urgent please answer scared confused

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Post by Rook » Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:55 pm

Hi Dosanm

It is difficult in this dream to interpret.

I think the dream is illustrating that relationship, and him chasing you as his interest in you.  The dream seems to suggest that he is still interested in you, but in that he has a child perhaps there are parts of you that do not think pursuing a relationship with him is a good idea.  The idea of pursuing a relationship with him now would make you uncomfortable.

Interesting in that you recieved a certificate and he is watching you.  What were the circumstances of the ending of the relationship?  Did you leave him to study?

Sweet dreams,

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:03 am

Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state played out in symbols.  All people, places, things are symbols that need some interpretation to decipher as your emotions.  And there is certainly a great deal of emotion around this old relationship.

This relationship has been abusive in the sense of constantly being drawn in by promises(?) or something else, then being disappointed.  Perhaps the lesson here is - not all men can be trusted and you have had the bad, now seek the good ones.  Do not fall into the same traps over and over again.  You have not resolved this relationship and put it away, so you can move on in peace and harmony with your own world.

Heal from the past before seeking the present and future.  There is always someone to make a relationship with in our life.  We just need to be discriminating.  Being controlling or aggresive is not love and care for you and what you want.  Heal spirit heal, then move forward into your own idea of a good relationshp.  Put this all in the past and heal from it.

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Post by symulhaque » Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:36 am

Falling in love is such a complex phenomena in normal life. I am scared about it.

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Post by Rook » Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:11 am

I agree with Spiritalk.

It sounds like at times he looks after you but is generally controlling and has a temper.  The ideal for love is to be in a balanced relationship built on mutual respect, identity with each other (without needing to change the other or be changed).  As symulhaque states it is a complex phenomena, but a worthy one.  Fear not but be prepared to hurt.

In response to my thoughts on your follow up; I can't tell you what the future holds for the two of you.  The content of the dream seems to suggest to me, as Spiritalk stated, this is not a good relationship, and you should not pursue it.  You are in control of how you will react should contact again be initiated, whether you pursue something is ultimately up to you, though I would recommend against it, especially considering he is married with children.  But again I reiterate, what you do is up to you.  The future is not set in stone.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:45 pm

The scary part in any relationship is getting to know someone else and being vulnerable so they can truly know you.  We wear many masks, most of which make us the best of the best within us.  But the reality is....we are all the good, the bad, the ugly in any given situation.  So release the fears and take life as an adventure.  That should allow you to live, love, laugh in all experiences.

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