Plagued by nightmares

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Plagued by nightmares

Post by emobunnie1313 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:32 pm

To give you some background on the situation at hand. I recently broke up with my boyfriend whom I had actually fallen in love with but never told him. He wanted us to be friends while we were on this "break" because he as just "trying to get his life back on track. Recently he has started treating me like shit: i.e. ignoring calls, ignoring text messages, on Xbox Live invitng me to parties and refusing to acknowledge that I am there.

Now my dream:
This one has come several times in the past two weeks. He is in a band (real life) and he calls me up to invited me to one of his gigs at a place called Ziggys where we first met. He tells me that he has something important fo tell me. Well I arrive at Ziggys, wearing tight jeans and a dark green strapless shirt. My hair has changed from blondish red to black with red streaks. I walk into Ziggys, am told I don't have to pay because I was on the guest list. I look around for Aaron, see my friend Sarah who is dating the lead singer. I walk backstage and find Aaron with a girl, covered in tattooed, a rose with thorns, a dove, full dragon sleeve. She is wearing a leather mini skirt and a bright red corset. Dark red hair falls to her waist. He does not see me, she does and smirks. I just turn and tun out. I wake up then, normally crying both awake and asleep. Please help me. I know he doesn't know any one like that.

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Post by jounai » Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:52 pm

Hey you :) I'll give you what I see in what you describe here. Up to you what you do with it after that. :)

The general feeling I get from this dream is that it has with your own regret about the whole boyfriend situation. It is like you feel you normal self, or daily self, is not exciting or good enough. Somehow you feel and believe other people experience you as bland and boring kinda.
Now, this changing your hair to black and red color I think is a symbolism for you showing your true colors and perhaps sensuality. Perhaps it has something to do with daring to be who you are as well (which kinda is the same thing :p).
This whole situation is kinda about giving the relationship a second go and showing him who you really are. But then you are afraid that even that will not be enough. This is what the girl he is with symbolize. As I see it this symbolize a fear of being rejected even though you are showing the world who you really are. Or in this case this guy.

Remember that dreams more often than not are just symbols of whatever you are afraid or are suppressing. This girl might not even exist here on Earth. It is just your mind making things up to describe what you really feel and think and believe about yourself.
I will also give you another suggestion; give the guy some space. If he ignores you he doesn't want to talk with you right now. You have shown that you want to talk with him and then it is up to him. Relax and focus on something else in life and don't worry so much about it.

Hope this helps :) Again take whatever you feel is appropriate for you and leave the rest. Up to you. :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:06 pm

Your dreaming mind uses symbols which represent something or someone in your waking life. Therefore it is not surprising that you do not know someone like her because she was never an actual person in the first place. She only exists as a symbol for any woman who gets or will get his attention instead of you.

There is nothing about you dream that even mildly suggests that it has a predictive, psychic element about it, or that it can be used as evidence admissible in a court of law that Aaron is being unfaithful to you with another woman.

Without the parties where he invites then ignores you, I would say that he is doing what any person who has bigger worries on his mind at the moment would do. Be grateful for the fact that he has said that he still wants to remain your friend while he is getting his life back together. He could have easily instead dumped you permanently. But there is no excuse for those party invitations.

If you had been requesting a reading instead of describing a dream here then I would not be able to tell you exactly what is going through his mind at the moment because this is classified as being third party (about a person other than yourself), and therefore not allowed under the forum rules. And in helping you to interpret the most likely meaning of your dream, we are similarly unable to directly read his thoughts and intentions towards you.

Perhaps this is why your dreaming unconscious mind is using this symbolic woman whom I believe is likely to be your complete opposite personality wise to represent your feelings of suspicion and insecurity that Aaron is not being completely honest with you about his reasons for calling off the relationship for now and wanting to stay good friends with you, and in particular that there could be another woman competing with you for his affections.

There is always a chance that he is seeing someone else (although if he is she will not look anything like the woman in your dream), and some of this might come from your feelings of guilt for not having ever admitted that you love him. You may be punishing yourself with these nightmares because you believe that if you had got enough courage to tell him what you feel about him romantically that none of this would have ever happened.

Overall I feel that this series of nightmares are saying a lot more about you and your emotions and fears and insecurities than they are about why Aaron has put your relationship on hold, as well as if there is another woman in the picture. Ignoring your calls and text messages seems normal behavior for him if he is really innocently occupied with getting the rest of his life back on track, but inviting you to one or more parties where he then ignores that you are there is both rude and to be honest unusually cruel for someone who claims that this breakup is only temporary and that he genuinely cares about you.

A series of nightmares with the same recurring theme suggests to me that your unconscious mind is equally suspicious and troubled about what is really going on with Aaron, which continues to create the right conditions for the next one and the next one. Don't go to any more parties which he invites you to, and see what happens. It is easier for me to tell you than for you to do this, as it is clear that you really do love him, but do not give him any extra ammunition to use against you by him trying to make you accept that you do not deserve any better treatment from him, when you definitely do.

If you show Aaron that you are no longer willing to attend parties until you can get some assurance by his behavior and not just his words that your trust and love for him will not continue to be abused by this shabby insensitive treatment, there is no future for you as a couple, whether or whether not there is another woman lurking somewhere in the background.

Also in order for him to be unfaithful to you, you must currently be in a relationship where you have both mutually agreed to keep yourself exclusively (sexually and otherwise) for each other. From what I understand from this posting you are no longer in such a mutually agreed to relationship.

Not that this stops you in any way from feeling that your heart is breaking. :smt009

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt007

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