiritual side and your natural desire for material success. Rather than feeling like you have to make a tough choice, you can do both. Find a cause, organization, or artistic outlet you truly believe in and you are sure to excel!

Because you were born on the 19th, you may feel as if you have a special mission in life--even if it's not clear to you what that is. Plus it may seem as if you have had to overcome many obstacles to get where you are now. If you are dissatisfied in your current career, it's probably because the company isn't taking full advantage of your leadership skills. You may wish to consider becoming involved in motivational speaking, writing, or training.

Because you were born on the 20th, you care a great deal about the feelings of others. Try not to fret so much about what others may think of you! In career matters, allow yourself to move forward in your own way, at your own time. A spiritual seeker, you probably consider your home a sanctuary. Make it a pleasing place to unwind at the end of the day!

Because you were born on the 21st, you are generally happy and optimistic. You are an outgoing person who would do well in any type of sales work. At times you can be a bit impulsive, especially in matters of the heart. Avoid being taken in by people who are not always what they seem!

Because you were born on the 22nd, spiritual matters are very important to you. This is because 22 is a Master Number and you are motivated by a need to make the world a better place. The challenge for you is to find a practical way to bring this grand vision into being. And if you are not sure what your true purpose in life is yet? Don't worry--the answers will come in time.

Because you were born on the 23rd, you are a free-thinker who hates to be "boxed in" by a job or relationship. Charming but sometimes fickle, you have probably broken your share of hearts along the way. Just be up front with your romantic partners about your true needs. Also, avoid a tendency to lash out verbally when you're feeling harried!

Because you were born on the 24th, it's important that you be surrounded by family. Or a family of friends. Money and security are important to you. You very much desire financial freedom and have a good chance of obtaining it. Try not to worry so much!

Because you were born on the 25th, you are very spiritual and intense. You have many talents but care less about money than others do. At times things may seem very rocky for you emotionally. This is why it is important that you keep yourself "grounded" with a healthy diet and exercise.

Because you were born on the 26th, you have strong ambitions and a desire for material success. Through hard work and sheer determination, you may accomplish just about anything you put your mind to. At the same time, you desire to keep a nice balance between your work and your family. For this reason, you might do well in a home-based business.

Because you were born on the 27th, you probably have a somewhat restless nature. Just be patient with yourself if it takes you a while to find your path to success! You have many talents and a strong interest in spiritual matters. Anyone would be blessed to have you as a friend!

Because you were born on the 28th, you don't mind being in the limelight. You are a born leader with a strong will to succeed. Just remember that not everyone can live up to your high standards! You would do well in any professional career or business--especially one that requires intense energy.

Because you were born on the 29th, your number "reduces" to the Master Number 11 (2 + 9 = 11). With this Master Number, you are intensely interested in spiritual matters and have good intuitive insight into the world around you. Avoid a tendency to brood! Instead you should keep busy with little projects around the home. Whatever you do for a career, you will most likely have a positive impact on many people.

Because you were born on the 30th, people are naturally drawn to you and enjoy your company. A bit of a flirt, you may occasionally send out mixed signals and give people the wrong idea. All the same, you are a fabulous host or hostess. Just remember that moderation is the key!

Because you were born on the 31st, you are practical and loving. You enjoy working with your hands. Loyalty is important to you in all your relationships. Just avoid a tendency to make yourself your favorite topic of conversation! [/b]

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Post by Abhishek » Tue May 17, 2005 7:54 pm

Because you were born on the 1st, you have a strong will. You know what you want and you usually get it. You would do well in your own business, especially if you had loyal employees to help implement some of your grand plans. Beware, however, of a tendency to procrastinate! Set your goals now and keep pushing forward.
Hell! I havent heard more true words in ages!

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