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Post by Barbarian » Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:59 pm


I've heard a voice from a female telling me she's dead and she wants me.

Other times she goes on about how much she loves me and will always love me. I feel like shes a lover from another life when i hear her and feel her energy.  I dont recall getting any good spiritual guidance from her as i have from other spirits. Sometimes i feel she thinks she's my true love and not my wife (in my current incarnation). What should i make of this? I'm sure someone has expiriences/ knowledge about this so lemme know what you think. Thanks :)

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:58 pm

Check all physical/material condition first.  Is there any discontent in your mind with regard to your personal relationship?  Solve any problems at home with communicaiton.

A loving vibration can still come from spirit.  It is not usually misguided, but can have reached the wrong person.  This happens through confusions on the part of the spirit.  You see waiting for reincarnation that will never come, tends to focus their energies in all the wrong places.  

If two lovers agree to meet again, and reincarnation is involved, you might remember we lose all memories in the between time.  Confusions set in.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 01, 2013 2:32 am


While I would not want to unnecessarily frighten Barbarian, a disembodied female voice which tells me that she loves me and wants me over there with her suggests to me that a very unhealthy spirit attachment could be developing, and that she is asking me to co-operate with her unreachable desire by taking my own life.

As you quite rightly and responsibly mentioned at the beginning of your response, emotional or mental illness must first be eliminated as the potential cause of this hallucination or manifestation.

And there is also the possibility that there is both a medical condition as well as a genuine spirit attempt at attachment or possession involved in this.

Am I being overly pessimistic or just extremely careful in feeling that there is nothing innocent or confused about what is happening to the member?

Without being a medium, my first question would have been did Barbarian ever at any time lose someone close to him, who might not be able to accept that any chance of having a physical relationship with him is now well and truly over.

Then again it could also be part of the grieving process, especially if this death of a loved one only happened within say the last five years.

I really hope that Barbarian will come back on the forum to answer some of the many other questions which are going round and round in my head at the moment.

I hope that I am eventually proved to be completely wrong about my first impressions.


EoT  :smt017

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